Two of a kind - Part 12 - Wade Wilson/Deadpool x Reader

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"You wanted to see me, professor?" (Y/n) asked, as she tentatively pushed her head around the door. Her brows furrowing as she looked at Charles' concerned face. (Y/n) wishing that she had got a mutation a little more like the one the professor had, so that she could read his mind.

"WADE!" (Y/n) exclaimed loudly, as the idiot came running into the room. The red and black clad clown racing around Charles' desk as a thundering and growling Logan swung his claws at his head.

"It'!" Wade managed to reply, as he avoided the feral mutants swiping claws. The merc with the mouth grinning broadly, as (Y/n) moved between the pair. Catching Logan's wrist mid swing.

"Logan, not now. Please. I don't mind if you want to try and kill him later, but at this moment, please, just leave him alone. For me." (Y/n) begged. Logan nodding and retracting his claws. His own smile coming to his face as (Y/n) kissed him on the cheek, before turning to look at the lycra clad idiot behind her.

"And if you say a word before Charles has finished telling me what's going on, then I'll rip out your tongue, hang you upside down by your testicles, and let Logan use you as a Piñata. Understood..............?" (Y/n) warned. A heavy sigh leaving her lips as Wade locked his lips with an invisible key. The female mutant sure that despite her warning, he wouldn't be able to keep that mouth of his shut for too long.

"I'm sorry professor. You wanted to see me................?" (Y/n) said again, as she took a seat in the chair across from Charles.


"That's not possible.........." (Y/n) protested, as she looked between the file in her hand and the professor.

"I'm sorry (Y/n), but.........................."

"No, no! You don't understand. I know it was Connor Blake that had this done to me. I know it. I can feel it in the pit of my stomach............"

"(Y/n). Connor Blake was killed not long after you went to the factory. There is a death certificate. He was burned to death in a car accident......................"

"Bullshit! I'm sorry professor, this is nothing against you, Scott, Storm or any of the others. But..........bullshit! I know the company. I know Connor Blake. Most of the time the CIA couldn't tell the truth, even if they needed to. And Connor.........Connor knew how to dispose of people. To get bodies if he needed them. He set this up to cover his tracks. So, people would stop asking questions. So that he could continue to do what he was doing, under the radar. Connor Blake is out there. He is the one that had this done to me. He is the one that sent those men to get me that night." (Y/n) protested, as she dropped the useless file on the table. As she got to her feet and looked at the apologetic looking older man across from her.

"I'm sorry (Y/n), but we haven't been able to find anything else about Blake since the accident. As far as the CIA, and everyone else is concerned, Connor Blake is dead, and he couldn't be your buyer. He couldn't be the man that sent those people for you................" Charles replied. Reaching out his hand to take (Y/n)'s, as she retook her seat.

"I am really so very sorry (Y/n). But you have my promise that we will do all we can to find the person that is really responsible for this. That really tried to take you." Charles promised. (Y/n)'s grip on his hand tightening for a moment before she once again got to her feet.

"Thank........thank you, professor. I really.........I really do appreciate everything. All that you and the others have done for me. I appreciate it more than you know.............." (Y/n) replied, as she let go of Charles' hand and made her way to the door of the office.

"(Y/n)!" Wade said quietly, as she made her way past him. For the first time in a long time, perhaps ever, finding himself unable to think of anything suitable, or unsuitable to say.

"I'm fine Wade. Just...............I just need a little time on my own, ok? Just a little space. Time to think." (Y/n) replied. Giving him a soft smile. Placing a hand on Logan's arm, as she moved through the door.


"And where do you think you're going?" Logan growled, as Wade made for the door. Deciding that he was sick of pacing the room while staring at the clock on the wall. He had tried to go after (Y/n). To tell her that it was ok, and he would help her find and brutally kill whoever really was responsible for making her sick. Responsible for what had happened to her at the factory. But of course, Mister grumpy had taken it upon himself to stop him. Taken it upon himself to tell him that the last thing that (Y/n) needed at that moment was Wade's personal brand of lunacy. And even though he had tried his best to give her a little time to come to terms with the information she had received. He couldn't wait any longer to talk to her.

"Where do you think I'm going, dog breath...........I have to see (Y/n)." Wade retorted, as he threw open the door, and tried to race towards (Y/n)'s room. Only to find himself pinned up against the wall.

"It's been fifteen minutes, dead brain. You can't just go racing into her room and bombard her with innuendos like you normally do. She needs more..........."

"If we give her more time, she'll be gone." Wade interrupted. Knowing that despite their slightly unusual relationship. Despite the fact that he would prefer it was just him. He and Logan actually knew (Y/n) better than anyone else in that house. Were actually closer to her than anyone else. So, they had to be the ones to help her.


"Oh, come on.........You know (Y/n) better than that. If we give her anymore time, she is gonna be out of that window and gone. She doesn't believe old chrome dome. She knows that that cock gobbled Blake is still alive and she'll want to find him. So, either come with me and we can help her together or stay here and I'll do it myself." Wade retorted. Actually sounding........well, sane for once. Logan thinking for a moment and realising that Wade might just have a point."

"Fine! But if ya wrong, I'm blaming it on you, bozo." Logan finally agreed, as he let Wade drop to the floor. The two racing for (Y/n)'s room and breaking through the locked door. Their eyes growing wide as they saw a black clad figure halfway out of the window. An audible groan coming from the fleeing form, as it turned to look at the pair.         

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