Innocent bystander - Part 7 - Bruce x Reader

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"So, let me get this straight. You and your ugly ass alien pals, ruined my city, ruined my life, because you are a spoilt little brat with lots of daddy issues, that didn't get what he wanted?" (Y/n) enquired, as she folded her arms and glared at the God across from her. Loki not quite sure what to say in reply.

"Because big brother stopped you from declaring war on the nine realms; from completely destroying the home of your true people, after you had killed your real father. You throw yourself into the abyss of space, entering a wormhole created by the destruction of that bridge over there, and met another douche bag called "The Other" that gave you a fancy stick and command of those alien dickheads, on provision that you got the Tesseract for another fuck wit called Thanos. Boy what I wouldn't give for a really good psychiatrist right about now." (Y/n) continued. Her eyes never leaving those of the unusually speechless God of Mischief.

"And just to put the icing on the cake, this "The Other" also gave your alien army, a weapon with which to create a god, that you and this Thanos guy could then use..............? Boy didn't all that backfire on you? You see, you should have done a little more research before you tried to take over earth. You obviously had no idea how bloody minded we simple Midgardians can be. How awkward and stubborn we can be. And you, are just unfortunate enough, that that weapon hit the most stubborn, hard-headed, and obstinate women to ever call that crazy city home. You will never control me. And if that freak Thanos ever shows his ugly face on this planet; he too is going to see that this was the biggest mistake that you ever made." The innocent bystander hissed disdainfully, as she got to her feet. The beautiful surroundings of Asgard slowly disappearing, to be replaced by the dark expanse in the Avenger's tower. Loki finding himself once more in the brightly lit cell.

"What now...............?" Loki asked, as came up to the front of his confines. Not liking the look on the woman's face.

"Oh, that's simple. Now, I make you regret everything you did. I am going to make you regret coming to this world. Regret thinking that you could get humans to bow to you. Regret ruining my god damn life, just because you are a pissy little bitch. Now I am going to help your brother and the rest of the Avengers keep others like you from doing any more harm. But, for now, I'm gonna get some rest. See you later, God of Mischief." (Y/n) explained, turning and leaving before Loki could retort. Leaving the dark god to wonder how this new rival would make him, as she had put it, regret all that he had done.


"Get what you needed?" A voice asked, as (Y/n) made her way through the darkness. A small smile coming to her lips, as she saw a cross armed billionaire leant up against a wall.

"Yes, thank you. Everything I needed and more. But how did you know..........?"

"That you would come and talk to Loki at the first chance you got? Because you are me, right? If I had been in your situation, I would do exactly the same thing. Despite what Bruce has recommended. really up for joining this motley crew of characters..........?" Tony interrupted, as he pushed himself off the wall and moved to stand before her.

"I took an oath, Mister Stark when I put on my uniform. I swore on my honour, I would never betray my integrity, my character, or the public trust. I would always have the courage to hold myself and others accountable for our actions. That I would always maintain the highest ethical standards and uphold the values of my community, and the agency that I served. And I see no reason to change that. I might not be able to go back to being a cop, but I can certainly be an Avenger, if you and the others will have me." (Y/n) replied. Tony's smile broadening, as he moved to her side and offered her his arm.

"I think that we might just be able to squeeze you in. Now, lets talk more about those ideas you had for new suits........." Tony continued, as he escorted (Y/n) down the corridor. The pair making their way to the billionaire's workshop.


Bruce raced through the building. He knew that he shouldn't have let (Y/n) out of his sight. That he shouldn't have let her leave the medical bay. At least there he could control things. Make sure that nothing else happened to her that they weren't expecting. But noooooooo. He had let Tony persuade him that she needed a room of her own. That she needed to feel some kind of normality. Yet now that room was empty, and (Y/n) wasn't anywhere to be found.

"Tony I can't find (Y/n).............." Bruce blurted out, as he rushed into the workshop. The billionaire looking up from the glove in hand that he was trying to fix.

"She could be anywhere. She could be hurt................"

"Bruce, buddy. First, will you calm down. I don't want a code green in here. Second, I think that the chances of (Y/n) getting hurt, are minimal. And last, but by no means the least important............" Tony replied, as he made his way over to his hot rod. Pulling on a pair of shoes that just poked out from under it. The form of (Y/n) appearing.

"Your girl is right here............." Tony chuckled, as he looked between a confused (Y/n) and a relieved doctor. The ex-New York city cop, pulling the headphones from her ears.

"Oh, hi Bruce. Is everything okay............?" (Y/n) asked, before finding herself being pulled off the creeper, and into the doctor's arms.

"I thought...........I thought............."

"I'm ok, Bruce. I've only been here helping Tony. If I'm gonna be learning what its like to be Iron Man............" (Y/n) tried to explain. Bruce suddenly realising himself; realising what Tony had said about her being his girl, as he heard a familiar chuckle from behind (Y/n). Bruce pulling away from her so that he could look her up and down.

"Yes, of course. I was just..............I...........I was just hoping that you'd like to get some breakfast." Bruce told her. Doing his best ignore the rolling eyes and shaking head of the billionaire.

"Yeah, I'm starving. Just give me a minute to wash the grease from my hands, and I'll come with you." (Y/n) nodded, giving both men a smile, both disappearing.

"What?" Bruce asked, as he watched Tony walk back to his work bench.

"I was just hoping that you'd like to get some breakfast..........." Tony began. Doing his best to sound like Bruce.

"Why don't you just tell the girl that you like her. That you were worried about her. I saw you two in the medical bay, before me and Captain cockblocker ruined that kiss you were about to have. I mean, its about time we found you something else to play with instead of microscopes. And God only knows, that (Y/n) isn't averse to you. So.......say something." Tony continued, before turning his attention back to his malfunctioning glove. Leaving Bruce to wonder, given that she had her own Hulk inside her, could he finally open up his heart to someone without fear of hurting them.

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