Play with fire - Gotham - Part 10 - Victor x Reader

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"Who was that........?" Victor enquired, as the two detectives led him back to the steps.

"It was Santa Claus. Didn't you see the sleigh and reindeers parked out front when you came in?" Harvey replied. Glad that he was going to be seeing the back of the assassin. Hoping that (Y/n) had got everything she wanted from Victor. Which in truth, had not been much. The killer seeming to know even less about Bullseye, than they did.

"Then you must be a fuckin Leprechaun, and Gordon's the Tooth Fairy. Maybe I'll just wait until she finishes work and ask the lovely lady myself......." Victor replied, a smile coming to his lips, as he looked at the two detectives. As he saw the look in Jim's eyes. It more than obvious that neither man liked his suggestion. Victor quirking a brow, as Gordon stepped forward. As he placed his lips close to Victor's ear.

"You do, and I'll kill you myself. Now get out, before I change my mind and find something to lock you up for." Jim hissed disdainfully, before stepping back. Fighting the urge to kick Victor down the stairs, as the assassin turned and made his way out of the building.

"You're a better man than me, Jimbo. I was just going to kick him down the stairs and say it was an accident." Harvey sniffed, as his partner came back to join him. Jim unable to stop himself from chuckling at Harvey having the same idea as him.

"Now, maybe we should go and find out what (Y/n) thought are about all that. And why, after telling us that she didn't want Victor to know about her, she would be there when he came out of the room." Harvey added, as he made his way back towards his desk. The detective having a feeling that (Y/n) would already be waiting for them.


"I know. You don't have to say anything. I know. After saying all I said, I was waiting for you outside the room. But I had a good reason." (Y/n) said, as Jim and Harvey made their way over to their desks. The female detective sitting on the corner of Harvey's.

"It was all well and good watching him for the other side of the mirror. And I know it sounds dumb, but I needed to look into his eyes. To see whether what he had told you. That he had no idea about who our Bullseye was, was true or not. Guys like him lie for a living. That is why we're here, to get to the truth. And I thought that if I could look into his eyes, I would be able to see whether he really knew anything................."

"And did he.............?" Harvey interjected, as he took a seat in his chair.

"No. I think that for once, what Victor was telling you, was the truth. Though I doubt that a man like Zsasz would know what the truth was. Even if he bit him on the backside. Though, that all means is, that I am no closer to finding out who our new assassin is. All I can hope, is that I get some information about these specialist bullets that Bullseye uses, before Ed ends up with another customer. Maybe you and Jim shouldn't have kept this case. It's obvious that I'm not getting anywhere." (Y/n) sighed. A small smile pulling at the corner of her lips, as Jim placed his arm around her shoulder. Her excuse for coming out to see Victor seeming to have convinced the two men.

"Come on (Y/n). You know that's not true. If anyone can solve this, its you. Its right up your alley. Its just like one of Ed's riddles. And we know you love Ed's riddles.............."

"She's the only one that does." Harvey interjected. His comment making both (Y/n) and Jim laugh.

"Yeah, ok. Maybe........maybe I'll try looking at the whole thing from a different angle. Think outside the box. Try and find out who the next victim could be. Be proactive, not reactive. Go back and physically look at each of the crime scenes and see if I can see something that I don't in the photos. this moment I think I'll go out and see if anyone saw anything. I noticed that from the reports a few of the apartments were empty at the time the uniforms went and did their house to house. Maybe, there might be someone home this time. Someone that saw something. That, and I need some fresh air." (Y/n) replied, as she slowly got up from the desk and gave Jim a kiss on the cheek. The female detective chuckling, as Harvey waited for his own peck. Pointed to the exact spot on his cheek that he wanted her to place her lips.

"I'll see you two in the morning." (Y/n) continued happily, as she made her way towards the steps and disappeared.


She had been pacing for hours. As soon as she had stepped through her door into her apartment, she hadn't been able to rest. The memory of Victor's smug face, gnawing away at her very core. Her stomach churning, as if maggots were eating her from the inside. She had been able to stop herself from shooting him, as he sat in the interview room. From killing him, as he had walked past her. But now, now a little voice in the back of her mind, was telling her that she needed to make him pay. That she needed something now. She needed the bloody nose. The cutting of the hair. That gratification she always got from hearing the girls scream and seeing them cry. From the blood, that would flow down the boy's faces. And after all, it was about time that Victor got a look at his nemesis. That they met, face to face so to speak. (Y/n) making her way to her bedroom. Running her fingers up and down the edge of the large mirror until she found the latch. The soft click, as she pulled on the mechanism, making the mirror swinging slowly open. A smile creeping across her lips, as she made her way into the hidden room, and took the mask that sat on the desk in her hands. The brightly painted target that sat between the mask's dark empty orbs, telling her that Bullseye, wanted to come out and play. That he wanted to make Victor pay.   

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