The companion - GoT - Part 2 - Cersei Lannister x Reader

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"Has anyone told you quite how beautiful you are?" Cersei enquired, as she once again circled her new companion. (Y/n) beginning to feel as though she were small and weak. Vulnerable. Like she was a tiny rabbit that was being stalked by a fierce predator.

"I.........I was told that I was pretty. But................"

"Pretty? Pretty? Whoever told you that, must have been blind. Pretty is a word that I would use to describe a flower. A butterfly. You, my dear, sweet, innocent girl, are perfect." Cersei cooed. A wicked smile creeping across her lips, as she saw a blush creep up onto (Y/n)'s cheeks. As she saw it flush her skin. The queen unable to stop herself from touching her new companion. Unable to hold herself back any longer. An exquisite thrill spreading through her body, as her fingers brushed across (Y/n)'s flesh. Across her stomach, and over to her rounded hips. Cersei chuckling, as (Y/n) tried to cover herself with her hands.

"You need never cover yourself in front of me, (Y/n). We are going to be friends, you and I. More than friends. I can already tell that I have made the right choice. Already see that you will be perfect for the role. That you will make the best of companions." Cersei continued to coo, as she slowly and carefully removed (Y/n)'s hands from her body. So that she could once again see the full splendour of her new lady. The heat inside her growing, as her finger brushed over (Y/n)'s breast. As she heard her companion gasp slightly.

"Did you like that?" The queen enquired. Her smile growing even wickeder, as the blush on (Y/n)'s skin got brighter. Cersei feeling her heart beat a little faster, as (Y/n) nodded slightly.

"Would you like me to do it again?" Cersei continued, as she pressed her body up against the naked form of her wildly blushing companion.

"Y-y-yes, milady." (Y/n) managed to reply. Her eyes closing tightly, as the lioness did as she asked. Her soft hands, delicately caressing the flesh of the younger woman. As her fingers pinched at (Y/n)'s hardening nipples.

"And what else would you like me to do?" Cersei hummed into (Y/n)'s ear, as she pushed the hair from her shoulder so that she could kiss (Y/n)'s neck.

"Any....... anything that the queen wishes." (Y/n) replied, as she remembered what she had heard about the queen's cruel nature from the other girls that had been waiting with her. As she remembered the man servant's words. As she remembered that she was to take care of all the queen's needs and do everything that she asked of her. (Y/n)'s breath, catching in her throat, as she heard Cersei let out a low chuckle.

"How is it possible that you have just become more perfect? I could never have guessed that you would be so willing. So open. So utterly obedient. You are mine now, (Y/n). You belong to me. You are mine, to do with as I wish. Here to cater to my every need, as I will cater to yours. You will spend your nights in my bed. Your days by my side. No one else will be allowed to touch you. To know what it is to caress your flesh. To taste you. Do you understand?" Cersei explained, as her kisses trailed down to (Y/n)'s shoulder. As her gentle caresses now tuned into needy gropes.

"Y-y-yes.......yes your grace." (Y/n) replied with a low moan, as Cersei let her fingers move from (Y/n)'s breasts, down to her sides. The lioness smiling again, as her companion let out a small whimper, as she removed her hand from (Y/n)'s body, and took the younger woman's hand.

"So needy. So desperate for my touch. Fear not, my sweet one, I will give you what you desire in due course." The queen said, as she slowly led (Y/n) towards her bed. Cersei carefully pushing her companion onto the furs that covered the mattress.

"Now, let me show you what your true duties are." The lioness growled, as she pulled on the strings of her own gown. The heavy material falling with a dull thud to the floor. Cersei stepping out of it, before she crawled up over the prone form of her new lady.

"Let me teach you." The queen added in a low tone, as she moved (Y/n)'s legs apart. The companion taking a sharp intake of breath, as the queen kissed her stomach. (Y/n)'s hand moving, as if on instinct, to grasp the queen's hair, as the lioness's kisses moved down to her heated womanhood.


Cersei combed her fingers through (Y/n)'s long hair. Savouring the warmth, as her new companion clung to her side. It was true that she had had companions before. Young women that had taken on the roll. Yet apart from the one or two whores that had been happy enough to do as the queen desired, for the right amount of gold, for a night here and there, (Y/n) had been the only one that had seemed to desire the queens touch, as much as the queen had desired for hers. Part of that, Cersei had put down to (Y/n) being an innocent. That she had not known or been sullied by the hands of a man. That she had not been tainted. Part, that (Y/n) may, just as Cersei did herself, naturally find the touch of another woman, more pleasing. Yet whatever it was, the lioness knew that in (Y/n) she had found something. She had found a companion that she could shape and mould. One that she wanted to keep. One that would willingly do whatever she wanted.

"My queen?" (Y/n) said softly. Cersei raising the younger woman's head so that she could look into her beautiful eyes. The lioness delicately wiping the glisten of sweat from her companion's brow.

"Did I do well? Did I please you? Do you still want me to be your companion?" (Y/n) continued. Her brows furrowing, as Cersei began to laugh.

"Oh, my sweet one, you did more than I could ever have hoped for. You have pleased me more than anyone else ever has. And as I told you, you are mine now. And I have no intention of letting you go." The queen replied. Her body once again growing needy, as (Y/n) moaned softly under her touch. Cersei moving her hand from her lady's delicate features, down her neck and over her breasts. The wicked thoughts and desires inside the lioness becoming more desperate, as she felt (Y/n) tremble under her hand.

"Now, perhaps you could show me once again, how truly pleasing you really can be." Cersei added, as she pushed (Y/n) onto her back.

"And then I will show you, just how pleasing I can be."  

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