Se sȳndor morgho - GoT - Part 9 - Tyrion x Bronn x Reader

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Tyrion woke, as the sounds of Bronn stumbling back into the rooms after his obviously wild night, entered his ears. The little lord grabbing a pillow and placing it over his head, hoping for just a few moments more rest before he had to think about moving from his bed. He was sure that he had only been asleep for a matter of moments. But in truth he really didn't mind. He would not swap the night for all the gold in the Lannister coffers. For he had spent it talking to (Y/n).

As she had asked, Tyrion had told her all about Kings Landing. About all the differences between it and Meereen. About the differences between Westeros and Essos, and what she should expect. (Y/n) telling him that given that she had never really seen Meereen or anything else but the pits, she was sure that Kings Landing would suit her just fine.

He had told her a little more about Bronn and how they had met. Told her about his older brother. Warned him about Cersei and his father, and the little shit, Joffrey. Tyrion laughing, as the warrior had told him, quite matter of factly, that she would quite happily kill the snivelling, petulant brat, if he so wished. The little Lannister never doubting for one moment that she would.

Tyrion had continued by telling her that he would make sure that she had a well appointed room of her own, near his apartments. That she would have gold in a purse to spend on what she wished. That she would be able to eat and drink all that she wanted, and no one would ever tell her no. And that all she had to do in return, was watch over him. Oh, and preferably not kill Bronn. The youngest Lannister unable to stop himself laughing again, as she had huffed and agreed reluctantly to that final request.

Then she had told him more about herself. What little there was that is. About how she couldn't remember a time before she had been a slave. More about her transition from child to fighter. More about the few people that she had cared for during her long years in the pits. About how she had lost them all in one way or another. Tyrion noticing how she would become a little softer, as she relived those memories. As she told him how she had learnt all she knew from those people. How she had learnt about the world beyond the pits from her little mouse. The tears that had come to the corners of her eyes disappearing, as (Y/n) had finally asked about what her little man had told her. About the great seas, and the ships that sailed them. About monsters that lurked in the depths. About huge mountain ranges and wild snow covered lands. Of castles so great that they could block out the sun. Of knights that wore gleaming armour. And of battles for a throne made of swords. A huge smile spreading across her lips, as Tyrion had told her that it was all true. That she would soon be able to see the sea and the great ships. The great castles and knights in gleaming armour. The throne made of swords. And even, if she so wished, the mountain ranges and snow covered lands.

"Will you SHUT UP!" Tyrion finally called out. Growling under his breath, as the still obviously highly inebriated sellsword made his way into the room. The little man's eyes growing wide as he watched (Y/n) appear as if from nowhere, right behind the drunken man. Gripping Bronn around the throat and pressing a blade to his flesh.

"You make more noise than a crowd baying for blood." The warrior hissed. Scrunching up her noise in disgust as she caught the smell of the sellsword in her nostrils. Of stale wine and ale, and whatever else the annoying man had been up to.

"Will you please tell the female Sandor here, to take her body away from my person. I'm not that kind of boy. Well.........that is unless she wants to show me that she can do other things with that mouth of hers, apart from talk so much." Bronn slurred. Feeling very proud of himself for a moment, until he found his body pushed to the floor. The sellsword struggling to sit up so that he could glare through his reddened eyes at the looming shadow.

"Morgho!" Tyrion called out. Intervening before it could all get any further out of hand. The young lion sure that it was far too early in the morning for this. The warrior stopping in her tracks, as she recalled what she had promised the lord the night before.

"You do recall that we are leaving for Westeros today, don't you? That we will be on a ship and going across the water, don't you?" Tyrion enquired, as he turned his attention to Bronn. The sellsword turning to look at him and simply shrugging.

Tyrion knew that he shouldn't expect anything less, or anything more from Bronn. That he should not complain. That he knew that he would probably return in this exact state after a night in the brothels. And he also knew that most of the time, he was just as bad as the sellsword. That unless he had found (Y/n), he would have joined with Bronn to the city. Returning in an equally bad state, with a lot less gold in his purse. But he had found (Y/n). And he felt the need to make a good impression on the beautiful warrior. To not let her see all his worst vices, until they had got to know one another better. Until she could get a chance to see, that he really wasn't all that bad. And that perhaps, there could one day be something more between them than her simply protecting him.

"I say you should just leave him here. I have seen better men thrown into the gutters to be eaten by stray animals, than this soak." The shadow huffed. Shaking her head as Bronn tried to get to his feet and failed abysmally.

"Look ere, woman. I will have ya know that I am tha best swordsman in the whole of Westeros. That I am feared throughout the land. That men tremble at my name.............."

"But we are not in Westeros, are we. Here, pit fighters are what matters, not sellswords. And you would not have survived long in the hell that I have lived in for years, no matter what your deluded mind might tell you. And as you have already noticed, I am not a man. And I will never tremble at your name." Morgho scoffed, as even Tyrion found himself rolling his eyes at the taller man's grandeous claims. The lion knowing that none of it was going to impress a woman that had probably seen more blood and death than even Bronn had.

"Unfortunately, as much as I would very much like to leave him, at this moment. I am afraid that I can't. I have need of both of you. And in the state he is in, I believe that it would be far crueller to take him with us and let the sea teach him a lesson." Tyrion replied, as he climbed down from his bed and made his way over to (Y/n). Offering her his hand.

"Now, I think that it is about time you and I had breakfast." The little man continued. He and (Y/n) leaving the room. Bronn now flat on his back and snoring softly. 

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