Night - Part 8 - Tony Stark x Reader

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Tony had sat in complete silence as (Y/n) explained about imprinting. What it meant to her. What it meant to the beast that was inside of her. How it was stronger than love. How it meant everything to her. The lycanthrope not sure what to think, as he had just looked out of the window across from them. His thousand-mile stare not filling her with confidence, as she finished telling him all that she had to say. Her heart dropping into her stomach, as he suddenly got to his feet and made his way towards the same window. The billionaire leaning against the wall. (Y/n) sure that he was just trying to think of the best way to tell her that he wasn't interested in her. That he couldn't deal with the idea of being her soulmate.

In truth, she knew that it was too much to ask. That it was all too much to take in. A woman that he had only just met. Had only just found out that she could turn into a giant, snarling wolf, had imprinted on him. That she loved him more deeply than he could ever imagine. That the wolf would protect him with her very life. Would fight anything and everything that came for him. Would die for him. After all, it wasn't something that you heard every day. Not something that you would just slip into a conversation, as if you were talking about the weather. And as he continued to look out of the window, (Y/n) realised that there was only one thing that she could do. That even though it would kill her, the best thing that she could do, was leave. The lycanthrope hoping that not being with her soulmate, would destroy her before Hydra could find her again.

"Where are you going.......?" Tony asked, as (Y/n) rose from the bed and made her way to the door.

"I don't know. But I'll find somewhere. Hopefully I can stay under Hydra's radar and ................"

"No......I mean, where are you going? I thought you said that you had imprinted. That you couldn't leave. That it would kill you if you left me." Tony explained, as (Y/n) felt his hand catch her arm. As she found herself spun around. Her pale grey orbs forced to look into his smooth brown eyes, as he took her face in his hands. His warm palms gently cupping her cheeks.

"I didn't say anything, and............I know that it's a lot to think about. That you don't really know me.........and I've just come out and told you that you and I are soulmates. That the wolf will do anything to protect you.............So, I just presumed that you didn't want me around anymore. That it would be better to just leave, despite what it could mean.........."

"You aren't going anywhere, (Y/n). This is your home now. And ok, it's a little to take in, but............well, I can't pretend that I hate the idea. Who wouldn't want a beautiful woman like you imprinting on them? Who wouldn't want to say that they had found a real soulmate? So, you are staying here with me. We will get to know one another better. We will let the others get to know you better. Bring you in as part of the team after we tell them all, what you are and what you can do. But until then.........." Tony told her, as his hand crept slowly into her hair, as he pulled her closer. A mere chink of light between their lips, before a loud pounding on the door spoiled the perfect moment.


"A WHAT!?" Clint asked in disbelief, as Bruce reluctantly told the rest of the team about (Y/n).

"Have you been huffing those chemicals you use in the lab again? A werewolf? The next thing you'll be telling us is that there are fairies at the bottom of the garden and gnomes digging for gold under the compound." The archer added, not really in the mood for whatever bullshit Bruce was trying to tell them.

"No, I haven't! And I mean it. It a long story, but Tony ran her down the other night when he was coming back from that funeral that he went to. She was escaping from Hydra..............."

"She was escaping from Hydra...........?" Bucky suddenly chimed in. The Winter soldier, up until that moment, having thought that Clint was right, and Bruce had been mixing the wrong chemicals. Yet at the sound of that name, something deep within him had started to sound right. Had started to sound true.

"Yes. She's been held by Hydra for a long time...........she thinks. They were experimenting on her. They tortured her. Used her just like they did you. Controlled her with a.................."

"A collar around her neck." Bucky said quietly, finishing the doctor's sentence. The old soldier dropping onto one of the sofas. All eyes looking between Bucky and Steve.

" you know about this.............?" Steve finally asked, as he made his way over to join his old friend.

"I'm not...........sure.............I think..........I think I remember......." Bucky tried to explain, as he dropped his head into his hands. The sergeant wishing that his memories about his time in the clutches of Hydra weren't so mixed up. That he could recall things that might help. The old soldier banging the heals of his hands into the sides of his head, as he tried to knock the clouds from his mind. The fog from his thoughts. Bucky suddenly sitting bolt upright, as something cleared. As the mist lifted.

"Bruce is right. She's real. She really is a werewolf. I can't remember ever seeing her in her human form, that's why I didn't recognise her when Stark introduced her. They would bring her out from whatever hellhole they kept her in, when they wanted blood. The only thing controlling her, a large collar that they kept around her neck. They would send her into situations that they wouldn't even send me. If they wanted someone to suffer. Because I would just kill them with a bullet or a knife. And that would be over to quick. To easy. She.........she on the other hand could tear them limb from limb............"

"And Stark brought that here? Has he completely lost his mind? The next time that there's a full moon, is she gonna go mad and cut us all down.......?" Clint interjected. The archer not liking the idea that this was all real, and that Tony had brought it into the compound.

", (Y/n) isn't like that. Without the collar she can control the wolf. She can change whenever she wants. She's amazing, Clint. You should see what she can do. Hydra enhanced her. She can rip through adamantium and vibranium like its nothing. She can live even if she's shot, poisoned or stabbed. She's fast enough to avoid a repulsor blast, one of your arrows. She's strong enough to take on even the Hulk.........."

"If you are so concerned about this, Mister Barton, perhaps you should actually go and ask the people in question rather do you Midgardians put it..........? Oh yes, shoot the messenger." A cool voice interrupted, all eyes turning to look at the God of Mischief, as he placed his feet up on the table in front of him and looked at his nails. Loki knowing full well that he was poking the bear. Also knowing that the archer already wanted to do exactly that, and all he needed was a push. The dark god more than happy to give him that push. More than happy to cause a little chaos. Especially as things in the compound were beginning to get a little dull for his taste. And if it meant causing Stark some trouble, then all the better.

"For once, I think that you might have a point." Clint agreed, as he made his way from the room. Thor rolling his eyes at his brother, before he followed after the others. All of them trying to stop Clint from doing something he might regret. Loki not far behind, as he realised that he had to make sure that they didn't. A thin smile spreading across the lips the God of Mischief's lips, as the team found themselves outside Tony's rooms. The archer's fist pounding on the door.   

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