The assassin's soulmate - Gotham - Part 4 - Oswald x Edward x Reader

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Apologies for this being a little shorter. But I will make up for it in the next, last part.

"You still have my gun." A familiar voice suddenly came, cutting through the heavy silence. Ed and Oswald turning to see (Y/n) stood in the doorway. The woman holding a gun in each hand. The barrels of which were pointed right at their heads.

"I did tell you that I wanted it back, Oswald." The assassin continued, as she moved into the room. Kicking the door closed behind her.

"I would love a drink by the way, Edward. Thank you." (Y/n) told the taller man. Ed slowly making his way back over to the bar. At this moment not sure whether to be happy that she had turned up, or not.

"Careful, Ed. Please don't get any silly ideas. I wouldn't want to have to put an extra hole in that pretty little head of yours. I like it in its current state, far too much, to want to spoil it." She added, watching as Ed reached over the dark stained, old mahogany bar top. The Riddler slowly bringing out a cut crystal tumbler and showing it the assassin. Breathing a sigh of relief, as (Y/n) indicated for him to continue. Placing one of her guns in a holster at her side, before taking a seat in one of the large chairs in the room.

"You know. I swear that your security has gotten worse since the last time I saw them, Oswald. With all the money that you must have scurried away, you really could afford better. I mean, if you pay peanuts, you get monkeys. And boy, do you have the biggest barrel of monkeys I have ever seen, out there." (Y/n) told Oswald. Smiling a little, as Ed handed her the drink before the assassin gesturing for him to re-join his soulmate at the window.

"Well............isn't this nice? The three of us together again. You know, we will really have to stop meeting like this. People may begin to talk." (Y/n) chuckled, as she looked at the two men and took a sip of the drink. Shaking her head as Oswald girded himself and stepped forward. (Y/n) sensing that he was going to do his best to sweet talk her. The assassin knowing that it was going to take a little more than a few flowery words to make her trust him. To make her trust either man.

"(Y/n) I assure you that there is no need for the gun. Edward and I............."

"No need for the gun? I hate to contradict you, Ossie, but as I told you earlier, you and dear Edward here, are not averse to saying one thing, and then doing the other. You also don't have a problem with killing people. And the fact that you seem to think that for some reason I might be your soulmate. That I might be Ed's soulmate, gives me increased cause for concern. You see, I don't trust that you won't try and kill me, if by some strange quirk of fate, we find out that we are connected. I don't know if you will be happy to share Edward if we are soulmates. Or if Ed would be happy to share you. So, for the time being, I think that I will keep my gun." (Y/n) scoffed, as she took another drink. The harsh liquor trickling down her throat. Warming her, as it hit her stomach.

"So......where was I? Oh, yes. You still have my gun, Oswald. And I would like it back.............Then, we can discuss this strange notion of yours that I am yours and Edward's soulmate. (Y/n) continued. Looking on, as Oswald slowly limped across the room to his desk. Cautiously opening the top draw and grabbing the butt of the gun with two fingers. Pulling the weapon out and making his way back over to the assassin. Placing it on the small table next to (Y/n)'s chair and then moving back to Ed.

"Now, that wasn't that difficult, was it? But as the pair of you are making me a little uncomfortable, why don't you take a seat. Enjoy your drinks. Let's turn this into a party." The assassin added. Watching every little move that the two men made. Watching for the slightest twitch or movement that might indicate that the men were thinking of doing something foolish.

(Y/n) couldn't help but smile, as the pair settled onto the sofa. As she looked at Oswald and Ed. Her mind momentarily drifting back to when she had met the two men. To the evening that she had walked into Mooney's Nightclub. Fish having called her to discuss a job. To the first moment that she had seen Oswald. The then umbrella boy. The assassin shocked by how Fish had treated him. About how others had treated him. (Y/n) feeling the need to introduce herself. To shake his hand. To smile at him. His pale skin, angular features and dark hair, pulling her to him. The sensations that she had had when their hands had touched, making her feel as though there could be something between them.

And then there was Edward. Her enforced visit to the GCPD precinct, thanks to Bullock and Gordon, allowing her to meet the then forensic scientist. Her hand reaching out to take his, as the ridiculous flatfoots had finally removed their special form of jewellery. Bullock reluctantly introducing the pair. Ed instantly asking her a riddle, as he shook her hand. The tall, dark haired, sweet looking, bespectacled man smiling at her, as she answered his conundrum straight away. (Y/n) shocked when she had felt the same feelings, as she had with Oswald.

"Alright boys. Let's talk." (Y/n) finally said, as she settled back in the chair. Suddenly finding herself hoping that Oswald was right. That the two were her soulmates, and that somehow, this could all work out. 

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