Night at the opera - Part 3 - Charles x Logan x Reader

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Logan could feel his heart pound violently, as the beautiful woman gracefully pushed her way through the crowd. Each person shaking her hand, and showering her with praise, as she passed. Her smile never slipping, as she softly and carefully replied to all the comments. As she thanked the people for coming and all their support. Her smile only growing broader as her gaze fell on Charles. The telepath returning an equally broad smile, as he slowly moved his chair towards her.

"Charles." The diva said quietly, as she came to stand in front of the professor. Charles' eyes closing, as the singer lent over to hug him.

"You came............."

"Of course, I came, my nightingale. Did you really expect me not to come? I have been waiting far too long to see you on that stage." Charles replied with a chuckle. The professor already feeling himself enchanted by (Y/n)'s low voice.

"So......? What did you think?" The diva asked nervously, as she pulled away. Logan continuing to watch her, as she crouched down by the professor's side.

"Hmmmmmmm. What did I think.......?" Charles mussed. Logan a little shocked, as the telepath let out an amused chuckle when the beautiful woman jokingly smacked his arm.

"Charles Francis Xavier. Don't tease......."

"There is not a sufficient enough word to tell you how truly wonderful I think you were, (Y/n). As always, you were magnificent. As always, you brought the words to life." Charles finally responded. Logan again a little shocked at the genuine feeling in the professor's words. At the caring look in his eyes.

"Oh, yes..........." Charles continued, as he remembered that Logan was stood just to the side of him.

"My dear, I would like you to meet Logan." Charles added, as he turned (Y/n) to look at the large mutant. The breath once again catching in his throat, as he looked into her eyes. As he took in the full glory of her visage. The diva seeming to be as taken aback as he was. Her breath appearing to become short, as she looked up at him. Her teeth biting deep into her bottom lip, as she pulled away from Charles, and made her way over to Logan. Holding out her hand for him to take. Electricity pulsating through his body, as his flesh touched hers.

" are the spoken of, but never seen Logan? Sometimes I thought that Charles was making this mysterious Wolverine of his, up. That you were little more than a flight of his imagination. That a man like you could only be found in a dream. you are. In real life. It's a pleasure to finally meet you Mister........Howlett." (Y/n) said softly. A pink hue creeping up onto her cheeks, as Logan moved her hand so that he could softly kiss her knuckles. His hazel eyes looking up through his brown lashes. His orbs never wanting to leave her face. The world, the noise and even Charles seeming to disappear, as the two moved a little closer. As Logan's grip on her hand grew a little tighter. The two now almost standing toe to toe, as finally the large mutant managed to formulate some words in reply. His mind lost in her soft voice. Just as Charles said it would be.

"It's just Logan, please.........And it's a delight to meet you too. Though I am afraid I didn't know about you before I was made to come here, tonight. But if I had............."

"Charles! You didn't tell Logan about me? How could you? And you dragged him here? Really Charles..........." (Y/n) scolded, as she turned to look at the professor. Logan sure he had never see Charles look so uncomfortable, as he was chastised by the beautiful woman.

"It isn't that I didn't want to tell Logan about you, it was just that with the school and coming to watch you and the rehearsals, I got a little side-tracked. And I didn't drag him here. You said you wanted to meet him. So, I brought him. You know as well as I do, that just like everyone you else, I am powerless when the diva makes a request." Charles replied, as he moved to (Y/n)'s side and took her hand in his. The professor having to admit that he was surprised that the diva had chosen to speak. That she had not simply gone for her notebook. The old man holding back his smile, as he sensed why (Y/n) had chosen to speak. As he sensed what the two other mutants were thinking.

"But now you have met him, what do you think?" Charles enquired, as he joined (Y/n) in looking up at the big mutant.

"I think............I think that he is very impressive." (Y/n) told him, as she smiled at Logan. Logan not sure what to think of the look in her eyes, yet sure that his gaze was mirroring hers. And if the same emotions were bombarding her. Then Logan was sure that this could prove to be one of the best nights of his life. That he would certainly never complain at Charles for having brought him to the opera.

"Well, that is certainly one adjective to describe him. And perhaps it is about time that I introduced you properly. So.........Logan, I would like you to meet (Y/f/n) Xavier. My niece." Charles announced happily. Logan taken aback at the professor's declaration. But now seeing why there was such an obvious fondness between the pair.

"Your..........your niece........?"

"Yes. (Y/n) is the daughter of my brother." Charles affirmed. His hand gripping (Y/n)'s a little tighter.

"Niece.........?" Logan asked again, as he looked at (Y/n). The beautiful singer nodding slowly. Leaving the feral mutant to wonder whether that was a good or bad thing. Whether he should be thinking and feeling all the things that he was, if she really was the professor's niece. Knowing that Charles might not like some of the things that he was thinking and feeling.

"Charles. (Y/n). I was hoping that I could steal our beautiful diva from you for a few moments. There are so many people that wish to speak with her." Gerald asked, as he came up to the trio. (Y/n) reluctantly moving her eyes from Logan, as she turned to look at the tall, ungainly man.

"Of course, Gerald. I have all the time in the world to spend with our beautiful Queen of the Night, so I see no reason why I shouldn't let you steal her for a short while." Charles agreed, as he placed a kiss to (Y/n)'s knuckles.

"Certainly. A queen's work is never done I suppose. I shall see you soon, uncle. And.......I hope that we will now be able to get to know one another better, Logan." (Y/n) concurred. Placing a small kiss to her uncle's cheek, and giving Logan one last look, before she allowed Gerald to lead her away. Logan knowing that she didn't have to enchant him for him to want the same thing. That he would be more than happy to get to know her better. 

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