Starry, starry night - GoT - Part 17 - Tyrion x Reader

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(Y/n) lay on her bed. Her eyes looking out onto the sky beyond her window, as its hues turned from those of dappled grey to warm red and orange tones that seemed to fill her room. The sun slowly beginning to sink again into the sunset sea. When she was very young, she would wonder why the sea did not boil and bubble every time that the great fiery orb sunk into the depths. Of course, she realised that it was a foolish notion now, but as a little girl she found it a fascinating question. She had found everything fascinating. And that was one of the reasons that she and Tyrion had always got along so well. Her cousin had constantly been as intrigued by the world as she had. Curious about the smallest of things. Tyrion always telling her that Jaime might be the tall, handsome one, but what he lacked in both of those areas, he made up for with his mind. (Y/n) sure that in the right circumstances, Tyrion could be more dangerous with his quick wit and sharp tongue than Jaime could ever be with his sword.

Suddenly a soft knock came to the door. (Y/n) sighing, as she slowly sat up and swung her legs over the side of her bed. Her bare feet stinging slightly from the cold floorboards, as she made her way to the door. The lioness relieved to see Elyse with a tray of wine and fruit.

"I thought I would bring ya something." Elyse smiled, as she moved into the room and placed the tray on the table next to the plate of uneaten food. The old shaking her head slightly, as she saw that the lioness had been crying. Her eyes all swollen and red. Her cheeks stained by the tears. Elyse's heart going out to the young woman that at this moment seemed so lost.

Elyse could remember how once the castle had been filled with laughter thanks to the two young Lannister. How the sight of (Y/n) running through the corridors, her bare, tiny feet hitting the ancient stones, as she fled her cousin, giggling as she went, filled her heart with joy. Even before the pair had come of age, the servants in the castle had spoken of a marriage between the two. That Tyrion, given what he was, could never hope for better than (Y/n). Never get better than the sweet, funny, intelligent and beautiful daughter of Kevan. And if the old lion had any sense, he would have his brother agree to the match as quickly as possible. Yet that had never happened. Tywin to caught up with the affairs of running the Seven Kingdoms for the mad king in Kings Landing, to bother himself with what was going on with his children back in Lannisport. And especially not with the child that he saw as little more than a mistake. A deformed creature that had killed his wife. And given that, no one could blame Kevan for not wanting his daughter to be tied to Tyrion. All sure that the lord wished for a far better match for his beautiful child, than the imp. Yet despite that, all had agreed that the pair had been made for one another. So now, to see them so far apart, was a sad thing.

"Sweetling, you should eat." Elyse remarked, as she turned to look at the younger woman. (Y/n) now stood at the window. Watching as the sun sunk a little more into the sea.

"I will, I promise.............Did you ever wonder why the sea didn't boil every time that the sun set?" (Y/n) replied absentmindedly, as she continued to stare out over the water.

"I can't say I did. I've probably never wondered about a lot of things." Elyse replied with a slight chuckle, as she stoked the fire in the hearth and added more wood. The old woman them setting about lighting the candles in the room.

"No, I suppose not. I am sure that you have always had more important things to worry about...........Perhaps I have wondered about too many things. Perhaps I have always wanted too much. Perhaps I should have done as my father wished and married a man that he or Uncle Tywin found for me, instead of hoping for love and happiness. If I had, I wouldn't be in this situation now. But hindsight is a wonderful thing, isn't it? And now it's a little too late to change anything. To hope for a marriage. For happiness. For.........for love." (Y/n) continued softly. More tears filling her eyes, as she contemplated her life to come. As she thought about the rest of her days being spent alone in her golden cage.

Elyse made her way over to the lioness and pulled her into her arms. (Y/n) gripping to her gown as the torrent of tears that rolled down her cheeks seemed to refuse to abate.

"It is never too late to hope for those things, sweetling. Now, why don't ya calm yaself and tell old Elyse what has happened between you and Lord Tyrion. If ya ask me, he appears as distraught as you do. I thought that tha poor boy's heart must have broken when ya backed away from him earlier." Elyse told (Y/n), as she brushed her fingers through the lady's golden locks. The old woman shaking her head, as she thought of the desperate look in the youngest Lannister's eyes, as he sat in the chair in his room. Tyrion seemingly as lost in his thoughts as (Y/n) was. The family retainer more than sure that if either of the two lions were to ever be happy, it would only be in the other's arms.

"Even if I do tell you, Elyse, nothing is going to change what happened. What I saw. Nothing is going to mend my heart now. I wanted to give myself to him, body and soul. To finally have the love that I have always prayed for. Uncle Tywin even said that he would be happy to see us marry. That he would finally recognise Tyrion as his heir and make me Lady of Casterly Rock, if we wed. And I was so happy. But then..........then I.............."

"Come sweetling. Nothing can be that bad................."

"Bad.......bad? How else would you describe finding two naked whores in the room of the man that you had just been about to give yourself to? How else would you describe that? Because I can't think of any better way than bad." (Y/n) retorted, as she pulled away from Elyse. The old woman staring wide eyed for a moment before she made her way over to the tray and poured two glasses of wine. Elyse taking a large gulp of hers before making her way back to the lioness. The servant not sure that there was enough wine left in the jug to get them both through the whole of the story that was still left to tell. 

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