A good man - Part 4 - Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes x Reader

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"Well........." (Y/n) began, as she made her way back out of the cockpit. The two soldiers instantly ceasing their conversation, as they turned their attention to the exquisite agent.

"The captain has informed me that we will soon be in French airspace. And after that, it won't be long before we get to the private landing strip that Herr König has leased for his private little bad guy get together. So, may I suggest that if you need to make any last preparations, you might want to do them now. I just have to let Director Fury know that we are nearly at our destination, and then get changed."

"Changed? If you ask me, you don't need to change a single thing, (Y/n). You're perfect as you are." Bucky interrupted. (Y/n) finding herself, once again, slightly taken aback by how forward and charismatic the old soldier seemed to be. Natasha and Clint had told her that the Sargent was normally quiet. Not prone to smiling. Only really trusting his oldest friend. And given what she knew he had been though; the agent wasn't surprised, and certainly couldn't blame him. But, that said, since he and Steve had pulled up at the airstrip, (Y/n) had found he was exactly the opposite of that. He had done nothing but ask her question after question, listening intently as she had told him all she could. He in turn telling her all about himself and Steve. About life before and during the war, and not once had he stopped smiling at her. Complimenting her every chance he got. And now that they were nearly at their destination, (Y/n) felt like that her head was buzzing. Not that she was complaining about any of it. It was nice to learn more about the two men. To learn more about things that she had only really ever read about in history class. It was nice to have him smile at her. (Y/n) having to admit that the Sargent had to be one of the most handsome men that she had ever met. That it felt wonderful to have such a man compliment her. All of it, definitely making the journey go a lot quicker than it normally would. But the only problem was, that she had wished that it was the captain that had been doing all that. That it had been Steve that had been asking her the question. That it had been Steve smiling at her. Complimenting her. Yet all he seemed to have done, was look on at her and his old friend as they chatted. Either that, or look out of the window, and stare absentmindedly at the cumulonimbus clouds that drifted by the speeding jet.

"Thank you so very much, Bucky. But, I am afraid that Katherine Sullivan doesn't dress like this. She is known to prefer something a little more feminine. And given that from now on, I will have to be Katherine, I am afraid that I will have to don something a little more suitable. Now, if you will excuse me." (Y/n) explained. Nodding respectfully to the two old soldiers before disappearing behind a small door at the back of the jet.

"I swear that I am not letting you near Stark again. Have you been taking lessons from him? Either that, or all those plums you eat have finally kicked in and you really are back to being the old Buck. If you get anymore charming, I promise you I will be sick all over your suit." Steve half huffed, as he turned his attention back to the world outside the jet's tiny windows.

Bucky couldn't help but chuckle to himself. It was true that he could feel a little of the old Barnes charm running through his veins. That talking to the beautiful agent had been easier than he thought it would be. That it had been impossible for him not to smile at her. For him not to feel as though he had been transported back in time, to a small, intimate dance club in the late 30s. The sound of slow music filling his ears, as he held (Y/n) close and moved her around the dancefloor. But despite these wonderful images, and whether Steve believed it or not, all this effort really was for his best friend. In the past, Bucky had always been Steve's wingman, and time had not changed that. Bucky would bring the girls over, and then hope that Steve would be able to pour on his own charm. Yet when they were young, nothing had ever come of his attempts to help Steve find the perfect girl for him. But now, now it was different, and Bucky just had to remind his friend that he wasn't still the awkward, sick kid.

"Psscht! I have forgotten more about being charming than old iron draws will ever know. And if I keep complimenting her, it might push you to say something too. I told you before, she likes you. And as soon as we step foot off this plane, you will be having to play the loving and doting husband, pal. So, you better get used to it. You can't be that shy, nervous, sick kid around her. Not on this mission. Alexander Sullivan wouldn't blush every time his wife looked at him, and neither can you. He wouldn't just stare at her like a rabbit in headlights. So, make with the Captain America." Bucky announced, Steve looking at his friend in disbelief. The captain smiling as he heard something that he hadn't heard in a long time. The real James Buchanan Barnes.

Steve had to admit that Bucky was right. It was stupid. He had been acting like a fool. Listening when it was he, that should be talking. When it was he, that should be complimenting. But no more. He was, as Bucky so eloquently put it, going to make with the Captain America. He was going to be confident. He was going to forget about this silly shyness. The mission was going to be more intimate than any he had ever been on. He would have to kiss her, to hold her. He would have to fall in love. Which Steve had to confess wouldn't be difficult, because he was sure that he had already lost his heart.

"Well? What do you think?" A voice suddenly enquired. Steve and Bucky both tuning to see (Y/n) emerge from the back of the plane, dressed in a short summer dress. Her hair now cascading down over her shoulders. The agent seeming to glow, as she did a slow twirl so that the two men could see her properly. The whole look, making both old soldier's hearts skip a beat.

"What?.........Oh, yeah.......er" Steve began. The nudge from Bucky's elbow shaking him from his thoughts.

"You look.........you look.........beautiful, (Y/n). Not that.......not that you didn't already. Its just that you look beautiful in a different way." Steve babbled out, as he looked up at the slightly blushing agent.

"What the dummy means, (Y/n), is that no matter what you wear, you will always be beautiful in his eyes. Isn't that right, Steve?" Bucky interjected, as he nudged Steve again.

"Yes......yes. That's exactly what I meant." Steve agreed. As he got to his feet and took (Y/n)'s hand.

"Would you do me the honour of marrying me, Misses Sullivan?" Steve managed to ask, as he pulled Katherine Sullivan's ornate engagement and wedding rings from his pocket.

"I would be delighted, Mister Sullivan." (Y/n) replied. The agent sure that her heart was about to burst with happiness, as the handsome captain placed the rings on her finger. Bucky smiling as he watched the duo. The Winter Soldier having the strangest of feelings that some time in the future, and if everything went to plan, that that might not be the only proposal that Steve made.   

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