An old friend - Part 8 - Steve x Bucky x Reader

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"Now this, I like......" (Y/n) chuckled, as Steve handed her his shield. The female captain looping her arm through the straps and testing the weight.

"Where do I get myself one of these?" She added, as she swung around. Steve and Bucky laughing as (Y/n) pretended to throw it just like Steve did.

"I mean it. You know, I saw you with something similar in one of those propaganda movies that you made, that managed to find its way behind the German lines. I was so jealous of this Captain America and his shield. I would tell the others all about it. About the film and its hero. About the shield and how someone like that was just what the people needed to rally behind. I talked about you so much that they eventually started to call me "petite Amerique", little America. Not that I minded though, it always made me think of all the things that I loved. All the things I was fighting for. It would always make me think of my grandmother. Brooklyn and the Dodgers. Of playing stickball on the streets. And jumping in the puddles whenever there was a rainstorm. But most of all, it made me think about you two. I would wonder where you were and what you were doing. If Bucky was safe, and not dead because of some bullet from a German's gun. Wonder if you were still in Brooklyn, keeping the home fires burning. Though if I had known then that our little Steve had become the Captain that I had told the others so much about, I would have been able to brag that 'hey! I know that guy, and I used to beat up his bullies'." (Y/n) smiled, as she handed Steve back his shield.

"It's funny you should say that. The shield in a strange way, always made me think of you. It protects me. It keeps me strong. Helps me fight and remember why I keep doing what I do. Just like you always did." Steve replied, as he took (Y/n)'s hand. The pair fighting back the tears, as they looked at one another.

"Hey! What am I? Chopped liver......." Bucky piped up. His words shaking Steve and (Y/n) from their sad thoughts. The two captains unable to stop themselves from laughing.

"You aren't chopped liver Buck, no. Maybe a little bit of scrag end for the cat, but certainly not chopped liver. Now, what say you show this old lady more of the good stuff around here? If I'm gonna be staying, I want to know everything. I want to know all about this new century." (Y/n) quickly retorted, as she took Bucky by the arm. Giving him a kiss on the cheek, as she pulled him from the room and out into the corridor. Steve quickly putting his shield back in place before following behind the pair.


"TVs, cell phones, emails, computers! I swear this time is so much more complicated than it needs to be. When we were kids, a phone was made of Bakelite, and took pride of place in my grandmother's front room. A radio was good enough for us, because we had an imagination. If you wanted to know something, you read a book. And as far as these email things are concerned, well............we had to actually go and meet people and talk to them." (Y/n) sighed, as she handed Bucky back his phone.

"I know how you feel, believe me. But you'll get the hang of it, I promise. If me and Steve can learn all this stuff, then you certainly can. Just don't be too hard on yourself if you can't get it first time." Bucky assured, as he placed the cell back into (Y/n)'s palm. The female captain nodding and doing her best to work out the devise in her hand. The smell of freshly brewed coffee filling the air, as Steve carried three cups of coffee in from the kitchen.

"I wouldn't drink that, Buck. Steve forgot the sugar." (Y/n) announced absentmindedly, as Steve placed the cups down on the table in front of her. Her thoughts too concerned with getting the phone to do what she wanted. To do anything.

"I'll get it for you." She continued, equally absentmindedly. The two men growing wide eyed, as the sugar bowl appeared from the kitchen and landed on the counter next to Bucky's cup.



" did you do that..............?"

"Damn thing. I can't make head nor tail of it. And how did I do what?" (Y/n) groaned, as she placed the cell phone on the benchtop. Her brows furrowing, as she looked up at her two startled boys.

"You knew that Bucky's coffee didn't have sugar in it.............."

"Did I.........?"

"Yeah! And then you said you'd get it for me. But you didn't move, though the sugar definitely did." Bucky chipped in, as he took a sip of his coffee just to make sure that (Y/n) was right. The bitter taste telling him that Steve had most certainly forgotten to sweeten his beverage.

"What? I don't know.................."

"What happened when I came in? How did you know about the sugar? How did you get it here from the kitchen.......?" Steve asked, as he took a seat next to (Y/n).

"I..........I don't know. I.........I just saw that you didn't go for the sugar........."

"But you can't see Steve from here, (Y/n). And anyway, you were too busy with my phone............"

"I must be able to. I saw it ............and I was just going to get the sugar for you. I was thinking about it being right next to your cup............"

"And then there it was............" Steve interrupted, as all three old soldiers stared at the small, white sugar bowl.

"I................I don't.............."

"Think of something else, (Y/n). My shield. Get my............" Steve said. The rest of the captain's words disappearing, as in through the door flew his shield. Steve catching it, as it made its way to him.

"How...............? I just thought about.............."

"Hey! What's going on? I nearly got killed by that thing. How the hell did you do that anyway?" Tony grumbled, as he made his way into the room after just dodging the flying shield.

"I didn't do anything. It was (Y/n)." Steve replied, as now all three men looked at her. As she looked back at them.

"But how did she?" Tony finally managed to ask. (Y/n) as well as the other two soldiers just shrugging at the billionaire.

"I don't know. But, let's see what else I can do, shall we?" (Y/n) smiled, as she got to her feet and made her way from the room. The three men following her, as she made her way out of the compound. All stopping, as the female captain's eyes fell on the rather impressive sports car in front of her. The vehicle slowly rising into the air, as she simply looked at it. 

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