Nemesis - Sherlock - Part 7 - Mycroft x Sherlock x John x Reader

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"Brother mine........." Mycroft said, as he made his way into the room.

"Oh, (Y/n). I didn't know you were here." The older Holmes continued. (Y/n) and Sherlock rolling their eyes, as Mycroft did his best to pretend that he had just come over by chance. That he hadn't had someone watching the flat and been informed that (Y/n) had got there. Giving it just enough time before he made his entrance, to make his appearance appear perfectly innocent.

"What are you doing here, Mycroft.............." Sherlock enquired harshly, as he got to his feet with every intention of confronting his brother. The consulting detective finding a soft hand take his wrist before pulling him back to his seat.

"Sherlock, you know perfectly well what the brick wall is doing here. We both do. I had informed Mycroft that I had every intention of coming to see you and the lovely doctor, for tea. In order to reignite the friendship that he happily tried to ruin so many years ago. Undoubtedly, he has been keeping tabs on me since I went up to Buckingham. He probably even listened in on the conversation that I had with you last night, informing you that I would be coming today. I also wouldn't be surprised if he hasn't had one of his odious toadying little sycophants watching the flat, so that they could send him a message as I arrived. But we aren't going to let him ruin this moment. You see, despite what your brother might like to think, I still know him very well. I know how his Holmes mind works. And I am most certainly not a goldfish. Sooooooooo, I made a few plans myself." (Y/n) said, as she held Sherlock's hand, and turned his face to look at her.

"You see, I expected this kind of thing to happen. And given that, before I left Buckingham this morning, I made a few calls. And speaking of those calls, in exactly twenty seconds your older brother's phone will ring. On the other end of the line will be a person that will tell him that he has to come back to Westminster, because they have a job that only the great Mycroft Holmes can do. And because he won't be able to say no to this person, his pathetic attempt at trying to ruin our afternoon, will be nullified. In" (Y/n) continued. The cell phone in Mycroft's pocket ringing out, as she announced the final number. Mycroft reaching for it. The older Holmes hoping that the whole thing was just a coincidence; thought that hope was shattered as he heard the voice on the line. A voice, that as (Y/n) had predicted, he couldn't refuse. Mycroft giving the smiling (Y/n) one of his looks, before hurriedly making his way back towards the door. The older Holmes leaving as quickly he had appeared.

"Who was it on the phone.............?" John asked. The doctor a little shocked, but mostly amused by what he had seen.

"It was the Prime Minister..............." Sherlock answered. A small smile creeping across his lips as he looked at a grinning (Y/n).

"What can I say? There has to be a few perks to having been at university with the PM and his wife. And they do owe me one or two little favours. I just called one in. Mycroft will get back to Westminster, and find that he is going to be busy for the next few hours. So, where were we before we were so rudely interrupted?" (Y/n) chuckled. The conversation between her and the younger Holmes returning to what it had been before Mycroft had made his entrance. John feeling surplus to requirements, as once again he felt as thought the pair had forgotten about him even being in the room.


Another smile. A laugh. John was determined to find out what strange kind of magic (Y/n) possessed, as Sherlock continued to be...........human. The doctor never having met anyone that could make his friend act in such a way. That could make him open up. And he had to admit that it was nice to see. That despite how Sherlock would look down on emotions, on sentiment. It was obvious that all it took was the right person to bring those emotions out of Sherlock.

"Oh. my goodness. Will you look at the time! I have kept you all day. I am sure that you and the doctor have so much that you should have been doing." (Y/n) suddenly said, as she looked at the clock. Sherlock and John for the first time realising that the London sky was now dark, as (Y/n) got to her feet and grabbed her coat.

"No, no.........we have nothing better to do. I haven't had a case that has interested me in months. You could stay for dinner." Sherlock replied, as he and the doctor followed (Y/n) to the door.

"That is so sweet of you Sherlock, and normally I would be more than happy to take you up on that offer. But..........I have something that I need to do this evening, and it really can't wait any longer. Though I will take a raincheck. And I will see you again soon." (Y/n) explained, as the younger Holmes helped her on with her coat.

"Do you promise..........?"

"I promise, Sherlock. And this time, no one is going to stop me from keeping that promise. No one. In fact, by the time I have finished, you'll probably be sick of seeing me." (Y/n) assured, as she placed a kiss to Sherlock's cheek. The word 'never' leaving his lips as they stood close. The lady nodding to John as Sherlock opened the door. The duo watching as she made her way down the stairs.


"I am sorry to be so late." (Y/n) apologised, as the driver opened the car door for her.

"No problems ma'am. Straight home, is it?" Johnson replied, as he climbed into the driver's seat.

" you know if Mister Holmes has finished for the day.............?"

"Yes ma'am. Your assistant sent a message to say that he had left the office. Doesn't sound like he was very happy..............."

"Good. Then I think I would like to be taken to his home. Mister Holmes and I have something to discuss." (Y/n) replied. The driver nodding, as he pulled the car out into the dark streets. The older Holmes' nemesis deciding that it was about time that she faced the brick wall, head on. 

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