No fun - Part 14 - Tony x Peter x Reader

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" did you manage to do all this, (Y/n)?" Steve asked, as he and the others made their way into the now brightly lit room. The younger Stark's suits lined up against the long back wall, just like her fathers. Yet unlike Tony's suits that were mostly in Iron Man's distinctive red and gold, (Y/n)'s suits were all black. The spotlights shining down on them, making them look like night skies scattered with twinkling stars.

"Well...........I had already started work on a couple of suits before I left the compound, so I built up from there. And given that I have been fixing all your weapons for so long, I was able to create sort of replicas of them, and then adapted them so that I was able to integrate them into my new suits." (Y/n) began to explain, as she opened a cupboard and pulled out a shield that looked so similar to Steve's that he was sure it was the genuine thing.

"I own this building outright. But once I started running out of the cash I had been able to save, by trying the get the parts I needed. I had to make the machines in the main part of the shop, work for me. So, I make small batch parts for other people. I do one off specialist jobs. Anything that will get me some money so that I can afford the power bills and to feed myself." The young Stark continued, as she recovered a bow that she had made and passed it to Clint. As she pulled out a gun from under the table and gave it to Bucky. The old soldier sure that he had never seen anything like it before. It obvious that the talented young woman had designed the weapon herself. The archer and sergeant smiling, as (Y/n) informed them that they could keep the items. That she had made them especially for them. So, it only made sense that given they were there, she should give them to the boys.

"The only problem now, is that with Cody seeing you. With him probably telling the rest of the town that the Avengers are here. I'm going to have to pack everything up and find somewhere else to do all this. Because I know that I'll never get a moments peace. There will always be someone knocking on the door wanting to know about Captain America, Thor, the Falcon, or the great Iron Man. Asking if I can get your autographs or goodness knows whatever else. It will end up just like old times. (Y/n) Stark, the Avenger's dogsbody. The lacky that her father used as cheap labour." (Y/n) sighed, as she made her way up a small flight of steps and brushed her hand over the first suit that she had made. All eyes turning to look at Tony. The billionaire yet to say anything to his daughter about what she had been able to achieve in such a short time. What she had been able to achieve without her grandfather's company and name behind her.

"You could come home. Come back to the compound. We could all help you move." Peter suddenly announced. The young man more than eager for his friend to return to him. To get his girl, or what should be his girl, away from the clutches of the likes of that Cody guy.

"I don't think that would really work, Peter, do you? I wish it could, but..........." (Y/n) replied, as she turned to look at the young man that had her father by his side. The scene an all too familiar one.

"You see, despite what you may think, I know my father better than you do, Peter. He hasn't said a word since he walked in here. Probably because I asked him not to shit on what I have been able to do. And he can't think of anything nice to say. But when he does talk, he will probably come out with something like offering to change. He'll say that everything will be different. That he will be the father that he should always have been. Then he would try to keep his promises, but that would only last a week, a month, or until you did something else that he could be proud of. Until you proved that you were perfect Peter once more. Then I would once again find myself, as the child that he never wanted. Isn't that right dad? Maybe if I had been born a boy, you might have been prouder of me. You wouldn't have turned to Peter here, if I hadn't have been a girl. A girl that has done everything she could to make her father love her since she can remember." (Y/n) continued, as she made her way back down the steps, and stood in front of her father. A father that still couldn't or wouldn't say anything. (Y/n) fighting back the tears, as Tony turned his eyes to the floor.

"Anyway, Charles has always said that if I wanted, he would be able to find a place for me at the school. That he could have one of the X-Men training rooms converted for me. And I have to admit that it's a very tempting offer, especially now. That way, I could at least be a little closer to all of you, And I will also be able to spend more time with him and the others. With Hank, Storm, Scott, Logan and the rest. I mean, even though I'm not a mutant, they have been my lifeline since I have been here. The only ones that I have been able to talk to. That could understand............"

"You mean that Charles, that the others have known where you were all this time........?" Bruce interrupted, as he looked up from some pile of blueprints that were strewn all over a workbench.

"Well.......yeah. Like I said, I needed someone to talk to. And Charles, Logan and Hank have always made me feel like family. I mean, when I wasn't in the labs or my workshop fixing everything, I would go to the school. It was always fun spending time with the kids, seeing all the amazing things that they can do. Being with the professor and all the others. Learning about their abilities and trying to replicate them with metal and electronics. It was like my second home. Not that anyone realised that. Especially not the people closest to me." (Y/n) replied quietly, the team shocked that with one phone call, they could have known where the young Stark was, months ago. That they could have come and found her months ago. Each one a little hurt that (Y/n) had turned to Xavier and his team, rather than them. Each one getting a horrible feeling that in their own way, they had let her down, just as much as her father had. Not one of them realising that she would spend so much time with the mutants.

"Miss." A voice came. (Y/n) letting out a heavy sigh, as heard the sound of her AI. Having a terrible feeling that she knew what Hector was going to tell her.

"Yes Hector............."

"I am afraid to report that there appears to be some activity outside of the shop................."

"Let me guess............. The high school band in full regalia. Balloons, and streamers. The mayor dressed in his best suit, and a banner saying "WELCOME THE AVENGERS", held up by the entire population of the town.............."

"More or less, yes..........." Hector replied. His tone almost apologetic.

"Well, looks like you guys are up." (Y/n) sighed again, as she and the others left the back room. The AI closing the door as the last member left. The young Stark making her way over to the main door, hesitating for a moment before opening it. (Y/n) knowing that there was no way that she could stay in the small town, as the band began to play. As the girls began to scream out the names of the boys. The name of her father. (Y/n) moving into the shadows, as the team reluctantly stepped into the limelight. The young woman not noticing that it wasn't just her that hadn't left the shop. Not noticing that her father and Peter had also chosen to remain in the gloom of the shop.    

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