Let me help - Part 5 - Zemo x Reader

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(Y/n) quickly jumped from her bed, wrapped a sheet around her naked body and raced out of the room. Her breath catching in her throat, as she saw Bucky holding Zemo by the throat. The fingers of his real hand tightening around the ex-colonel's neck, as the fingers of his vibranium arm curled up into a ball. The sergeant pulling back his arm so that he could deal a devastating blow to the face of the baron.

"BUCKY! NO!" (Y/n) shouted, as she ran over and pushed her way in between the two men. Bucky's punch pulling up mere millimeters for (Y/n)'s chin.

"What the hell do you think you're doing, Barnes?" (Y/n) enquired, as she prised Bucky's fingers from Zemo's throat. The Sokovian dropping unceremoniously onto the floor, as he gasped for breath.

"What am I doing.............?" He just came out of your room, half naked, (Y/n). And that shit eating grin of his was bigger than usual. I know his kind. He took advantage of you when you were down and I'm gonna make him regret it." Bucky replied, as he moved to grab Zemo once again.

"Advantage!? Advantage? James Buchanan Barnes, no one takes advantage of me. You should know that. And as much as I appreciate you trying to defend my honour, there is no need.............."

"S.........see. I told you............." Zemo interrupted smugly, as he rubbed at his reddened throat.

"Shut up! You are not making this any easier..........." (Y/n) scolded, as she turned to glare at the Sokovian that was still on the floor. Zemo for once knowing that he better do as he was told.

"Buck.........I really do appreciate it, but the last time I checked I had just turn one hundred. And given that, I am perfectly capable of choosing who I take to my bed. This isn't the 30s, and I'm not a young girl anymore." (Y/n) tried to explain calmly. Her hand grasping tightly to her old friends.

"You mean..........you actually............I mean, you.........with him..........after everything that he did...............?" Bucky retorted angrily. Pulling his hand away from (Y/n)'s.

"Yes Buck. I did. I needed someone.........need someone. Someone to make me feel special. Make me feel like a woman. Someone.........someone......And I couldn't get that from you.............I mean............I love you, more than you know, but I've never thought about you like that. Hell, you're as much my brother as Steve. And Sam, well...............Sam will always be one of my most important friends, despite the fact that I'm angry at him.............."

"And what do you think Steve would say................."

"Steve would say that I should do what my heart tells me. That I should tear down the walls that I have built up, and let someone in. That there is more to life than fighting and nearly dying all the time. Steve left us because he loved Peggy, Bucky. He was given a chance to have to life that he had wanted for so long, and he took it. Well.........I know that Zemo might not necessarily be the first man I would have thought of to give me my own version of that life. But..........but it seems that my heart has its own opinion. And well........I'm going to take the chance. I just don't want to lose you because of it. I can't lose you as well as Steve. So, please, Bucky...........I don't ask you to approve, just to understand." (Y/n) told him. The younger Rogers hesitantly placing her hand on Bucky's stumbled cheek.

Bucky couldn't help but sigh. He knew that (Y/n) was right. Hell, she was always right. Even when she was the little girl that would follow he and Steve wherever they went, she had always been right. The little bug much smarter than he or Steve could ever have hoped to be. And this time was no different. Just like Steve, she deserved her chance at happiness. Losing her older brother had almost broken the pair of them. The sergeant knowing that if he lost (Y/n) too, he might as well just hang up his guns. So, he would do his best to understand.

"Fine............" Bucky finally agreed. The old soldier grunting, as (Y/n) threw herself into his arms. The young Rogers doing her best to hold the sheet and preserve what little modesty she had left, as well as hold onto Bucky.

"Thank you, Buck. I love you." (Y/n) said softly. A smile pulling at the corners of her lips, as he kissed her on the top of the head. The old soldier pulling away and making his way over to Zemo. Bucky offering the still prostrate ex-colonel his arm, so that he could help him from the floor.

"Thank you........." Zemo remarked quietly, as he steadied himself.

"Don't thank me just yet. Because if you ever hurt her, you won't be so lucky." Bucky replied. Zemo slowly nodding as the two men shook hands.

"I wouldn't expect any less, sergeant."

"Well, I.........I suppose that I should leave you two alone." Bucky continued, as he finally realised that (Y/n) was only covered in a sheet and had been all this time. The Winter Soldier doing his best to hide the embarrassed blush to his cheek, as he disappeared from the room.

"So............." The baron began, as he came up behind (Y/n) and placed his hand on her shoulder. (Y/n) rolling her eyes at the sound of the smug tone in his voice.

"You love me..........."

"If you had been listening, I never said that I loved you. I just sort of remarked that my heart might possibly like you........a little. And I might be willing to let you into my life. But don't push your luck. I could still change my mind." (Y/n) told the baron as she turned to face him.

"Of course, mein liebling." Zemo chuckled, as he pulled her into an embrace. His forehead pressed against hers.

"Right.......as long as we understand one another. Now, its still dark outside and I'm cold. So, what say we go back to bed, and you can warm me up.......?" The young Rogers continued, a yelp leaving her lips as Zemo took her up into his arms and carried her back to her bedroom.

"It will be my pleasure............" The baron agreed. The door to the room closing firmly behind them.  

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