Ice Giant - The Witcher - Part 2 - Jaskier x Geralt x Reader

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"Geralt.........your bard needs a horse. If we are to get to the Northern Realms in good time, the three of us will need to ride. So, either put your hand into your purse and buy him something, or he rides with you." (Y/n) said, as she looked between the two men.

"Why can't he ride with you................?" Geralt retorted gruffly. (Y/n) leaning on the pommel of her saddle.

"There are a number of reasons........Firstly, he is your bard, not mine. Therefore, he is your responsibility. Secondly, Shadow here, doesn't like anyone to ride him, other than me. And thirdly, Ice Giants have a liking for horse meat, particularly the meat of mares. I think that it must be sweeter. So, the more horses there are, the less likely Roach will get eaten." (Y/n) explained. Smiling, as Geralt looked between her and Roach. The pale haired Witcher quickly grabbing for the reins and pulling his mare along behind him. Hoping to find a stable with something suitable for sale.


Jaskier smiled, as he watched (Y/n) lean against the jamb of the stable door. Rolling her eyes as Geralt tried to barter for any animal that the bard could ride. He had noticed it the night before, but now in the brighter light, he could finally see how beautiful she really was. There was something a little unusual about her, but there again, he could say the same for Geralt. Yet this "unusual" only made him want to stare at her more, and in the best way possible.

"How long have you known Geralt...........?" Jaskier finally found himself asking. The female Witcher letting out a sigh, before sitting on a large bale of straw.

"Long enough. Sometimes I would say it's been too long. Though each time I meet him, I am sure that he tries his best to come up with a new way to end our acquaintance." (Y/n) replied, as she closed her eyes and leant her head backwards to rest on the stable door. Wishing that she had never mentioned getting another horse, given how long it was taking Geralt to buy something. Anything.

"Yes.........he told me that he nearly got you killed. And that the next time you saw him, you were going to kill him." The bard replied. His heart beating at a pace, as the female Witcher finally looked at him.

"Oh, he told you that, did he? Did he tell you that he left me at the mercy of a Kikimora. Did he tell you how I barely survived the damn thing impaling me with one of its pointed limbs? Did he tell you that when I finally killed the stinking thing and managed to drag myself back to the nearest town bleeding like a stuck pig, he was off getting the gold that belong to me for the job? No........? Hmmmm, strange that. You know, Geralt can be a good man when he wants to be. Despite his gruff demeanour he can be so kind and caring when it comes to the people that he loves. Believe me, I have seen it. Yet with me............I think that he just hates me.............."

"Then, why did you agree to come with us?" Jaskier interrupted. Finding it hard to believe that the Witcher that he knew, would do that. But given the tone of her voice and the look in her eyes, she at least thought it all to be true.

"What can I say............? Perhaps I have a death wish. It is just that I am always intrigued by the thought of how he is going to try and get me killed this time. And this is no exception. Though, maybe, if he does succeed on this current little endeavour, you might feel like writing a ballad about me, so that people don't forget that I existed." (Y/n) explained. For the first time smiling at him. Jaskier slowly walking over and taking a seat next to her.

"It would be a pleasure, my lady." The bard replied with a smile, as he took her hand and kissed her knuckles gently. His brows furrowing, as she began to chuckle.

"You know, you are just like every other bard I have ever met. Such a charmer. I bet with a few sweet words. A few loving prose, you could persuade a girl to do almost anything. Almost anything.............." The female Witcher cooed softly. Her voice deeper and more seductive than it had already been, as she leant closer to him. The breath catching in Jaskier's chest, as her lips ghosted over his. As her strangely cold fingers delicately brushed over cheek.

"Here!" A voice suddenly said. The familiar tone of Geralt forcing Jaskier and (Y/n) to move apart. The bard cursing under his breath at his friends very bad timing. The poet and minstrel allowing his eyes to linger on the lady's lips from a moment longer, before turning to see what kind of noble steed the Witcher had been able to acquire for him.

"Er...........Geralt..............." Jaskier began, as he looked his new mount up and down.

"That is not a horse, Geralt. That.......that is a mule." (Y/n) continued for the bard. Shaking her head as she got to her feet and looked the non-horse over.

"It was all they had. Now, are we going or not?" Geralt replied, as he handed the mules reins to Jaskier. The bard having to admit that he hoped for something more. That he had envisioned some pale stallion with a flowing mane. Yet what he had got, well, it was the furthest thing from it.

"More like you didn't want to pay what they were asking for an actual horse. But at least it has four legs. And mules can often go places that horses can't, so perhaps it isn't as bad as it would appear." (Y/n) countered. Giving Jaskier a small smile, before she made her way back over to Shadow and climbed into the saddle. Her eyes looking between the two men.

"Well..........what are you waiting for? The snow is calling, and we could have Ice Giants to fight." She continued. Turning Shadow and heading out of the village. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2022 ⏰

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