Ace up the sleeve - Part 2 - Remy LeBeau/Gambit x Reader

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Remy stared at (Y/n) in disbelief, as she lay down her latest winning hand. A huge smile spreading across her lips as she leant across the table.

"Take it off." (Y/n) cooed, as she eyed his dark purple shirt. The Cajun watching her bite her lip, as he slowly, painfully slowly, began to remove the shirt. The silken material sliding down his arms and slipping to the floor.

"Mmmmm not bad LeBeau. Not bad at all.............."

"Will you two just get a room." Logan huffed, his arms crossing over his own half naked form, as he puffed on his cigar.

"Boy, you guys just can't stand to lose, can you? I did tell you that I had a feeling that lady luck was going be with me. And she is. Now suck it up you Adamantium buttercup. It's your turn to deal." (Y/n) replied with a chuckle, as she pushed the cards in front of Logan. The large feral deciding that the only good thing about this game, was that Scott had lost more times than he had. And had very few clothes left with which to keep his dignity.

None of the men present, had been able to work out how (Y/n) had suddenly been able to start winning. And when they said winning, what they actually meant was, that she had won each and every hand. And she was as fully clothed as she had ever been. Logan and Scott finding it additionally hard to believe that even Remy was losing. Remy more surprised than either of them. The Cajun knew that something was going on. That (Y/n) herself must have a way of manipulating the cards. Though no matter what he did to counter what she was doing; it had never worked. And now he was nearly as naked as the other two men. Not that he really cared. He was getting a strange kind of thrill out of being beaten by (Y/n). Of seeing the look on her face as he took off each and every piece of clothing. Of seeing the sparkle in her eyes, as he showed her exactly what he knew she wanted to see.

(Y/n) smiled as she picked up the cards that Logan had just dealt. She had a good hand, but a good hand wasn't an excellent hand. So, to start with, she had to see what the others were playing with. Slowly, she bowed her head. The images in front of her eyes no longer what she could see, but what the three men around her could see. Her ability to look through the eyes of others, always paying off when it came to certain situations. But it was also her ability to make those same people see what she wanted them to see, that had now come into its own. In truth, she had lost more hands than she had won, but as far as the boys were concerned, they had only seen that hers were the winning hands. And this round was no exception.

Spending as much time with Remy as she did, she had learnt from the best to cover her tells. Those little signs and subconscious movements that one would make, that could tell another, observant player, whether you had a good or bad hand. Yet she couldn't help but smile a little as she saw what the others had to offer. Scott had a pair, but not a very good pair. Logan had three of a kind, yet they would never win. Though Remy, "magically" seemed to have acquired himself an ace high royal flush. (Y/n) cursing under her breath at the sight of all the hearts. But the Cajun's little game wouldn't last for long, for with a little manipulation, the cards that Remy now saw were little more than garbage. And no matter how many cards he took; his hand wouldn't get any better.

"Come on then boys, show a girl what you got." (Y/n) chuckled, as she looked around the table. Scott then Logan laying down the cards that they had tried to improve. The big feral breathing a sigh of relief, as he saw that old laser brain's cards were worse than his.

"Well, at the moment, it would appear that Scott here is really gonna show a girl all that he has. Though if your hand is worse, Remy, you will be dropping those pants." (Y/n) chuckled. Having a feeling that Scott was praying to anyone that he could think of, that the Cajun would have a worse hand than him. Cyclops not really liking the idea of making a run for it, through the corridors of the mansion.

"So, mon chere. Let me see what you have." (Y/n) hummed, a smile coming to her lips, as Remy looked at his hand with confusion, sure that when he had picked his cards up, he had had exactly the hand he needed.

"Well will you look at that? You know what that means, don't you sweety? It means that I get to see what the Cajun is really hiding." (Y/n) continued. Logan snorting as he saw the look between (Y/n) and the ex-thief.

"It looks to me like that is my cue to leave. And if butthead here doesn't take the cue, then he needs that visor of his cleaning." Logan explained, as he got to his feet. Neither (Y/n) nor Remy seeming to hear a single word that the large feral had said. Scott finding that for once he had to agree with Logan. The duo quickly grabbing their clothes and making their way out of the room.

Remy chuckled, as he finally managed to take his eyes away from (Y/n)'s. The Cajun getting to his feet, and slowly beginning to open the buckle on his belt.

"So, are you going to tell me how you did it, Chere?" He enquired, as (Y/n) got up and stood in front of him. Her hands resting softly on his bare chest.

"How I did what.............?"

"How you cheated.............?"

"Cheated? Me? I would never do such a thing. It was pure skill, and just a little luck, Remy. That's all. I am so shocked that you would even think that I would attempt to cheat the great Remy LeBeau at his own game." (Y/n) replied in her best Louisiana accent. Faining being hurt by his suggestion. A small squeak leaving her lips, as she found herself suddenly pulled into the handsome Cajun's arms. His warm breath fanning over her neck. Her knees growing weak as he whispered into her ear. Remy's voice deeper and more alluring than ever before.

"Come now Chere. I never lose.........but as it appears that in this case I have, what do you say to us taking this little game up to your room? And once we are as naked as each other, I'll show you what you've really won." Remy almost growled. (Y/n) finding herself hoisted up into the air, as Remy picked her up and made for the door.

"Now that sounds to me, LeBeau, like an offer I can't refuse. And if my prize lives up to expectations, then I might just be persuaded to tell you about the ace up my sleeve." (Y/n) told him, before her lips met his. Remy not caring how she had done it, just thankful that she had. 

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