Twin? - Part 6 - Thor x Reader

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"Look! Look!" Clint growled, pointing at the image. As he and the other Avengers looked at the security footage of Loki's cell from the night before. The team watching as (Y/n) had passed easily through the security that surrounded the God of Mischief, so that she could sit with him. Watching as the god had laid his head on her lap, like a child with its mother. Watching as his all demeanour seemed to change as he and (Y/n) spoke.

"How the hell did you get in there?" The archer continued, as he turned to look at the frost giantess, that sat quietly at the table. Thor sat firmly by her side. The god ready to defend his lady if he needed to.

(Y/n) had returned to Thor before the sun rose. Gently waking him and informing him of what she had done. That she had been to see her brother. That they had spoken. That due to her powers, she had been able to circumvent the security around the God of Mischief. The two siblings able to truly hold one another. To truly speak for the first time in their lives. The daughter of Freyr wishing her lover to know what she had done. What she could have done if she had chosen.

"There are many things that I can do, Mister Barton. Many things that I am capable of. Getting past Mister Stark's security systems, is just one of them. And yes, you are right in what you are thinking. If I so chose, my brother could now be free of his confines. But I think that you will find that he is not. And I have no intention of releasing him either. Loki deserves to be punished for what he did to this world. For the lives of the innocent Midgardians that he took. So, he will remain in his cell until he has served his penance. But I will not allow you, or anyone else to keep me from him. I have been waiting to meet my brother for over a thousand years. And now I have met him, I have every intention of spending as much time with him as I can." The lady informed the archer. Thor slipping his hand into hers. Doing his best to hold back the smile at her impassioned speech.

He had to admit, that he himself had been momentarily concerned when (Y/n) had informed him that she had been to see Loki. That she could actually make her way into his prison. But as he had seen into her heart. As he knew that Loki was still secure. What could he say? He had lost Loki in his own way and would give anything to have his brother back. And he could only imagine what it must be like for (Y/n) to have been separated from her twin for so long. To be denied the chance to grow up with him. To be denied the love of a sibling that had shared a mother's womb. So, now that she had the chance to have that. Now that she could help bring Loki back to him. He wasn't about to deny her that.

"Are you guys hearing any of this? I knew that this was an insane idea. She's just as dangerous as that psycho brother of hers............" Clint began to rant. (Y/n)'s hand holding back Thor, as he jumped to his feet. The lightning crackling in the god's eyes, as he glared at the irate archer.

"Mister Barton.........." The lady began, as she rose to her feet. Making her way over to where Clint stood.

"My brother, as you so delicately put it, is not a psycho. I will be the first to admit that what he did, and the reasons that he did it, may make no sense. That what he did, was wrong. But could you yourself categorically say that emotions, that hurt, has never made you do things that you have regretted later? Can any of us here? And even though those moments in your lives did not involve the death of many people and desire to take over a world. Those times are not so dissimilar to the pain that Loki felt. I know that there is no excuse. No justification. Not how Odin treated him throughout his life. Not the fact that he always felt that Thor was loved more. Not that he was denied the throne of Asgard. Not discovering you where not what you had always thought you were. But emotions, especially negative ones can make anyone do terrible things. Even to the people that we love the most.........." (Y/n) explained. Sure, that nothing she said would really appease the archer after what her twin had put him through. But she had to try. Had to make the others see, that she had meant no harm. That she would never give the Avengers any cause for concern.

"As I said, I have no intention of freeing my brother. His punishment is just. Perhaps the next time that I go to speak with Loki, one of you could join me. So that you can see in person that nothing is going to happen." The Alfheim princess continued, as she looked at the rest of the team. The other looking between (Y/n), the angry archer, and the God of Thunder that now stood protectively behind his brother's twin.

They had to admit, that despite all they had experienced while (Y/n) had been the tower. How she had proved that she and Loki were very different in their views on Midgard. The way that they wielded their power. The twins being together was still a cause for concern. The knowledge that the daughter of Freya could just walk in and out of her brother's cell whenever she felt like it, was disconcerting. None of them sure what it would entail if (Y/n) did free Loki. What the fight would be like against two frost giants.

"I know what its like to have had people that you care about, taken away from you. I think we all do. But we aren't lucky enough to have those people come back to us. So, if I was in your place, I would fight to have that person back in my life. To see them as much as I could. And I don't think it's right that we take that from you." Steve finally said. As he looked over to Tony who was nodding softly in agreement. To Bruce and Natasha, who were doing the same.

"Thank you. Captain Rogers. Thank you all." (Y/n) smiled, turning and hugging Thor. The team ignoring Clint's continued protests, as they made their way out of the room. Leaving Thor and (Y/n) alone.

"So, shall we go and see our brother now, God of Thunder. Or should I allow you to see a little more of me, first?" (Y/n) chuckled, as Thor rested his forehead against hers.

"If you put it that way." Thor announced. The God of Thunder scooping the princess up into his arms and quickly making his way to his room. Thor sure that Loki could wait a little longer to see (Y/n) again. 

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