Innocent bystander - Part 6 - Loki x Reader

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Loki suddenly sat up on his, what Thor had jokingly referred to as, a bed. He was sure that he had heard something. It was barely there. A mere suggestion of a whisper. But it was definitely there. Though given the deep gloom that surrounded his well-lit cell, it was proving hard to see anything that could be coming his way.

"Who's there? Thor is that you............? I am really not in the mood for this.........."

"Well, that's a shame, isn't it? Because I am definitely in the mood for it." A cold voice came from the darkness. The God of Mischief quickly getting to his feet, as he saw a pair of red eyes suddenly appear from the gloom. The rest of the woman slowly coming into the light. The soft blue tinge to her skin still obvious in the darkness.

"What are you doing here? How did you get in? Did Stark.............." Loki began, as he moved toward the edge of his cell and watched her make her way closer. The God not quite sure how to feel, as she suddenly stopped.

"Stark didn't do anything. In fact, no one even knows that I am here. You would be surprised at what I am discovering I am capable of. These powers of yours........or should I say, mine........ are proving to be very interesting. It is quite surprising where I can get, if I really want to." (Y/n) interrupted. A small chuckle leaving her lips, as she looked the God up and down.

The rest of the day, (Y/n) had spent with the others. Bruce watching over her, as Steve had let her handle his shield. As Thor had filled the room with lightning. A loud laugh filling the tower, as it crackled between the pair. Clint handing her an old bow and offering to take her down to the training room with him, after Nat had finished putting her through her paces the next day. Stark seeming to be taken aback, by all the ideas that she was coming up with for his suits. For a possible suit of her own. Yet in the back of her mind, the one thing that she had found herself most concerned with, was speaking to Loki. Speaking to the God that had caused all this. Though despite how many times Bruce had assured her that she could speak to him when she had learnt to deal with all the changes that had happened to her. (Y/n) had a feeling that that would be later, rather than sooner. And she wanted answers. She wanted answers now.

"What do you want............?" Loki enquired. Finding himself intrigued, despite doing his best to appear as nothing more than bored and impassive. He himself not sure what the woman before him could be capable of. The Chitauri's weapon, in his opinion at least, not being the wisest of ideas. The notion of creating a god. A being that was greater than all the Avengers and he himself. A being that could then be controlled. Was to his mind, a ludicrous notion. The God of Mischief knowing that anyone that was part him, would never allow themselves to be used. And it would appear that he was right.

"Oh, nothing really. Just a little conversation. That's all..........."

"So, you don't wish to try and choke me again............?"

"Well.......not at this moment. I might save that pleasure for another time though. And I think that you will find that I didn't try and choke you last time. I did choke you. I choked you and dangled you from a building." (Y/n) retorted, as she leant up against the barriers that surrounded the gods cell.

"As I said.........I am not in the mood.........." Loki replied indignantly. The God of Mischief turning to make his way back over to his bed. Not wishing to comply with the Midgardian's request. But instead of seeing his little cell, he found himself back in his rooms in Asgard. Free. Unfettered. The usual evening breeze that would always blow though his apartments, causing the light drapes to flutter softly.

"I discovered this little trick, earlier. It freaked the others out, I must admit. Well, all except Thor that is. But I know that it isn't the first time he has had your tricks played on him." (Y/n) said, as she came up behind him. Taking a seat on the large bed. Watching as Loki made his way out onto the balcony. Closing his eyes, as the last warm rays of the sun kissed his cheeks.

"I, of course, have never seen any of this before. Not in real life. And I doubt if I ever will. But thanks to you and the big guy, I feel as though I know it just as well as I know my own home. If you asked me, I could take you anywhere that you wished to go. To see Heimdall. To the gardens. The throne room. To see your mother........." (Y/n) explained, as she looked around the large room. Having to admit that she didn't mind it.

"Why have you done this? Do you really think that you can use my own magic against me? Where do you think that all this will get you..............?" Loki asked, as he turned and stormed towards her. His advance only stopping as electricity began to spark around her. The sky outside turning black, as rain feel so heavily, that for a moment Loki thought he was going to go deaf. The blue tinge to her skin changing to a green hue, as she got to her feet and stood toe to toe with him.

"Do not push me........Loki! You lost to the Hulk. And I assure you that you will lose to me, for I am so much more. So, I would be very careful if I were you. And please don't think that you can counter this little spell. Because I'm in charge here. Not you. Now, I have brought you here so that you and I could speak cordially. So that you could explain to me, why I am now what I am. You see, I am the good guy. And you are the bad. Good guys have a habit of trying diplomacy before anything else. To use word to help them understand. To counter difficult situations. But if you wish to play this your way, we can do that. For we have a saying on Midgard. 'There is more than one way to skin a cat'. And if I need to keep putting images into your mind, until I find something that you fear. Something that will break that smug, narcissistic demeanour of yours. I will. Because I now have eternity. So, the choice is yours. We can sit here in the sumptuous surroundings of your rooms. Drink a glass of the best wine this world has to offer. Or we can do it the hard way." (Y/n) told him. Before she turned and took a seat at the table. Loki musing for a moment before taking the other chair. The God of Mischief not sure what was going to happen. But interested to find out.   

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