Starry, starry night - GoT - Part 9 - Tyrion x Reader

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I know that I am a day or so early, but I hope that you are all able to enjoy and spend time with your loved ones during these holidays. So, Merry Christmas. Happy Hanukkah and a wonderful Kwanzaa to you all.

Tyrion couldn't help but smile, as he stared down into the most beautiful pair of emerald, green eyes in the world. The sparkle within them drawing him deeper. Deeper into thoughts of a life that would be filled with real love. With a family of his own. Heirs that would carry the name of the lions. Heirs that whether his father liked it or not, would be the ones to be the new lords and ladies of Casterly Rock.

"What are you smiling for?" (Y/n) asked softly, as she reached up and brushed some of Tyrion's hair away from his eyes.

"How could I not smile when I am looking at you, (Y/n)? But I was just remembering back to that night. About laying under the stars. Just you and I. About what I was about to do before that shrill old harridan, Linster, dragged you away from me...................."

"Linster is not here now, Tyrion. There is now no one and nothing to keep us apart. No one that will pull me away from you. why don't you tell me what you wanted to do all those years ago. What you want to do now." (Y/n) hummed softly, as she brushed her nose against his. Tyrion's eyes growing wide, as her fingers entangled themselves into his hair.

"Well.........." Tyrion began. A mischievous smile pulling at the corner of his lips. His fingers delicately gripping onto the laces of her dress.

"I would have started by pulling on these strings." The little lord continued, as he carefully wrapped his finger around the lace and pulled on it slowly. Slowly moving the material apart so that it fell away from (Y/n)'s breasts. His smile growing broader as his hand ghosted over the warm, rounded flesh. (Y/n)'s eyes closing as her cousin's fingers pinched at her nipples. A rich needy moan coming from deep inside her, as she felt his lips against her flesh.

"A-a-a-and then what?" (Y/n) gasped, as Tyrion sucked her hard nib into his mouth, and circled it with his hot, wet tongue.

"Then.........well then, I would have wanted you to remove my jacket and my shirt." The youngest son of Tywin finally replied, as he reluctantly removed his mouth from (Y/n)'s heated flesh. The blush that had spread across her skin. The sounds that were leaving her beautiful lips, serving to make his cock harder than he was sure that it had ever been before. His heart almost exploding from his chest, as (Y/n) rose and began to tenderly remove the heavy, elaborate jacket that covered his form. Tyrion removing the top of her gown, as his jacket finally fell to the floor with a soft thud. His mouth growing dry, as (Y/n) pulled his white undershirt over his head and allowed it to join the expensive outer garb on the floor. A deep moan, almost a growl, leaving the little lord, as she pushed her naked chest up against his and wrapped her arms around him.

"And after that?" The lioness continued softly, as she nuzzled into her cousin's neck. Tyrion's moans growing louder, as he felt (Y/n)'s fingers gently caress his aching crotch. The lion sure that if he wasn't realised from the confines of his breeches soon, he might just lose his mind.

"And after that................" Tyrion managed to reply. His hand quickly moving up under her skirts. A loud gasp coming from (Y/n), as his fingers found their way to her heated, needy womanhood. Her body being pressed back into the mattress, as Tyrion laid her down. His form resting between her legs, as he desperately tugged at the drawstrings on his breeches.

Suddenly a loud knock rang through the room. The two lions looking at one another before glancing at the door. Another knock ringing out.

"Ignore it, Tyrion. It can't be important. Please, don't stop." (Y/n) pleaded, as she took his face in her hands, and turned his gaze back towards her. The wanting look in her beauteous green orbs, making the little man not care about who could possibly be trying to spoil what he and (Y/n) had been waiting so long for.

"Milady!" A gruff voice came through the door, accompanied by another loud knock.

"Milady (Y/n). I must speak with ya!" The voice came again. This time pushing Tyrion to reluctantly remove himself from his cousin's form and drop to the floor. Snatching up his undershirt and placing it back over his head. (Y/n) sighing in utter frustration, as she pulled back on the top of her gown and made her way to the door. The lioness taking a deep breath before opening the ingress. Her eyebrows furrowing, as she saw one of her uncle's men staring back at her.

"Milady. I am sorry fa disturbing ya, but Lord Tywin has asked ta see ya. I am ta escort ya ta the Tower of the Hand............" The man began to explain. A heavy stone feeling as though it had just dropped into her stomach, as (Y/n) realised that she was once again going to be taken from Tyrion before they had been allowed to love one another.

"I........I can make my own way in a little while. I just have something to attend to, and................"

"I'm afraid that Lord Tywin was insistent that he would like ta see ya straight away, milady. And he demanded that I escort ya." The bannerman interjected. (Y/n) looking back into her room and watching as Tyrion drew his jacket back around his shoulders.

"Um........yes, of course. If you will just give me one moment." (Y/n) replied. Doing her best to smile at the older man, before shutting the door and making her way back over to Tyrion. The lioness dropping onto the bed by his side.

"Tyrion. I............."

"I know. I heard." Tyrion countered softly. Reaching up his hands and relacing her gown. Doing his best to give her a reassuring smile despite the fact that he was sure that (Y/n) was as frustrated and desperate as he was for their moment together not to end. Especially not in this way.

"We are cursed, aren't we? The gods must hate us. After all these years. After all the lonely nights I have spent. All the years of longing for you. The gods still refuse to let us be together. They bring someone else to separate us. To stop us from loving one another." (Y/n) sobbed. Tyrion taking her face into his hands, and carefully brushing away the tears that were racing down her cheeks.

"We are not cursed, my love. And tonight, no one will stop you and I being together. I promise." The little man assured. Smiling as (Y/n) seemed to brighten a little at the idea that they would be able to try again. That perhaps when the great castle grew quiet, they would finally be able to love one another.

"Now, I would suggest that you go and see what my father wants." Tyrion continued. Kissing (Y/n) on the lips before he took her hand and helped her up from the bed. The little lion taking her over to the door and giving her one more smile before she left the room.


Bronn made his way back to the lioness's rooms. The sellsword unable to stop a small smile kissing his lips. It had been sometime since Tyrion had fled his room when he had heard what Bronn had to say about his and (Y/n) ride through the Kings Wood with Jaime. When he had heard that all the lioness had wanted to talk about, was him. And after several more glasses of the little lord's good wine, the sellsword had decided that it might be fun to see if Tyrion had been able to finally find out what beauty lay beneath those expensive gowns that the lioness wore.

"Milady?" Bronn enquired in disbelief, as (Y/n) suddenly appeared from around the corner, being escorted by one of the Lannister guards. The young lioness just giving him a sad glance as she hurried past. The sellsword quickly turning to continue on his way back to her rooms, hoping that nothing had happened to Tyrion. Bronn once again stopped in his tracks, as the youngest Lannister appeared. His face like thunder as he stormed through the corridor.

"What the..................?" Bronn tried to ask. The sellsword unable to finish his question, as Tyrion simply held up his hand, and walked past him. Bronn momentarily confused, before deciding to chase after the little lord. Knowing that whatever had happened between the two lions, had not been what either of them had wanted. And that maybe one or two glasses of wine, might just loosen Tyrion's tongue enough to get him to tell Bronn what had actually happened.  

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