Nemesis - Sherlock - Part 4 - Sherlock x Reader

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Greg and John watched on in utter disbelief, as Sherlock and Mycroft. The usually cool, calm and emotionless Holmes boy. The British Government and the Consulting Detective actually proved that they were just like everyone else. That no matter how well they tried to hide it. No matter how much they tried to pretend that things such as emotions, feelings and sentiment, were beneath them. If you pushed the right button, even they could be human. And as the two brothers shouted at one another, it was obvious that in this case, (Y/n) was that button.

The two men had seen the ring that Mycroft wore. Yet neither had asked about it. They knew while Mycroft had insinuated that Sherlock was a virgin, and that he wasn't. Neither Greg nor John had been sure. Never really connecting the older Holmes with a relationship. With a woman. But after Sherlock's comment. And their current interaction. It was obvious that the lady that had just left the office moments before, had been the one that had made it possible for the older Holmes to insinuate such things about his brother. Yet the doctor and detective couldn't really imagine the iceman ever letting anyone that close.

"This has nothing to do with you, Sherlock........"

"Of course it has something to do with me.............."

"And what makes you think that................"

"She understood me. She liked me. And because of you, I never got to see her again. ..............."

"Sherlock. No one understands you. No one likes you. We all just put up with you. Even Doctor Watson simply tolerates you. that you have discovered that (Y/n) is here, I want you to leave............" Mycroft finally said. No longer caring about speaking with his brother or the other two men about the case he had had them all come to discuss. Sherlock turning and storming out of the door. Greg and John looking at one another, and then Mycroft. The older Holmes having settled back in his chair so that he could read his paper. Not seeming to notice their presence. The pair deciding that they should join Sherlock in leaving the room.


John sat in the back of the black cab with Sherlock. The consulting detective just staring blankly out of the window of the car. Admittedly, that wasn't an uncommon occurrence for Sherlock. But this time definitely seemed different.

Greg had said that he would find his own way back to the Yard. John rolling his eyes, as he realised that he was going to be on his own when dealing with Sherlock. Having to put up with whatever mood the consulting detective was going to be in for the rest of the day. Yet he found himself wanting to ask what had really caused the strange argument between the two men. Between the iceman, and the emotionally constipated Sherlock. So, despite knowing it could make things worse, John let his curiosity get the best of him.

"Mycroft and (Y/n) were together when they were at university. They met and fell in love. Though Mycroft always denied it." Sherlock suddenly said, before John could even say a word.

"One summer, he brought (Y/n) to the house. She was so different to anything that I had experienced. To anyone I had ever met. And through the long days she showed me that there was more to life than being a Holmes. To doing what was expected of me. She would take me for walks, and we would go fishing. I had............I had fun with (Y/n). She made me smile. She treated me like an equal, not a child. And I learnt a great deal from her. She understood me. How my mind worked. And she didn't tease me for it. I grew to like her. Grew to care for her. She told me, that perhaps one day we would be able to spend more time together. More than just a summer. Yet, by the beginning of the next year, she was gone. I know my parents sent Mycroft a letter. That they were worried about his education. About him being distracted. That he had to do something about it. But he didn't have to listen. He didn't have to let her go." Sherlock explained." Doing his best to control the quiver in his voice, as his eyes remained firmly set on the streets of London, that flew by the cab's window.

John nodded his head slowly. Beginning to think that he understood what was going on. That (Y/n) had made the Holmes boys feel something. That with her, they had both found love, understanding and friendship. Things which the pair may never have thought they would have or want. And then, she was gone. The doctor wondering whether that loss may be partly to blame for both the Holmes boys keeping their emotions and feelings buried deep.

" have her number now. And she promised that she'll come for tea. So, maybe you could reignite that friendship. You aren't reliant on Mycroft anymore." John replied. Doing his best to comfort Sherlock.

"Perhaps." Sherlock replied. The consulting detective quickly getting out of the cab as it pulled up in front of the door on Baker Street. Leaving John to pay the fare.


(Y/n) made her ways back through the halls of power. She had done her best to listen to the Prime Minister. To take down all the information that she needed. But she had been distracted. Her mind filled with the handsome face of the younger man that she had come to care so much for in the long days of one summer, all those years before. The young man that had had no idea about how to have fun. What it was really like to laugh out loud and do silly things. She had to admit that that was one of the worst things about her breakup with Mycroft. The fact that she had never got to see Sherlock again.

She had tired to write to him. To see him to explain what had happened. But she had been turned away at the door when she had gone back to the Holmes home. (Y/n) sure that Sherlock had never even been allowed to see her letters. Yet now, there was a chance to rekindle that sweet friendship that she had had with the younger Holmes. And this time, his parents, nor Mycroft would be able to ruin it. And she was going to see if she still had the ability to make Sherlock forget himself and get him to laugh. 

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