An old friend - Part 7 - Steve x Bucky x Reader

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(Y/n) looked out of the window. Watching as the great city of New York passed by beneath them. It was so different to the last time that she had seen it. Most of the buildings seeming so tall that they could block out the sun itself. The tiny cars that flooded the streets looking like ants that were going about their daily business.

She had listened to the doctor as he had explained what she could be capable of. That just like her boys, she was now so much stronger and tougher than she would have been normally. That her reflexes were quicker. That her senses could be keener than ever. That she could heal better. And that all those abilities could be used, just like Steve and Bucky's, to help the team. To help innocent people just like she had done in the past.

"What do you think?" Steve asked, as he watched (Y/n) look out of the small window. The girl that had protected him all those years ago, appearing to him, like a fascinated child, that had just seen the most amazing thing in the world.

"I think..........I think I feel very small." (Y/n) chuckled in reply, as she turned her attention to the captain and sergeant by her side.

"You'll get used to it. I promise. When you're ready, maybe me and Steve can give you a tour." Bucky told her. A small smile spreading across his lips, as (Y/n) nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, let the two centenarians show you the town. The highlight of the tour will be a trip to the museum followed by a game of canasta, a hot cocoa and then bed." Tony scoffed. The billionaire as always ignoring the glares of the two old soldiers that had turned to look at him.

"If you really want someone to show you New York, it should be me. After 80 years on ice, you need to enjoy yourself. To have some fun. We could take in a show, followed by an intimate dinner. A few drinks. And then maybe a little dancing." The billionaire continued. A huge smile kissing his lips, as the captain and sergeant growled under their breath. As the beautiful new captain, returned his grin.

"That is very kind of you, Stark. But I think you'll find that Steve and Bucky aren't the only centenarians around here. But I will be sure to keep kind your offer in mind. It has been a very long time since I was taken out dancing. A long time since a handsome man wanted to dance with me." (Y/n) chuckled, as she recalled that the last time had been when Louis had persuaded her to go to this quiet little place not far from Sacre Coeur. The establishment filled with all the bohemian types that had loved to frequent the cafes of the capital. Filled with artist and poets, all doing their best to forget that there was a war going on, even if just for a night. The ruggedly handsome French man, managing to persuade her to enjoy herself, as they moved around the floor. The few glasses of ill-gotten champagne certainly helping the situation. The night, one of the only times that she had laughed since she had landed behind enemy lines. The kiss that Louis had given her as they said goodnight at her apartment door, one that she would never forget.

"So, who was the last handsome guy that asked you to dance? Surely, he couldn't have been as suave and charming as me?" Tony enquired. The billionaire liking the look in the old soldier's eyes. A look that told him that it hadn't been either of them.

"Oh, just a friend.................."

"What? Barnes...................?"

"No, it wasn't Bucky or Steve, I'm afraid. Neither of them ever asked me to dance. Not that I would probably have said yes, if they had. You see, before I left the States, before the war, I was a bit of a tomboy. I refused to wear skirts or dresses and thought of all that dancing and stuff, as the kind of thing that only girly girls did. I used to prefer playing football, working on an old bike that I had found in a junkyard, and helping Bucky beat up anyone that went after Steve. So, probably not the kind of girl that they would have wanted to dance with..............Though if either of them ever feel like asking me now, I think that I would say yes." (Y/n) explained, as she smiled at her boys. Recalling how many times she had wished her handsome Bucky or sweet and gentle Steve would have asked her to dance. Even if it had just been in her grandmother's front parlour. How she wished that she could have been like the other girls. That it hadn't taken a war and leaving all she knew and cared about, to make her see how much she had regretted not being that kind of girly girl. Regret that she had never danced with her boys.

"You just say the word doll, and Steve and I will take you to the best place in town and we'll dance the night away." Bucky offered, as he took (Y/n)'s hand. The Winter Soldier having no intention of letting Tony be the next man that (Y/n) danced with. Of letting anyone but himself or Steve hold her, as they moved around a dancefloor.

"Now that is a deal. I'll show you two that this old lady still knows how to cut a rug." (Y/n) smiled, as Bucky moved a little closer to her. As he, (Y/n) and Steve watched as the city disappeared and upstate New York loomed into view.


"(Y/n)?" Steve asked, as the back of the Quinjet opened. The female captain standing unmoving, as she looked out of the door.

"The last time I set foot on American soil was in 1940. When I was taken........I thought that I would never get chance to do it again. That I would never get to see home or the people I loved again.............."

"But here you are. Here we are. You're home and we are by your side." Steve said, as he took one of her hands.

"And this time we aren't letting you out of our sights. Till the end of the line (Y/n)..........." Bucky added, as he took her other hand. The three old soldiers standing in a line. Standing together as they always had done before (Y/n) had left. Before the men had been drawn into the war.

"Till the end of the line, boys. Lets do it............." (Y/n) agreed, as she took a deep breath and the three moved out of the gloom of the plane into the light of the day. 

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