Play with fire - Gotham - Part 1 - Victor x Harvey x Reader

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Victor kicked the already dead body. The single bullet wound right between the guy's eyes telling the assassin that a new player on the scene had once again got to the assignment before he had. He had to admit that this situation was beginning to get on his last nerve. He kind of wouldn't mind if it had only been one or two, but this was starting to get ridiculous. This possible new assassin in town, seeming to always be one step ahead of him at every turn.

He knew that the killer wasn't being hired by any of the usual bosses in town. After all, they were still hiring him for the jobs. And he knew that none of the other assassins in the city would dare to step on his toes. That, and Victor knew the Modus Operandi of all his competitors, and none of them really chose to dedicate themselves to a single way of execution. And in particular the shot between the eyes. The powder burns around the extra hole in the guy's forehead telling Victor that this shot had been up very close and very personal. But what was also making him think, was the fact that no one had come forward to claim the money for the jobs. No one out there was boasting that they had beaten him to the draw. No one boasting that they were better than him. That he was no longer the best of the best. Yet what put the icing on the cake, was that if the assignment was already dead, he wouldn't be able to claim that he had done the job, just in case the real assassin suddenly came forward. That he wouldn't get paid for the job. But there was little he could do but accept that yet again, someone had got there before him.

With one last kick to the already stiff corpse, Victor placed his guns back into their holsters before making his way back into the night. The assassin knowing that he would have to make his way to tell Cobblepot that the man was dead, yet that once again, the waddling dark haired man would be able to keep his money in his pocket. Victor not liking the idea that this had all worked out in Oswald's favour.


(Y/n) looked up, as someone dropped into the chair on the other side of her desk. The detective smiling softly, as her eyes fell on Harvey. Her smile growing even wider, as he placed a coffee on her desk.

"I'm not complaining Harv, but normally you only bring me a coffee when you are trying to butter me up. So, let me guess. You want to pick my brains." (Y/n) chuckled, as she grabbed for the cup of coffee and took a large sip. The hot bitter liquid trickling down her throat. A soft sigh coming from deep inside her, as the coffee hit her stomach and seemed to warm her from the inside.

"Ok, ya got me kid." Harvey began, as he tossed a file onto her desk. (Y/n) doing her best to catch it, without knocking over the already large pile of cases on her desk. (Y/n) taking another sip of coffee, as she opened it and took a look at the crime scene photos.

"This is the latest victim of that new assassin that they are all calling "Bullseye". The vic's name was Jacob Stone, a small time hoodlum, standover man and goon for anyone that was dumb, or desperate enough to pay for his services. By all accounts he was all brawn and no brain. The kind of guy that would shoot first and ask questions later. But even though he seems to have pissed a few people off, me and Jim can't see why anyone would waste their money on hiring someone to kill him. Not that I have been able to get any information from my sources that anyone hired someone to commit these killings." Harvey explained, as (Y/n) looked through the file.

"Ok. So, we have another killer for hire in a city of killers for hire. I would have thought that we had enough with Zsasz and his ilk, but obviously I was wrong. Appears that there is always room for one more crazy with a gun. But, I don't understand what you guys need me for? You and Jim are perfectly capable of dealing with this. Why do you need my help?" (Y/n) asked. Reaching across, as Harvey offered her the other half of his snack. The female detective knowing that he and Jim must really need her help if he was willing to offer him half of his Danish.

" and Jimbo were sort of, kinda hoping that you'd be willing to take the case over. Essen said that she thinks that it would be a great idea, especially given the fact that you've been watching over Nygma while he did the autopsies on three of these guys. And if we take over ya Franklin and Spencer cases that should give ya enough time ta deal with this. And I think that ya would be perfect for the job..........." Harvey replied hesitantly. Grinning at (Y/n) as she rolled her eyes.

"I should have known it! You never give me half your food unless you are really in the shit. And I wouldn't be surprised if Jim doesn't know anything about this, as I know you of old, Harvey Bullock. Anyway, what makes you think that I am, as you put it, perfect for the job?" (Y/n) retorted. Crumpling a piece of paper into a ball and throwing it at Harvey's head.

"Oh, come on, sweetheart. You love the weirder cases. And you don't mind spending time down with Nygma. This so called "Bullseye" leaves no clues. No one seems to know who or what he is. And he seems to know where all the security cameras, locked doors, barred windows and alarms are. Never tripping them or being seen. It has you written all over it." Harvey explained, as he threw the paper ball back at (Y/n).

"None of that makes this case weird, Harv. It just means that this guy does his research before he shoots someone. That, and he's smart enough to remove all evidence and cover his tracks. I just think that you and Jimmy aren't smart enough to catch him." (Y/n) teased, as she watched Harvey lean back in the chair, cross his arms and pout like a spoilt child.

"What? Hey! We're smart enough. We are really smart. Its just............."

"Never mind, Harv. As long as you and Jim do take over the Franklin and Spencer cases. And you both buy me coffee from my favourite place on 2nd street for a week, I'll take the case over." (Y/n) interrupted. Not needing to listen to Harvey come up with any more of his excuses. The female detective not wanting to tell Harvey that she had hoped to be put in charge of the case in the first place.

"Deal. In fact, I'll even throw in those cinnamon rolls that ya like." Harvey told her happily, as he got up from the chair, caught the two files that (Y/n) had just thrown at him and gave her a quick wink, before turning to make his way back through the precinct.

"Oh, and Nygma is waiting for you with this latest stiff." Harvey called out. Chuckling to himself, as he heard (Y/n) groan behind him.  

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