Ice Giant - The Witcher - Part 1 - Geralt x Jaskier x Reader

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"Nice to see that you are as popular as ever." Jaskier commented, as he and Geralt made their way into the tavern. The rowdy conversations of the patrons instantly stopping, as the Witcher and bard made their way into the quite cosy inn.

"Why are we here anyway...........?" The bard continued with an uncomfortable cough, as he gave the other customers small nods. He and Geralt making their way over to the bar.

"We are looking for someone. I need their help with this latest job. Though whether they will be interested in helping, is another matter." The Witcher replied cryptically as he threw a few coins onto the counter and had them replaced with two jugs of ale.

"Oh well, that explains everything." The bard retorted sarcastically, rolling his eyes as he followed after Geralt. The two taking a seat at one of the tables at the back of the establishment and began to wait. The White Wolf never taking his eyes from the door.


Jaskier groaned as he lifted his head from the table. The bard not sure how long he had been asleep, but given that the tavern was now nearly empty, it must have been some time. Jaskier shaking his head as he looked over to Geralt to find the Witcher still looking at the front door.

"This someone of yours not turned up yet then.............?" Jaskier enquired, as he rubbed his eyes. Geralt doing nothing but grunt in reply.

"How do you know that this someone is going to be here, anyway. And what did you do that make them not want to help?" The bard continued, as he sat up straight and did his best to loosen up his aching muscles.

"I didn't do anything. And she..................."

"She?! She? Well, this has just got more interesting. Please carry on........" Jaskier interrupted. Instantly feeling completely awake.

"Yes........she. Her name is (Y/n) and she is another Witcher. She always tends to be around this area at this time of year. She is the best I know at hunting in the snow and freezing weather. And given that she is the only one that I know of that has faced and killed Ice Giants I have need of her assistance. That, and she can see things that others can't. Things that not even I can see." Geralt explained, as he finally leant back in his chair.


"And what...............?"

"Why wouldn't she want help.............?"

"I told you................" Geralt stopping as Jaskier gave him one of those looks.

"Fine! We........we might have had words last time we met............."


"Well..........more that I nearly got her killed. Then she had words with me, assuring me that the next time she saw me, that she would kill me." The Witcher explained. Ignoring Jaskier shaking his head. The bard unable to say his next sentence, as suddenly the door of the tavern opened sending a flurry of snow and cold air into the warm room. The White Wolf sitting up straighter as a dark figure moved into the doorway. He and Jaskier watching as the form moved into the room and made their way over to the bar. The rotund man behind the counter speaking quietly to the person, before an audible groan came from under their large hood as the figure turned to look at the Witcher and barb. Jaskier moving back and nearly falling off his chair, as the person strode over. His eyes growing wide, his mouth dropping open and his heart thumping at a pace, as the figure removed their cowl and glared down at Geralt.

"What are you doing here? Didn't I tell you that the next time I saw you I would kill you?" The woman said, as she placed her hand on the hilt of her sword. The female Witcher moving backwards, as Jaskier jumped to his feet and thrust out his hand.

"Hello.........I'm Jaskier. Bard extraordinaire, and Geralt's best friend............"

"He is not my best friend........" Geralt huffed. Jaskier's head whipping around.

"Need I remind you about your backside and the camomile incident............? No? I thought not. Now, as I was saying......?" The bard interrupted, before turning back to the beautiful female Witcher. Still holding out his hand for her to take.

"I am Jaskier................"

"Does he ever shut up.............?" (Y/n) enquired, as she looked around Jaskier to Geralt.

"No. Not even when he's asleep." Geralt huffed in reply. Crossing his arms.

"Well, that must be fun for you. Now.......what are you doing here, Geralt?" She continued, as she moved away from Jaskier and stood in front of the White Wolf.

"I need your help............."

"And what makes you think that I will help you.............?"

"Ice Giant!" Geralt simply replied, as he finally looked up at the female Witcher.

"So.......what's that got to do with me................?"

"I've had reports of Ice Trolls terrorising some of the larger villages in the Northern Realms. There are even claims that there is an Ice Giant. And seeing that you are the only one that has ever seen an Ice Giant, never mind fought one, I was hoping that you might help..............." Geralt explained. Watching as (Y/n) slowly took a seat. The female Witcher mussing for a moment.

"And what's in it for me? Another chance for you to try and get me killed.....?"

"You'll get half of whatever I make from stopping the Ice Trolls............"

"And if there's a Giant................?"

"Then you'll get everything we earn from killing it. Now, do we have a deal?" Geralt asked, as he continued to watch (Y/n).

"Fine. But if I die, I'm gonna kill you. Now, I need a drink.........." (Y/n) replied, as she got back to her feet. Geralt joining her as they made their way over to the bar. The two Witchers leaving Jaskier still standing there with his hand out. 

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