Half a man - Part 2 - Rhodey/ War Machine x Reader

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Apologies for this chapter being a little shorter than usual. It just seemed to make sense to end this part where I did. Hope you like.

"We are being watched." Bucky said softly, as he Steve, Sam and (Y/n) stopped their run just outside the entrance to the main building.

"Or should that be, (Y/n) is being watched." The old soldier added. (Y/n) looking up at the window out of the corner of her eye to see Rhodey looking out at them.

(Y/n) had to admit that it wasn't the first time that she had seen the Colonel watching her. That she had caught him looking on a number of occasions. Yet in truth, she had never thought anything of it. It just seemed to be something that he did. She was after all, still quite new to the team, and it seemed only right that he would be watching over her progress. That he would be interested to see what she was capable of when she was in action. Not that he had ever given her any feedback. Ok, to be perfectly honest, the Colonel had never really said anything to her at all, apart from short, sharp orders over the comms when it had only been completely necessary. Which, as far as (Y/n) was concerned, was a shame. A real shame.

It was a shame, because from the moment that she had been introduced to the Colonel by Tony, (Y/n) had to admit that she had kind of liked him. Even though he always did his best to keep an air of professionalism about himself. Even though he seemed to hold himself back, (Y/n) sure that it was because of the braces that he needed to wear. Even though she still saw him as her senior officer, a man that believed in the proper chain of command. She liked him.

She liked how he and Tony would interact. Always finding herself chuckling when she heard them. (Y/n) never sure how the colonel had put up with the billionaire for so long. How when he finally let his guard down, he actually had one of the most beautiful smiles that she had ever seen. That he had the most glorious laugh, when he would join in with the others at Tony's numerous parties. Yet she never felt as though she could tell him that. Never felt that she could say anything to him, never mind say that she thought he was the kind of guy that she could see herself falling in love with. That she thought that he was handsome and just plain........well, just plain perfect.

"Bucky, I swear that you took too many girls to too many damn romance movies in the 30s. If you haven't noticed, the Colonel is not Cary Grant or Errol Flynn. And I am most certainly not Vivien Leigh, or Rita Heyworth. The only reason that he keeps watching me, is that he's waiting for me to mess up, so that he can tell Steve, Tony or Fury that I'm not good enough to be part of the team." (Y/n) retorted, doing he best to not look directly up at the large window. To not look up at the watching colonel.

"Oh please. Rhodes would rather get rid of the rest of us than you. He.........."

"I think he's more like a Sidney Poitier, if you ask me..........." Sam suddenly interjected after musing for a moment. The others turning to look at him. (Y/n) just rolling her eyes.

"Well of course he is. But, Sidney wasn't acting in the 30s. Bird brain. He wasn't even born until Bucky was 10 and Steve was 9. So, neither of these old men would know about him." (Y/n) explained, as she grabbed her towel, and wiped the sweat from her brow.

"Now, as much as I would like to stay and continue this stimulating conversation with you guys, some of us have other things to do today, than look at ourselves in the gym mirrors." (Y/n) chuckled, before turning and making her way back into the compound. Her chuckle turning in a full laugh, as she heard Bucky tell Sam that she was only talking about him.


Rhodey made his way through the compound. Winding his way down the corridors. Sure, that the captain would eventually be making her way back to her rooms. For once Tony was right. He should say something. He should tell (Y/n) how he felt. Life was too short after all. And could be even shorter in their game. So, he should take the chance to be happy. To see if he could find love. It was true that he had had girlfriends in the past. But given what he did. Given that he had always been focused on his job. Nothing had ever progressed beyond the basics. The women growing tired of coming second to the Air Force. But now life was different. He was still as dedicated to his job. To being War Machine and protecting people. But with (Y/n) being part of the team too. With knowing what he faced and having to face it too. He hoped that there might be more of a chance. More chance to turn a few dates into something special. Now all he had to do was work out what to say to her.


(Y/n) made her way through the corridors to her room. Still chuckling to herself as she imagined the argument that she had left behind. As she imagined poor Steve having to be referee between his two friends. (Y/n) happy that she had taken the men's minds off the colonel and her. Now just wishing that she could take her own mind off the colonel.

"Captain." A voice suddenly came. (Y/n) tuning on her heels to see the said colonel make his way towards her. The soldier doing what she always did when the superior officer came anywhere near, standing to attention and saluting. (Y/n) cringing to herself as she heard Tony tease her in the back of her mind. The billionaire always smirking and making unsubtle innuendos whenever she did it. Always asking if she would like to salute him and call him sir.

"Sir..............?" (Y/n) replied. Cringing again.

"I was wondering if I could have a word with you.........in private, Cap........(Y/n)." Rhodey replied. (Y/n)'s heart beating a little faster, as he smiled at her.

"Er......yeah.......yes sir. I was just going to my room. Perhaps we could speak there." (Y/n) agreed. Not sure why the colonel would want to speak to her in private, or at all for that matter. Just hoping that when she had joked to Bucky that the colonel was looking for an excuse to get rid of her, that it really had only been a joke. The captain leading the way down the corridor and opening the door for the oddly nervous looking older man.

"How can I help you, sir?" (Y/n) asked, as she closed the door behind her.

"James!..........or Rhodey.......you.........you can call me that. I mean either one you like. You don't have to call me colonel, (Y/n)." Rhodey told her. Feeling ridiculous that he felt so nervous. That he was, as Tony had put it, goofing. His mind wandering back to his dealings with Audrey Hayes when he was younger.

"I, er.........thank you, sir.............Rhodey..........James.........What, what is it you wished to speak to me about?" (Y/n) replied, watching as he took a deep breath. Rhodey getting ready to give her the speech that he had managed to sort of rehearse in his mind.  

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