Forgive me - The Expendables - Part 2 - Church x Reader

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(Y/n) sat bolt upright in her bed. A faint, strange sound rousing her from her fitful slumber. The ex-sergeant shaking her head, as she recognised the sound of someone trying to pick the lock of the door to her apartment. After what had transpired earlier that day, (Y/n) couldn't believe that he would really be that stupid. That he would be willing to take his life into his hands and face her again so soon. But there again, she had to remember who she was dealing with.

She knew that the interaction between her and the agent may have seemed a little over the top. That she had seen the look in Barney's eyes as she had tried to get to the company man yet again. (Y/n) trying to explain her actions away, by stating that Galgo was her friend. That because of Church, she had been covered in her friend's blood, as she and Doc tried to do all they could for him. That she herself had nearly been killed. That she would have reacted exactly the same way, if any of the rest of them had been hurt. And that Church had deserved all she had given him, and more. The sergeant not sure whether Barney and the others had accepted her reasoning, but at least it had stopped them asking any further questions. Barney deciding that the best thing for (Y/n) to do, was go home.

Quietly, (Y/n) pulled her gun out from under her pillow and threw back the sheets. Her feet dropping onto the carpeted floor. The ex-soldier quickly making her way through the apartment and to the door. (Y/n) shaking her head again, as she listened to his ham fisted attempts at cracking the lock. The female Expendable, just happy that his fingers were usually much nimbler when it came to removing her clothes. The older man quite adept when it came to unhooking a bra.

She didn't know whether to be annoyed, angry or irate about the fact that he was there. Didn't know whether she should give him the chance to sit down with her and explain what had happened. But she did know one thing for sure. That no matter what she did, no matter if she threatened him, punched him, or shot at him, they would still end up in her bed. The mercenary sometimes hating herself for needing him so much. For wanting him so much. For craving that silver tongue with which he could do so many wonderful things.

Suddenly a soft click alerted her to the fact that he had finally cracked the lock. (Y/n) clapping mockingly, as she waited for the ingress to creep open. For him to stick his head through the door.

"Really? Breaking and entering? A little low don't you think?" (Y/n) asked, as she placed the muzzle of her gun at the back of his head. The man raising his hands, as a switch was flicked, and the whole room was lit up.

"Oh, no, wait. We're taking about you. Breaking and entering isn't the lowest thing that you have ever done. That would be sending your girlfriend and her team into a situation where you didn't give them all the information that I am sure that you had. Into a situation where the bad guys were better armed than they were supposed to be. And then, just to add to that level of low, when that girlfriend gets back, you don't come and see her straight away, to make sure that she is alright. Nooooooooo. You wait two days, and then ask Barney instead." (Y/n) hissed, as she took hold of the intruder's shoulder and brought him into the room so that she could close the door behind him. The barrel of the gun, never leaving the back of his head.

"(Y/n), honey. I can explain..............."

"Explain? Alex Church, I should shoot you here and now. What did I tell you earlier? I said that if you come near me again, it wouldn't be just your chin I busted. That I would shove that chrome dome head of yours, so far up ya backside, you'd be able to eat your own bullshit for a week. Do you remember that, Church? Because I meant it. And I also meant it when I said that you were the worst agent and man that I had ever met. And don't you dare honey, me." (Y/n) interrupted. The sergeant glaring at the agent, as she allowed him to turn around. His hands still firmly in the air, as he looked at the gun.

Church knew that this was going to be difficult. He had known that (Y/n) was a firecracker when he first met her. That she was as combustible as the explosives that she knew how to use so well. But it had been that that had attracted him to the female mercenary in the first place. It had been that that had made him risk his job, to be with her. And for once, he knew that he had to forget about the company and make things right with her. Church not really wanting to lose something that was as good as they had. Not wanting to lose the sound of the exquisite moans that she would make, as they rolled around her bed.

"Okay. Okay. I know I'm an asshole................"

"Asshole!? Well, if that isn't the understatement of the century." (Y/n) interrupted, still not sure whether she should let him have his say.

"Alright, I'm a big asshole. But please, (Y/n), you know I love you..........."

"Ha! There are only two things in this world that you love, Alex Church. And neither of them, is me. You love yourself and the damn company. I wouldn't even come in a close third. And seeing as you seem to be perfectly happy to hang my ass out to dry, perhaps we should just call it quits. Because I know that you only ever come here for one thing. And if the company could fuck you, you wouldn't even need me for that." (Y/n) growled. The anger rising in her again, as she thought back to the plane. As she remembered Galgo, and the blood. How her friend's skin had turned ashen and grey, as she held his hand all the way back home.

"Hey, no. Whoa. You got that all wrong, (Y/n). I do love you, and I can prove it........" Church replied, as he tried to move towards his girl. The agent instead, finding himself falling back into the chair behind him, as (Y/n) pulled back the hammer on her gun.

"Oh no you don't, you sneaky shit. The last time you said that, I ended up bent over my sofa, with my ass in the air, covered in sweat, and screaming out your name. I know you, Alex Church. Your soft soap, sweet talk routine isn't going to work on me this time. I could have died! Galgo could have died. And I am not forgiving you this time." (Y/n) asserted. Her eyes full of fire as she stared down at him.

(Y/n) knew dee down, that she didn't want to lose him. That despite everything. Despite what he was always willing to do for the company. Despite what the rest of the team thought of him. (Y/n) knew that she loved him. That he loved her in his own strange way. And she didn't want to lose what they had. She didn't want to lose a guy that could make her toes curl with just the slightest of touches. But still, she wanted him to know that this time she was serious. That this time, she wasn't going to take his shit.

"No, no. I didn't mean that........." Church sighed, as he slowly got to his feet, and carefully reached into his pocket. The agent pulling out a small box before dropping to his knee.

"Marry me?"    

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