Starry, starry night - GoT - Part 15 - Tyrion x Reader

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(Y/n) made her way through the castle. Through the lofty corridors and great halls. Her fingers brushing over the cold stone columns. In her youth, this had been her playground. The place that she had loved more than any other. In her imagination, these columns had been the trunks of great ancient trees. They had been the enemy. Her comrades. They had been her hiding places, as she ran away from Tyrion. Doing her best to hide from her cousin. Both of them doing their best to hide from their Maesters. At the time, both herself and Tyrion preferring to do anything but their lessons. Forced to separate so that they could be taught just what was expected of them. (Y/n) learning very quickly that little in life was expected of her, other than that she would take a husband that she may never have met, to her bed, and give him as many heirs as her body possibly could. That she was always to simply smile and remain silent. That she would have to accept that her husband would take mistresses, whores to his bed. All of which, (Y/n) had never liked the sound of. The young lioness telling her cousin, as she sat cross legged on his bed in the middle of the night, that she had no desire to marry a man that she didn't know or love. That she wouldn't just smile and be quiet. That she had no intention of living with the idea that her husband took other women to his bed. Tyrion holding her hand and promising that he wouldn't let that happen to her. That he would let no unworthy man take her. And in the strangest of ways, she had to suppose that her cousin had kept his promise. That he had not let an unworthy man take her. For she had never married. Never produced an heir. Never had to simply smile and say nothing or put up with the humiliation of thinking about whores in her husband's bed. Yet coming face to face with the naked women in Tyrion's room, had certainly given her an idea of what that humiliation would feel like. The lioness feeling relieved that it had all happened before she had given herself to her cousin. Before she had got the chance to talk to him about a possible marriage. The notion that he would continue with his desires for those kind of women if they had wed, more than she could take.

"Milady." A voice called out, as (Y/n) continued to meander aimlessly through the corridor. Her mind filled with memories of the past. With recollections of her time not only with Tyrion, but also Jaime and even Cersei. Of laughter, of fun and joy.

"Milady............" The voice came again. (Y/n) finally turning and seeing Elyse come up behind her.

"Tha meal is ready." The old lady informed her. The two women smiling as (Y/n) offered the elderly servant her arm, and the pair made their way to Elyse and Reben's rooms.

Normally, as pointed out by the two Lannister retainers, a member of the family would be expected to dine in the great hall. Yet (Y/n) had also pointed out that she never did anything normally. And the notion of sitting in that great cold expanse all on her own was not the most appealing. So, instead, she had asked the elderly couple if she could eat with them. The last few days bringing with it a happiness, as Elyse and Reben spoke with fondness about the past. About all the good times that the ancient stones of the castle had been home to. (Y/n) doing her best to block out the thought that after tomorrow night. After the anniversary of that fateful night so many years before, she would leave this place, and never see it or Reben and Elyse again.


Reben looked up from stoking the fire in the little hearth, as he heard a mighty clatter of multiple hooves hit the cobbles of the courtyard outside. He had just placed the plates on the table and laid a fur over the best chair in preparation for his wife to come back with the young lioness.

Since (Y/n) had retuned a few days ago, there had been something different about the castle. The lioness bringing back a warmth to the building that had been missing for so long. Her down to earth and pleasant nature making it feel like a home. And the fact that she wanted to eat with Reben and Elyse, rather than in the hall, just proved that (Y/n) was as sweet now, as she had been in her youth. And Reben for one had hoped that she would be able to stay a little longer. That he and his wife would get a chance to really enjoy this time with the girl that they thought that they would never see again. But as a loud voice called out, that hope seemed to have been dashed by more unexpected visitors.

Quickly, or as quickly as his old knees would allow, Reben got to his feet and made his way outside. The old man's eyes growing wide as he saw the Lannister bannermen, and wider still as he saw the little lion.

"Lord Tyrion. We didn't know ya were comin. We received no raven.........."

"The lady (Y/n)! Is the lady (Y/n) here?" Tyrion enquired abruptly. The little man not bothering with a greeting as he usually would. His jangled nerves and mind too concerned with his cousin's wellbeing than anything else. The youngest Lannister knowing that despite the fact that they hadn't found (Y/n)'s lifeless body on the roadside as they had made their way to Lannisport, that didn't mean that his cousin was safe and sound.

"Er.........yes.........yes milord. Lady (Y/n) is here, has been for a few days. Elyse has just gone to get her.........." Reben explained. The old man watching as the diminutive lord climbed down from his horse.

"Where is she..............?"

"She..........she'll be coming to our rooms." Reben continued. Gesturing over to the small door that led to into his dwelling. Tyrion racing over and pushing on the door. His heart pounding as he saw no one.......

"That sounds so nice, Elyse. I would love that." Came a familiar voice. A large lump forming in his throat as in through the opposite door appeared the face and form of his cousin. (Y/n)'s broad smile turning into a frown, as her eyes fell on Tyrion.    

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