The apprentice - The Hobbit - Part 11 - Thorin x Fili x Kili x Reader

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"Er..........(Y/n)............" Fili began nervously, as the hammer struck the white hot metal that (Y/n) gripped with her heavy tongs. Tiny sparks filling the air, as metal hit metal. The superheated flashes of light dancing like fireflies for a moment, before disappearing.

"Go away.........I've got work to do." (Y/n) growled in reply. Her eyes never leaving her work. The two princes turning to look at one another. The pair sure that they had just heard old Master Gunri bark at them, just like he would back in the Blue Mountains when they had come to try and steal (Y/n) away for the day.

"(Y/n) we need ta talk to ya about.............." Kili said. The dark haired dwarf hoping that he may succeed where his brother had failed.

"We don't need to talk about anything. I have a sword to make. And when I am done, I will present it to the king and show him as well as everyone else, that I good enough the be called a Master. Good enough to be a dwarf. Then, I will be leaving.........." (Y/n) interrupted the prince, before walking over and grabbing one of the other many hammers that hung in place on the wall.

"Leaving? But (Y/n) ya................" Kili began, as he pushed the door fully open, and tried to rush inside. His arm caught by his older brother. Fili shaking his head, as he pulled Kili backwards.

"(Y/n). Why would ya want ta leave? Where would ya go?" The blonde dwarf enquired softly. Watching as the mortal apprentice pushed the slab of metal back into the furnace and pumped the bellows.

"I will go, because there is nothing to keep me here. The only family I ever had is dead. The only king I ever wished to serve, is a fool that has given his heart to the most detestable dwarf there is. And anyone that cannot see that Ilde is completely atrocious, does not deserve my respect..........or my love. And once I can call myself a Master, I can go anywhere I please. Perhaps I will begin by going back to Dale. There is still so much to rebuild there from what I saw. And tools will always need sharpening. Horses will always need shoeing. Who knows, perhaps I will find myself a mortal man that will like me, as it seems that I am not good enough for a dwarf." (Y/n) replied with a heavy sniff. Doing her best to fight back the tears, as she stoked the fires around the metal.

"(Y/n)............." Fili began, as he tentatively made his way into the forge, still holding Kili back.

"If ya want ta leave, we won't stop ya. But ya have ta know that ya wrong." The older prince continued, groaning audibly, as Kili finally pushed past him and rushed over to (Y/n), taking hold of her shoulders and turning her around.

"Yes, (Y/n), ya wrong. Master Gunri may be gone, but ya still have us. Ya still have me and Fili. Ya still have mother. Ya our family. Ya always were, and always will be. We don't want ya ta leave, ever. Erebor is as much ya home as any dwarves." Kili told as, as he pulled (Y/n) into a bone crushing hug. A hug that only a dwarf could possibly give.

"He's right. Ya were always tha daughter that mother never had. And I know that she would hate it if ya were ta leave. I would hate it. Ya belong here, in this forge. It's yours. A gift from ya father. But ya wrong about uncle Thorin. No matter what Ilde told ya last night. Whatever she made ya believe. There is nothing between her and the king." Fili said. Hating the idea of (Y/n) leaving just as much as his brother did. Especially as she had only just arrived.

"Y-y-you mean...........Thorin isn't...........with Ilde? They aren't............But the beads.........Her hair.........?" (Y/n) enquired. The mortal apprentice not sure what to think or feel, as the two Durin princes' shook their heads.

"No. Now why don't ya leave ya work fa a minute and tell us what happened last night." Fili continued, as he took (Y/n)'s hand and led her over to the small wooden bench. The two quickly being joined by Kili.

"Ya. And then we'll tell ya what mother has planned fa Ilde." Kili laughed, as he placed his arm around (Y/n)'s shoulder.


Dis made her way through the corridors. Nodding and smiling, as she passed the other dwarves that milled around their home. New kith and kin arriving every day, as more and more dwarves managed to make the arduous journey back to Erebor. But where she would usually stop and make conversation, today the king's sister was on a mission. She was on her way to see her brother. To find out what had happened the night before. And then she would tell Thorin of her plan. Of her plan to get Ilde to forget all about him.

Reaching her brother's rooms, Dis knocked. Her brows furrowing, as she heard no answer. The lady sure that there would be no other place that her brother would be at that time of the day, other than dealing with the daily issues of the kingdom. Knocking again, yet still hearing no answer, Dis decided to let herself in. The large room appearing empty, as she made her way further inside.

"Thorin? Thorin Oakenshield. Where are you?!" Dis exclaimed. Doing her best not to laugh, as the top of Thorin's head suddenly appeared from under his large table.

"Oh, thank Aulë. I thought that ya were Ilde." Thorin explained with a heavy sigh, as he finally stood up, and took a seat back on his chair. Dis still trying to hold back her amusement, as she made her way over to her brother.

"So, ya hiding from Ilde now............?"

"Wouldn't you...................?" Thorin countered, as he slumped back in his chair. It obvious to his younger sister, that the king was far from happy.

"That is true.........But I have not had ta face giant spiders, orcs, warg and Azog himself. Surely if ya can face those, ya can face.............."

"And Ilde is worse than all of them rolled into one. I would rather have ta fight Azog again, than have ta listen ta Ilde's voice one more time." Thorin interrupted.

"And she made (Y/n) think................" The king began, sadly.

"Yes, I had expected as much. Kili saw you and Ilde walking last night. He came ta tell Fili and myself. Thorin, tell ya love (Y/n)?" Dis asked. Thorin's eyes flying up to meet those of his sister.

"Never mind..........I know ya do. Well, I have a plan. A plan to get Ilde away from Erebor. To get her away from you and (Y/n), so that ya can finally tell her how ya feel. All ya have ta do is play ya part." Dis explained. Thorin unable to stop himself from smiling, as he nodded his head. Dis taking a seat and telling her brother exactly what she had in mind. 

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