An old friend - Part 3 - Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes x Reader

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"And finally, by process of elimination, you must be old Iron breeches himself." (Y/n) smiled. Holding out her hand for the billionaire to shake. Tony choosing instead to take her hand and gently kiss her knuckles.

"Enchanté mademoiselle. I am indeed Iron Man, or Tony Stark. Whichever you prefer, pretty lady." Tony cooed, as he looked up at (Y/n) through his thick, dark eyelashes. The captain unable to stop her heart from beating a little quicker, as she looked into his deep, chocolate brown eyes. Eyes that Steve and Bucky had already warned her about.

"You know. I don't think that he is a smug, smarmy, or annoying as you said, boys." (Y/n) chuckled, as she looked over at the duo. The two super soldiers shrugging, as Tony glared at them both.

"Though looks can be deceiving, of course. So, I will have to wait and see as to whether you are right." (Y/n) added, as she slowly pulled her hand from the billionaires, and made her way back over to Steve and Bucky. Her arms looping into theirs, as she looked at the mass of heroes.

She couldn't help but feel a lump come to her throat, as she took in their faces. The room around her seeming to change from its modern, clean and crisp surroundings to a small dark room that she had known so well. A cellar that smelled of mould and old red wine. That smelt of ripening cheese and German sausage. The sounds of the bustling café above, reminding her to always be quiet. Always be vigil. She could remember being sat at a table that just like the chair that she would always sit in, had seen better days. Like all the chairs that surrounded the table had seen better day. Yet they taken what they could get, as did all the other Resistance cells that were dotted around France. They plotted the downfall of the Germans from the places like this. They plotted their sabotage in the dark. In the silence. Their plans hatched out in whispered tones, as they sat around flickering candles. As they sent messages to the allies. As they all hoped for a better future. A free future.

(Y/n) found herself gasping slightly, as she fell further into the memory. The Avengers looking at one another. Looking at the three old friends, as (Y/n) stared beyond them. Looked through them. To her, this was now the 1940s. This really was the cellar in which her group would meet. Her heart beginning to pound, as in her mind she heard the sounds of heavy German boots make their way into the café above her. Her mouth growing dry, as she felt the old sense of fear that had kept her alive for so long. Had kept her ahead of the enemy, race through her veins. She looked across the shaky, cracking table, and saw the face of Alexander. The man that Tony Stark had made her think of. His bright smile and the twinkle in his eye, catching in the light of the candles. Then there appeared Monique. Her old friend looking much like the Widow. Her brilliant auburn hair, falling delicately over her shoulders. Then Gabriel, the gentle giant of the group, whom Thor appeared so similar to. Louis, who had been as ruggedly handsome as Barton. François, the quiet, intelligent one of the cell, who Doctor Banner had reminded her of. Her old friends continuing to appear before her. All of them smiling fondly. Yet despite how real they all felt at that moment. Despite the fact that she wanted to be with them. Deep down she knew that they were all dead. That even if they had managed to survive the war. If they had managed to escape the wrath of the Nazis. The chances of them still being alive, were slim. That these forms before her, were just ghosts. Ghosts that she had no intention of joining, just yet. Not as long and Steve and Bucky were with her.

"(Y/n)?" Steve asked softly, as he and Bucky looked at the woman between them, with concern. The sound of her name seeming to shake the captain from her thoughts. (Y/n) looking at the other soldiers, smiling as she kissed the two of them on the cheek.

"I'm sorry. I, er...........get sort of flask backs occasionally. See things, you know. I think that its just that I am still getting used to being back in the world. My mind still needs time to adjust. As far as it's concerned, it's still 1943. But I'm fine now. Its nothing, I promise. It passes quickly." (Y/n) explained quietly to Steve and Bucky, squeezing their arms reassuringly, before she turned her attention back to the rest of the team.

"Well, now that you are all here, perhaps Director Cadieux may actually allow me out of the building so that I can see how much Paris really has changed since I last walked the streets. I don't think that he wanted to let me out, just in case I made a run for it. Though where I would possibly go, I have no idea. Everyone I knew, is dead. And then, if you don't mind, I would like to go home. That is, if you two want me to come home?" (Y/n) said. Her gaze turning to Steve and Bucky. The pair nodding and once again wrapping her in their arms. The captain sure that that was the only place that she really belonged. Between her sweet, little Steve and boyishly charming Bucky. That that was the only place that she had ever truly felt safe. And that in this new world, she needed that more than ever. Needed them, more than ever.

"That sounds like a wonderful idea." Tony suddenly chimed in happily. The billionaire pushing his way between Steve and Bucky, taking (Y/n) from their arms, and leading her to the door.

"You leave all this to me, and I will have you out of here, and on the streets of Paris in no time. I know this wonderful little place called Ladurée on the Avenue des Champs-Élysées. You will love it. As I am sure that you will learn to love me, once we get you back to the States." Tony told (Y/n), as they went to find the Director. The rest of the team following behind the duo. All of them rolling their eyes, and shaking their heads, as Tony continued to use all his best lines on the captain. Leaving Steve and Bucky to look at one another, before they both sprinted out of the room. Neither of them wanting to give Stark any more chance to charm their old friend, than they had already given him. 

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