Little games - The Expendables - Part 5 - Hector x Reader

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Now, I apologise for this part being a little shorter and all Hector, but I couldn't resist doing something naughty with him. Hope you enjoy.

Hector watched as (Y/n) stood there. His eyes growing wider, as her fingers began to move over her naked flesh. He had tried his best to stay away. Tried his best to forget about her. But he knew that he was only kidding himself. That he had to have her. He knew that he shouldn't be there. That the female mercenary was trouble with a capital T. That if his boss found out that he was in the room. That if he knew what he was about to do. It might not end well. Hector fully aware that Vilain wanted (Y/n) for himself. Yet he also knew that given what had happened at the dinner, the Sang leader would probably believe that it was better to give (Y/n) some time to cool down before he made his next move. And Hector had to admit that he felt helpless. He had been drawn in. The fly to her spider. His fate sealed, as soon as he had set through the door. And whatever happened next, she most definitely had the upper hand.

"Back so soon? You've only just left. Am I that irresistible, Hector?" (Y/n) chuckled, as she sauntered her way over to Hector. A seductive smile never leaving her lips, as she watched the handsome henchman look her up and down. The female mercenary not stopping until she was toe to toe with the men. Her chest pressed firmly up against his.

"So, Hector. What is that I can do for you?" (Y/n) enquired, as she snaked her arms around his neck. An exquisite thrill racing up her spine, as she felt his strong arms wrap themselves around her waist.

"You know what I want." Hector growled, as his lips found their way to her neck. As his teeth bit at her flesh.

"I want to hear it, Hector. I want to hear the words. I want you to tell me everything you want. And everything that you're going to do................." (Y/n) managed to reply through her moans. Through the need that had just taken over her body, as his strong arms pinned her up against the wall.

"I want you.............." Hector growled again, as he suddenly picked her up. As he wrapped her legs around him and carried her to the bed. His body falling over hers, as he placed her on the mattress. His hands roaming her flesh, as his teeth nipped at her breasts. (Y/n)'s fingers pulling at the plain t-shirt that he was wearing. Desperate to get to the flesh beneath. To be able to feel his naked form against her. The henchman dutifully obliging, as he pulled the shirt over his head and threw it to the side. His hands unbuckling his belt, as he continued to kiss and bite at her flesh. The sounds of (Y/n) begging him not to stop. To take her, only making Hector more desperate to remove the rest of his clothes. The female mercenary chuckling, as she watched his heavy boots fly across the room. As his jeans joined her dress on the floor. As he crawled up the bed and pushed his way between her legs. As he whispered into her ear, all that he was about to do to her. And what he wanted her to do in return. The breath catching in her throat, as she felt him bury himself deep inside her. As he began to move, and do all the things that he had just promised he would do.


(Y/n) smiled, as she heard a slight snore coming from the man by her side. Her head moving slowly so that she could look at Hector's slumbering face. She had to admit that she had had fun. Hector certainly hadn't disappointed. In fact, to be honest, he had more than impressed. In every way possible. Yet she had had an ulterior motive for all this. The fact that Hector was ridiculously handsome and just her kind of asshole, only making things easier. But now, now she would have to do what she had planned. Now, she would get out of here. Get out of Vilain's rather impressive prison.

"Sorry lover. But I have to do this. Though it's a shame. I would really have liked a repeat performance." (Y/n) whispered, kissing the sleeping man on the cheek before she moved out from under his arm and dropped her feet to the floor. The female mercenary quickly grabbing for her own clothes and dressing as fast as she could while doing her best to not wake Hector.

"Now, where did you put them.................? They have to be here somewhere......." She continued, as she rummaged in Hector's jeans pocket. The female mercenary raising the keys triumphantly above her head, before silently retrieving her knife from under the small set of draws and making her way to the door. (Y/n) doing her best not to laugh out loud, as she found the door to her room, already open.

"Oh Hector. Was I really that distracting? Isn't that sweet." (Y/n) chuckled quietly to herself, as she slowly opened the door and made her way out into the hall. The mercenary knowing that all she had to do now, was get past goodness only knew how many Sang, Vilain, and anyone else there might be, all with just a dinner knife. But she did like those odds.............  

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