Trust - The Expendables - Part 1 - Conrad Stonebanks x Reader

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Now, I know that there are a lot of Mel Gibson fans out there. So, I thought that it was about time, especially as I am doing the other bad guys, to give you a Stonebanks imagine. Hope that you all enjoy.

It was true to say that Conrad didn't trust anyone. Not his "friends". Not his partners. Not his business associates or his suppliers. And not the people that he worked for or worked for him. He had learnt from bitter experience that even the men that you saw as brothers would be quite willing to stab you in the back. Or should that be, shot you three times in the chest and leave you for dead. Yet that had all changed when (Y/n) had come into his life.

In truth, he had only been after a personal assistant when she had come into his life. He had wanted someone with enough smarts so that they could deal with the more legitimate side of his business. Someone that could deal with the day to day boring things that he couldn't be bothered with. Someone that would happily deal with all the people that he really didn't have time for. And (Y/n) fit the bill perfectly. The younger woman running everything like a well oiled machine, leaving the arms dealer to concentrate on things that really kept his business going. And now, Conrad was begging to feel that he might just be able to let her in on that side of the business. That she might be able to help him with all the other things that he had to deal with. That she might be able to become something more than just a personal assistant.

"Come." Conrad called out, as a sudden knock came to the door of his office. A small smile creeping onto his lips, as (Y/n) poked her head around the door.

"You wanted to see me, Mister Stonebanks, sir?" (Y/n) enquired, as she hesitantly opened the door a little wider. Conrad trying to stop himself from laughing, as he saw the worried look on her face. The assistant closing the door behind her, as he nodded and gestured for her to enter the room.

"Yes, I did." Conrad replied, as he slowly got up from behind the desk and moved to the other side where (Y/n) stood. Her fingers nervously fiddling with the pen that Conrad knew she always kept pushed into the neat bun that she would twist her hair in every morning.

He could remember that he had once asked her why she did it, why she would place the pen in her hair. To which she had replied that it was sort of a safeguard. She had said that she had always been good at losing pens. She would put them down for a moment and then when she turned back, PUFF! They had disappeared as if by magic, and always at the worst times. Leaving her scrambling to find another, before she forgot what she was supposed to be doing. This way, (Y/n) explained, she never lost it. She never put it down. And it never disappeared. The explanation making the usually cool and really rather emotionless arms dealer, smile. It had endeared his beautiful assistant to him even more. It had proved to him that she was resourceful, dependable, intelligent, and could think outside the box. And those were the kind of traits that he liked in a woman. That, and she had been loyal to a fault to him since she had taken up her position.

"Do you trust me, (Y/n)?" Conrad asked, as he moved to stand behind her. The smell of her floral perfume filling his senses. Tempting him to move closer. To reach out his hand and take down her hair. To watch it cascade over her shoulders. To place his lips against her flesh and kiss, until she moaned.........

"I........I suppose so, sir. You have never given me a reason to doubt or not trust you. If you had, I assure you that I would no longer be in your service." (Y/n) replied. Conrad smiling again at her candid answer. That was another thing that Conrad had realised that he liked about (Y/n). The fact that she didn't pull any punches. She had always told him like it was. Always told him the truth. Whether the truth was what he wanted to hear or not. It had given him a strange kind of comfort. He was after all surrounded by yes man. Cowtowing sycophants that would tell him exactly what he wanted to hear so that he didn't shoot them. But (Y/n) didn't know about his real business. Perhaps if she did, she wouldn't be as forthcoming. But Conrad doubted it. That just wasn't her.

"Good......And how long have you been working for me?" Conrad continued, as he looked (Y/n) up and down. Images of her naked body filling his mind. Of the two of them in his bed. Of her moaning. Of him............

"A......a little over a year, sir." (Y/n) replied. Once again interrupting her boss's thoughts.

"Yes, exactly. A year. And I am still to give you a bonus for putting up with me......."

"I assure you, sir." (Y/n) began, as she turned to look at him.

"I am suitably recompensed for my labours. And I do not believe that I require a bonus for, as you put it, putting up with you. In fact, I would say that you and I seem to work quite well together. I would also say that I quite enjoy your company. So, perhaps it is I that should be giving you a bonus for putting up with me." (Y/n) chuckled, as she looked up into her employer's blue eyes.

Oh, how he loved the way she spoke. How he loved her accent. (Y/n) had a wonderful way of bamboozling people with the most eloquent bullshit that he had ever heard. He had seen her talk others into anything that she wanted, and still somehow managed to make the other person think that it had been their idea. He had seen her run rings around high priced attorneys. Negotiate deals for works of art, and downright bemuse and befuddle anyone that would dare question anything that she had done as far as her work was concern. Himself included. Conrad sometimes sure, that she could cast spells or hypnotise those around her into agreeing with anything that she said. And that was a very powerful skill to have. One he was sure, that if he did tell her about his real business, would come in very handy.

"And I assure you, (Y/n) that it is I that owe you the bonus. Now, close your eyes." Conrad told her. (Y/n)'s eyes growing wide at the suggestion.

"Close.......close my eyes, sir. But why............?"

"Well, you said that you trusted me. And I would like your bonus to be a surprise. So trust me........" Conrad interrupted. Yet another smile claiming his lips, as (Y/n) nodded and let her eyes fall shut. A small gasp leaving her throat, as she felt his strong coarse hands grip her shoulders and turn her around. Her heart pounding as she felt him move closer. Her knees beginning to shake, as she felt his chest press against her back. (Y/n) finding herself not caring about what this so called bonus was, just hoping that her boss wouldn't pull away. That he would wrap his arms around her waist and hold her close. That he would tell her all the things that she had wanted to hear him say since she had begun to work for him.

"Trust me........" Conrad hummed softly into (Y/n)'s ear. The former S.A.S.R operative pulling something out of his pocket. (Y/n) gasping again, as she felt something cold being placed around her neck.

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