They come at night - GoT - Part 2 - Ramsay Bolton x Reader

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I have had a request for a second part to my Halloween imagine that I wrote last year for Ramsay Bolton which you can find in my first book. Hope you all enjoy.

Ramsay moved. His hand slowly reaching out for the creature that he had taken to his bed the night before. Yet, to his dismay, what he found was nothing but cold sheets. He was sure that she had been real. That all of it had been real. Ramsay knowing that not even he could dream up something, that would allow him to do all that he had done. Something what would fulfill each one of his depraved fantasies so readily. Something as wicked as he was. And he was sure that he had been able to satisfy her need to be with mortal child before the sun rose, so that she could stay in that world. He was sure.

Suddenly the light around him changed. The bastard of Dreadfort sitting bolt upright. His eyes growing wide, as he saw the naked form of the beautiful creature stood in front of the window. Her body silhouetted against the new day sun.

"Do you know how long it has been since I saw a morning? Since I have been able to look out onto anything but a dark, empty nothingness filled with the moans of the damned. Since I have been able to walk these lands and instil fear into the hearts of those that call it home, for more than one night?" The woman enquired, as she turned to look at Ramsay. Her hand resting softly on her belly. A small, wicked grin pulling at the corners of her lips.

"But now, thanks to you, I can walk in the light. I can look out onto this new world. Call this land, home again. I can once more show mortals what fear is really like. What it is like to live in true terror. To be ruled over by the creatures of the dark. By the wickedest of hearts." She cooed, as she walked back over to the bed and crawled up onto it. Making her way up to where Ramsay lay. Her legs straddling his hips, as she took his hand and placed it on her stomach.

"You should say hello to your heir, Ramsay. I can already feel him growing inside me. Already feel his strength. His wickedness. He will be beautiful. Perfect. A true king of two worlds. He will rule the Seven Kingdoms and shake this pathetic land to its foundations. And there is nothing that any mortal or God will be able to do." The creature hummed. Ramsay's eyes sparkling at the notion of an heir. The notion that his son would one day be a king.

"But perhaps, just to make sure that you really did seed me, you should show me a few more of your desires. A few more of your depraved wants, Ramsay. Your deepest, darkest nightmares." The creature cooed. Laughing as Ramsay turned her over and pressed her back into the bed. His weathered lips, roughly kissing her neck. His coarse hands, groping at her rounded flesh. The bastard of Dreadfort pushing himself inside her. Lewd moans leaving the pair, as he held her down and thrust over and over again. His teeth nipping at the lobes of her ears, as he whispered wicked nothings to her. How he would strap her to one of the flaying crosses and make her beg for him to fuck her. How he would finally relent and take her over and over again, as the eyes of his dead victims watched on. How he would bring her on one of his little hunts. And as the screams of the tormented villager that was being pulled apart by his hounds filled the woods, he would take her from behind, as he pushed her up against one of the trees.

And then it was her turn. Ramsay groaning in pain and pleasure, as he felt her nails grip into the flesh on his back. As they tore at his muscles. As he felt her teeth bite through his skin. As her legs tightened around him, forcing him deeper inside her. Her voice deep, and menacing, as she promised him that she would allow him to do all he wanted and more. How they would watch villages burn. How she would satisfy him, as she bathed in the blood of their enemies. How she would make a throne of the dead and sit him atop it as king. Promising him not only Westeros, but also Essos. That she would lay waste to the greatest of cities. And that if he would make her his bride, then no one would dare stand against him. That no one would even dare call him bastard, again.

Ramsay grunted, as he felt himself release inside the female. His heart racing. His mind reeling from pure ecstasy, as his beautiful creature of the dark, screamed out his name. His entire form shuddering as her perfect black eyes, peered up into his. Her nails grazing over the stubble on his chin. The Dreadfort bastard more than happy to take the creature as his bride, if she would always make him feel this way. If she would give him everything that she had promised.

"Oh, how I wish that you would have left your window open sooner, Ramsay. How I wish that I could have got to you before now. All those wasted years. Years when I could have been satisfying you. When you could have been satisfying me. But we have your whole life to make up for it. A whole life to pleasure one another. A whole life to make people pay. To make them suffer as we reveal in their screams of agony." She continued, as Ramsay fell to her side. The flayer of men, pulling her to him, not wishing to let his creature go. Not willing to lose such a wicked thing. To lose something that was more lost than even he was.

"I swear that you will be my bride before the day is out. That my son will not be born a bastard. They you will become the new Lady of the Dreadfort. Of the north. And then queen of the Seven Kingdoms." Ramsay panted, as he tried to catch his breath. His dark soul filling with thoughts about how he would ensure that his father would not stand in his way. Would not take from him the female that was now nuzzling her head into his neck. Humming softly, as he brushed his fingers through her damp hair.

"But first, if we are to wed, perhaps I should know the name of my bride to be. The mother of my heir?" Ramsay enquired. His ardour hardening once again, as her fingers brushed over the muscles in his chest, over his stomach, and then down to his cock. The creature taking him in her hand and stroking his manhood. The female smiling before she moved to join her hand. A few words leaving her mouth before he felt her lips on his tip.

"Call me.............(Y/n)." 

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