The flaming idiot - Part 2 - Johnny Storm x Steve Rogers x Reader

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"And why would you want to see me.......?" Steve enquired, as he turned from the coffee machine to look at Johnny. The captain raising a brow, as the overly cheery human torch jumped from his seat and made his way over to him. Steve having to admit that having Johnny this close was a little unnerving. Like he was looking at a grinning refection of himself.

"(Y/n)." Johnny simply stated. Steve shaking his head and rolling his eyes, as he pushed past the younger Storm and made his way over to one of the chairs.

From the moment (Y/n) had got back to the compound after working with Reed and the rest of the team, she had done nothing but tell them all the horror stories about his lookalike. How he was so unlike the rest of his team. How he was an embarrassment. An overgrown sex mad teenager, trapped in an adult's body. How he made a joke of everything and believed that he was the centre of the universe. How, despite outward appearances, Johnny was nothing like him. And would never be.

"What about (Y/n)?" Steve reluctantly asked, as Johnny took a seat next to him on the sofa.

"Well..........I like her. I really like her.............."

"I would forget all about that, if I were you, Johnny. (Y/n) hasn't had a good word to say about you since she got back. She once described you as a horny tom cat with the morals of a sewer rat. That, and despite everything that she can do because of the gamma radiation. It will be Bruce, or should that be the Hulk you have to worry about if you touch her while you are here." Steve interrupted. The captain about to get to his feet and leave the room, until he saw the look on Johnny's face. A look that told the old soldier that the airman did have real feelings for the younger Banner. Steve sighing heavily, as she retook his seat.

"Look. I can only imagine what (Y/n) said about me. And most of it was probably true. I'm not the most sensible one of the team. I make light of stuff, and I do everything I shouldn't. But........we all make mistakes, right? Even you, the star spangled boy scout must have done things that you aren't proud of. I just........I could just do with some help changing that. Something that will make (Y/n) see that underneath everything, I'm really a good guy. That.......well, that I actually care about her. While she was with us, (Y/n) would always say that other than her brother, you were the member of the team that she respected the most. The one that she looked up to. To be honest, I got sick of hearing about how goddamn amazing you are. How much of a gentleman you are. How loyal, considerate and caring you are. And I admit that I might possibly have made fun of you. But that was only because I thought that you and (Y/n) might know. But as you aren't, I thought if anyone would know how to help me with (Y/n) it would be you." Johnny explained. Steve furrowing his brows at the idea that Johnny Storm would come and ask him for advice on women. Even if that woman was (Y/n). Steve sure that Bucky, Sam or Tony would know far more about the subject than he did.

"Look, I'm not exactly what you would call an expert in that area. You really should speak to Stark. He would................"

"Oh, no, no, no. It has to be you. (Y/n) said that you're discrete. That you can keep a secret. If I went to old iron draws, it would get back to Ben and I would never live it down. I don't need you to do anything, Rogers. Like I said, all I need is a little advice. Just information about what (Y/n) likes and doesn't like. How I can I can be a little more like you............"


(Y/n) hadn't heard a word that her brother, Tony, Reed, Susan or Ben had said since they had made their way into the labs. Deep down, she knew that she should be. That she should be the one showing the others around. Explaining what she and Bruce had been doing. How she had been helping Tony with his new suit. Yet, she was finding that her thoughts were not filled with the science that she had brought the others to see, but with the member of the Fantastic Four that had been left behind. And she wasn't wondering if he was behaving. She wasn't hoping that Johnny hadn't broken anything. Or that he hadn't tried to make Buck believe that he was Steve. She was just thinking about him. Just him. About his smile. His eyes. His laugh. And she hated herself for it.

It was true that Johnny looked almost identical to Steve. The captain maybe being ever so slightly more muscular than the human torch. But that wasn't the reason that she had found herself liking him. It was because of the man that was underneath all the good looks. The man, that despite what he showed to most others, could have a kind and loyal heart. She had to admit that from the first time that she had made her laugh, she had liked Johnny. That there was something about him. That even though he looked like Steve's twin, he was a lot more fun than Steve could be. He knew how to have a good time and throw caution to the wind. That he could be a little crazy and unpredictable. Yet even though she liked the fact that he was different in cap in so many ways. She wished that there was one thing that was the same. That just like Cap, he could be a one woman, man. (Y/n) recalling all the pretty faces that had left Johnny's room first thing in the morning. Pretty faces that had smiled that knowing smile as they had looked at her while pouring themselves a coffee. A mocking look that seemed to suggest that these women knew exactly how she felt for the man that they had just spent the night with. The man that would never be interested in her. The science nerd that just like her brother had become some strange kind of monster...........

"Hey, kid. You okay?" A gruff voice enquired. (Y/n) quickly wiping the tear from her eye before turning and smiling at Ben. The Thing having moved to her side. A little bored of listening to all the science stuff.

"Yeah, Ben. I'm fine. I was just somewhere else for a minute........."

"A minute? You've been standing like that since we got here. Luckily, Stark is trying to one up Reed at every turn, so I don't think anyone has noticed. Why don't you get some air? I'll cover for you." Ben told her, as he carefully pushed her towards the door. (Y/n) giving him a small kiss on the cheek, before the door closed behind her and she made her way back towards the common room. The younger Banner sure that she would find the air she needed there.    

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