Starry, starry night - GoT - Part 18 - Tyrion x Bronn x Reader

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Elyse had sat and listened to the whole sad story. About how the lioness had just been about to give herself to her cousin, before she had been called by her uncle to his rooms. About old Tywin asking her if she could still love his son. That he would be happy to give the pair of them Casterly Rock, if she would agree to wed Tyrion and provide him with heirs that would continue the family name and uphold the reputation of the House. And then (Y/n) had told her about what she had found in the little lord's rooms. About the two naked women and how she had been informed that her cousin was "changing" in the other room.

Like many others, Elyse had heard of the little man's proclivities for women of a certain type. That he had married the whore that his older brother had arranged for him to accidentally meet and rescue, so that he could lose his virginity. Of what the old lion had done to dispose of the embarrassment to the family name. Of all the other women that he had taken to his bed since (Y/n) had been forcibly taken from the castle. For even though Kings Landing may be many days ride away, rumours always had a tendency of spreading like wildfire. Elyse sometimes sure that she had heard about things that had happened in Dorne or the North, only moments after they had occurred. But to hear that (Y/n) had found women of dubious virtue in the little lord's room, only a short time after the pair of them had almost shared their love, made the old woman's heart break. And she could finally understand why the young lioness was beside herself. Elyse not sure what to say to the poor child. Not sure if anything could be said to help the lady recover. The old woman choosing instead to just sit by her side and hold (Y/n) tight.


"Aren't you supposed to be going and speaking with (Y/n) for me? That is why I brought you here after all. That is why I put up with all your complaining." Tyrion said, as he watched Bronn pour himself yet another drink. The sellsword overjoyed that the seat of the Lannisters wasn't as bereft wine as he thought it might be. Tyrion slowly shaking his head as Bronn retook his seat.

The duo had been sat in the room that the servant had prepared for the young lord, for some time. The last rays of the sun long having been extinguished. The only lights now, those from the fire that the old man had lit, and the candles that dotted the room. The silence had been heavy, as the little lord had thought about the look on his cousin's face, as her eyes had fallen on him. The thought of her backing away from him breaking his heart with every replay in his mind. So now, now that they had given (Y/n) a little time to calm down. A little time to come to terms with the fact that they had followed her to Casterly Rock, Tyrion was thinking that it was high time that Bronn went to see his cousin, and explained about the woman that had been in his room.

"Aye. One last drink and it'll be the right time ta go and see her. Ya can't rush an upset woman. Especially not one that thinks tha man she loves would rather fuck a whore than her." Bronn replied, as he offered Tyrion a refill. The little lion shaking his head, as he turned his gaze to the night sky. The dark blanket of night that now hung over the Sunset Sea dotted with millions of diamond like stars.

One more day. He had one more day to fix all this. One more day to persuade (Y/n) that what she had seen, had nothing to do with him. That he wanted no one but her. Because if he couldn't, then he really would lose her forever. She would go back to her home and refuse to ever see him again. And he, he would just continue down the path he had been following since she had been taken. The path of tits and wine. Tyrion sure that his father would take it upon himself to make his life more of a misery than he already did, if he didn't return to Kings Landing with (Y/n) on his arm. If he didn't return to make her his bride.

"Right!" Bronn suddenly exclaimed, as he put his once again empty glass on the table, and slowly got to his feet. A small smile pulling at the corners of his lips.

"Are ya sure that ya want me ta do this? Are ya sure that ya want ta marry her? Whores are much easier. They don't..............."

"Go NOW!" Tyrion retorted. The lord banging his own glass down onto the table. The wine sloshing out, covering his hand and staining his shirt. Bronn holding up his hands in surrender, as Tyrion glared at him.

"Fine, fine. But don't say I didn't ask." The sellsword countered, before making his way to the door. Tyrion finding himself praying as the door closed behind Bronn, that the sellsword's charm would work as well with (Y/n), as it seemed to do the woman on the Street of Silk. That, and his cousin would believe him.


(Y/n) looked out of the window. The high moon covered by a light cloud, that dappled the light, as it hit her room. Elyse had only left a short time ago, yet it felt as though she had been alone for hours. It was if the gods had taken it upon themselves to torture her for a crime that she didn't know that she had committed. That they were punishing her for loving Tyrion at all. Bringing him to her. Showing her what a whore could have, but she could not. But she only had one day left. One day to avoid him before she left Casterly Rock forever. One last night to see the same stars she had all those years ago, then she would go home.

Suddenly a knock at her door caused (Y/n) to turn, a smile coming to her lips, as she made her way to the ingress. The lady opening it, expecting to sympathetic look of Elyse. The old woman perhaps finally having thought of something that might be able to ease her pain; only to find a sellsword instead.


"So............ya see, they had nothing ta do with ya cousin." Bronn explained, as he sat, watching the pacing lioness. The sellsword not sure whether his explanation had made things any better.

"I don't mean to be rude, Bronn. But from what Cersei told me, you would be willing to do or say more or less anything if offered the right amount of gold. And as a Lannister, my cousin has more than the right amount of gold. So, to get you to tell me that those women were nothing to do with him............."

"Cersei is right. For enough gold I would do most things. But despite that, and whether ya believe it or not, Tyrion loves ya. And I can't say I blame him for doing that. So, it would be a shame if ya let me get in tha way of you two being happy." Bronn interrupted, as he rose from the chair and made his way to the door. The ingress gently creaking, as he opened it.

"Bronn! Thank you for telling me. And no matter what my cousin told me about you, what I saw in Kings Landing, makes me believe that despite yourself, you're a good man. And.........and I do believe you." (Y/n) called out, as the door slowly closed behind him. The sellsword having a skip in his step, as he made his way back to see Tyrion.  

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