The companion - GoT - Part 1 - Cersei Lannister x Reader

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"I want her." Cersei hummed. Pointing over to one of the young women that had made their way to Kings Landing, in order to try and get a position within the Red Keep.

"But, my lady. She is quite new. She has never worked for a noble house before. She has only just this day arrived from the country. If ya looking for a companion, I would suggest Tahliya. Or perhaps even Valoria. I am sure that either one of them would be delighted to............"

"I said, I want her! And I believe that as queen, I should be allowed the right to choose whom I wish to have looking after my needs. Wouldn't you say, Andor?" Cersei hissed disdainfully. Not liking that a mere servant would dare to question her.

"N-n-no.........I mean, yes, of course, your grace." The old man spluttered out in reply. Not liking the way that the lioness was glaring at him. His hand instinctively reaching for his throat, hoping that the queen wouldn't feel the need to call for his head for talking out of turn.

"What is her name?" The lioness continued, as she turned her gaze back to the young woman, that was smiling and talking to the other girls.

"Her name is (Y/n), my lady. She is from a small village in The Reach." Andor explained. His own eyes turning to the girl. The man servant not noticing the look in the queen's eyes, as she watched the girl move. Not noticing the lust that burned behind her green orbs.

Cersei knew what she had been hoping for when she had made her way down to the servant's hall. She had particular tastes when it came to women. And this (Y/n) was certainly the most appealing of all the young women that were there. The queen liking the fact that she was not only beautiful, but also looked sweet and innocent. And if she were innocent, then it meant that Cersei would better be able to mould her into the lover that she wanted. That she would not question anything that Cersei would suggest. Anything that she would demand. That she would fall for the flattery that the lioness would send her way.

"(Y/n)." Cersei cooed softly. The lady quite liking the way that the name sounded as it tripped off her tongue. The way that she imagined that it would sound like when the delicate touch of her new companion would make her cum. The queen hoping that her own name would sound as exquisite when (Y/n) screamed it out in turn.

"Good! I want you to take her and have her cleaned up. I want her dressed in something that better befits a companion of the queen. Then you will inform her of her duties before bringing her to me. Is that clear, Andor?" Cersei ordered. Watching as the man nodded in agreement, before she made her way back to her rooms to await the arrival of the beautiful young woman.


"You, (Y/n). You are to come with me." A man suddenly called out. (Y/n) turning to see an older man make his way over to her. The young woman slightly taken aback, as he stopped right in front of her, before looking her up and down.


"Yes, you girl! The queen has said that she wishes for you to take on the role of a companion. You are to follow me." The old man interrupted. The other girls parting ways, as the man servant turned and made his way through them. (Y/n) quickly following behind him, hoping that she didn't get lost.

A companion? (Y/n) had to admit that she had no idea what being the queen's companion would entail. But the idea that the lioness herself would choose her from amongst so many others, made (Y/n) feel not only intrigued and excited, but also a little scared. When she had made her way to the capital. When she had made her way to the Red Keep, the most that (Y/n) had believed she could hope for, was a position that would entail her scrubbing floors, or cleaning up the worst of messes. Both of which were better things to do, than finding herself in one of the many brothels, being used and groped by odious, ugly men. So, to suddenly discover that she would in fact be right there with a member of the royal family themselves, was a slight shock for a girl that hadn't known much of the world beyond her own small village.

"Er.............could........could you tell me what I am to be doing for the queen?" (Y/n) hesitantly enquired, as she caught up with the man. Still not sure what was going on, or where she was being taken.

"You will be informed of ya duties in due course, girl. First, the queen has said that ya to bathe and dress in more appropriate attire. Her grace likes her companions to be well kept. To be clean and obedient. So, keep that in mind." The man explained. (Y/n) almost barrelling into him as he came to a sudden stop. His hand reaching out and opening the door behind him.

"You will bathe, well. Once you've done, I will send someone in to dress you." The male servant added, before pushing (Y/n) into the room and closing the door behind her. (Y/n) knowing that she could do nothing other than what she had been told to do.


"Well? Do ya understand?" Andor enquired, as he circled the young woman.

"Er....... yes sir. I am the queen's companion. I am to be at the queen's side at all times. I am to take care of all her needs and do everything that she asks of me." (Y/n) reiterated. A small smile pulling at her lips, as the man nodded in approval. Though she was still not too sure what any of that really meant.

"Good. The queen should be happy with you. You look well, child. Now, follow me." Andor instructed, as he opened the door and led (Y/n) back out into the daunting corridors of the great castle. (Y/n) sure that there were things watching her from the shadows, as she dutifully followed behind the man.

"Come!" (Y/n) heard a female voice call out, as the male servant knocked on a large door. The man slowly pushing open the ingress and indicating for (Y/n) to enter.

"Your grace. Your new companion." Andor announced. Cersei turning to look at the pair. The lioness sure that her heart was beating a little quicker, as she looked at the shyly smiling young woman. The new dress fitting her companion perfectly. Though for Cersei, still not showing enough of that beautiful flesh.

"Thank you, Andor. You may leave now." Cersei said. A smile creeping across her lips, as the old man left the room.

"So, your name is (Y/n)?" Cersei asked, as she circled the girl. (Y/n) nodding in agreement.

"Y-y-yes, your grace."

"And did Andor tell you of your duties?"

"Yes, your grace. He told me that I am to be your companion. That I was to be at your side at all times. ." (Y/n) explained. The breath catching in her throat, as she felt the lioness stop close behind her.

"Good. Now, tell me, my dearest (Y/n). Are you still a maiden? Cersei enquired, as she reached up her hand and brushed the waves of hair from (Y/n)'s shoulder. Exposing the flesh of her neck.

"Y-y-your grace? I............."

"Come now, girl. It is not a difficult question. Are you a maiden? Have you ever been touched by a man?" Cersei interrupted. The queen feeling an exquisite shiver under her fingertips, as she delicately touched the skin on (Y/n)'s shoulder.

"Yes........I mean, no............I.......yes your grace. I am still a maiden." (Y/n) replied nervously. Not quite sure what this line of questioning had to do with the position of companion.

"Good. I would hate for my companion to have been sullied by the hands of men like my brother and his sellsword." Cersei hummed into (Y/n)'s ear.

"But that dress simply will not do. It is far from right for someone as beautiful as you are, (Y/n). Why don't you remove it, and we will find you one of mine? One that is far more suitable. One that will perfectly flatter that figure of yours." The queen continued, as she waited for (Y/n) to do as she had been told. The lioness' eyes growing wide, as her new companion pulled at the strings on the gown. The material pooling around her feet, leaving (Y/n) stood before the queen, as naked as the day that she had been born. Cersei not sure how long you could restrain herself if (Y/n) continued to be quite so obedient, and quite so perfect. 

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