Starry, starry night - Part 7 - GoT - Bronn x Tyrion x Reader

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"Ahem." An amused cough came. The sound making the two lions jump apart. Their eyes flying to where the sound had come from. Their eyes falling on a very smug looking Bronn.

"Am I interrupting something?" The sellsword enquired with a snort. Tyrion wishing that he could tell Bronn that yes, he was indeed interrupting something, and that he wished that he would fuck off so that he could get back to what he and (Y/n) had been doing. But he thought better of it. The little lord choosing to take his cousin's hand instead, so that he could give it a reassuring squeeze.

" (Y/n) I have informed Bronn here, that while you are here with us in Kings Landing, he is to watch over you. He is to ensure your safety............"

"Tyrion, I couldn't. Er.......Bronn here is your man. He is here to guard you. And I am sure that he has far better things to do than watch over me. I am not as delicate as you may think, Tyrion. I know others may believe I am. That my isolation has left me a little naïve to the world. But I assure you, cousin, that my claws are long and sharp. As long and sharp as yours. I might not seem to be as tough as the others. But I am still a Lannister. And I am sure that if I asked nicely, uncle Tywin would assign me one of the bannermen..........."

"Psscht!" Bronn interjected with a noise that sounded in part like he was amused, part annoyed, and part in disbelief that the lioness would prefer a Lannister man over him. That she would think that one of those useless arses could look after her better than he could.

"Nonsense, (Y/n). Bronn, I know, would be delighted to watch over you. I am sure that he will enjoy it far more than having to look at my hideous countenance all day. That your company will be much more pleasant than mine." Tyrion told her. Before turning his gaze to the now grinning sellsword.

"As long as he remembers that he is not to enjoy your company too much." The little man added. Both he and Bronn knowing exactly what he meant.

"Well.........perhaps.........but only if you and Bronn, are sure. I wouldn't want............."

"Aye......its right by me. And as Tyrion said, spending the day looking at a beautiful face such as yours, milady, is better than looking at his ugly mug." Bronn replied. Unable to stop himself from smiling at the said ugly mug, as (Y/n) began to blush at his compliment.

"But I am sure that I will be alright for today. I am supposed to be going for a ride to the Kingswood with Jaime. I am convinced that I will be safe enough with him. He did always watch over me..........."

"No, no, no. I think that Bronn should go with you. Just as a precaution. Just in case Jaime is distracted." Tyrion insisted. Not for the fact that he didn't believe that Jaime wouldn't watch over (Y/n) or take care of her. But more for the fact that he knew the effect that his brother's pretty face and charming manner could have on women. And the last thing that he wanted was to lose (Y/n) to his brother. Especially as (Y/n) and Jaime had always shared a little bond of their own.

"Well, as long as you are sure. Though, without meaning to be rude to Bronn, I think that I would still be safe just with Jaime. But if you insist. And I think that I should change before I go riding." (Y/n) said, as she pulled back the bed sheets, and placed her feet on the floor. The lioness putting on her shoes, before allowing Tyrion to help her up.

"Let me escort ya ta ya room, milady." Bronn said, as he stepped forward and offered the lioness his arm. (Y/n) leaning over and kissing Tyrion on the cheek before she left to room holding tightly to the sellswords arm. The little lord grumbling as he heard his cousin laugh at something Bronn had just said. The lion not sure whether placing his beloved cousin in the hands of Bronn, had been the best thing to do.


"Well, that was interesting." Bronn announced, as he made his way into Tyrion's room. The little man nearly falling from his chair for the second time that day.

"What do you mean, that was interesting? And why aren't you with (Y/n)?" Tyrion enquired, as he closed his book, and watched as the sellsword poured himself a drink.

It was late afternoon, and Tyrion had been trying to busy himself with books. With anything that would take his mind off (Y/n). That would take his mind from the thoughts of (Y/n) being with Jaime. Of them being alone, together, in the woods. The little lion hoping that if his brother did have any intentions towards (Y/n), that Bronn's presence would put pay to them. Yet he wasn't sure that he could trust Bronn with his cousin either. The youngest son of Tywin, quite aware of the sellswords own ways with women. But he had assured himself that (Y/n) would not be interested in either of them. That her promise to the gods had not concerned them, but him. And therefore, she would not be swayed by their sweet words, and charm.

"Don't worry, I took ya cousin ta her room. She said that she was gonna rest. That we could perhaps join her for dinner, later. So, unless ya wanted me to watch over her while she was in bed, I thought I'd come here for a drink." Bronn began to explain, as he dropped himself into the chair next to Tyrion and took a large gulp of the liquid in his glass.

"And it's interesting how ya brother is with her. I have never seen that golden cock act like such a gentleman before. Helping her down from her horse. Back up onto her horse. Asking her where she would like ta go. What she would like ta see. At one point, he even picked her up and carried her across a stream." Bronn continued. The sellsword hiding his smile behind the lip of his glass, as he saw the look on Tyrion's face.

"He........he did? Did she like it? I mean.......did (Y/n) like him doing all that?"

"Well, she didn't seem averse ta it. And she was smiling all tha time we were out. Blushing a lot, too. They seemed ta be getting on quite well." Bronn continued. Smirking all the more, as he watched Tyrion get up to get his own drink. The sellsword deciding that he should continue the story, so that he could put the little man out of his misery.

"But I get tha sense that she wasn't smiling at ya brother. That she wasn't really listening ta much he said. I might not know ya cousin, but I do know my fair share a women, and I've seen that look in a woman's eyes before. She was somewhere else. Thinking of someone else.........."


"Who do ya think? Who is the one that saved her from the evil clutches of Baelish? That let her sleep in his bed. That brought her, her breakfast, and was caught kissing her? She was thinking about you. Kept asking me about ya whenever ya brother rode on ahead. I think that ya cousin doesn't hate ya as much as she may have suggested. Thought I would suggest that ya might want ta say something ta her, before Jaime does." Bronn told the little man. Feeling quite smug at the fact that for once, he knew more than Tyrion did. The sellsword unable to stop himself from laughing, as the lion dropped his glass on the table, and raced out of the room. Bronn not needing to be as smart as Tyrion was, to know where the little man was going.  

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