All life is here - Part 2 - Bruce Banner x Tony Stark x Reader

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Bruce looked out of the backseat window, as the car wound its way through the city streets. He would never have guessed that the day could be so pleasant. But there again, how could he. He would freely admit that he spent far too much time in the labs. Far too much time looking through a microscope. But when he did plan on a day out of the compound, something always seemed to come up and he ended up either back in the lab, or transforming into the big, angry, green one. But at least this time, well, hopefully anyway, he would get to be just himself, and not have to race back to the compound to work on something that the rest of the team needed.

He had to admit that he had completely forgotten about saying that he wanted to join Tony, when he went to this fancy bookstore that he had found. He had forgotten talking about a first edition of Einstein's Relativity. The Special and General Theory. But now, he could recall how excited he had been at the possibility of even getting a look at an original copy. Especially after Tony had told him that the specialist bookseller seemed to offer all manner of text and manuscripts. The billionaire chuckling as he groaned about the fact that the trip into the city, would probably turn out to be a very expensive one.

"I sometimes forget how many pretty ladies there are walking the streets down here." Tony suddenly said, as he winked at a young woman waiting at the crosswalk. Bruce rolling his eyes at his friend's comment.

"Sometimes I wonder if you ever think about anything else. How you ever had the time to come up with all you suits................."

"Hey, I have to think about it for both of us, pal. Lord knows, I don't think that you know what a woman is, most of the time." Tony chuckled, as he gave a little wave to another pretty girl on the sidewalk.

"I know exactly what a woman is. Its just.........its just I don't have time, and those women that you have at your parties, aren't exactly my type............."

"Then what is your type, Bruce? And do yours and the Hulk's tastes differ?" Tony interrupted. Bruce turning his gaze from the world outside to the man by his side. A tinge of pink and green kissing the doctor's cheeks.

"That is below the belt, Tony. You know I have a hard enough time dealing with him as it is. Never mind concerning myself with what kind of girls he might like. And what does it matter what my type is anyway? You wouldn't understand.........." Bruce huffed. Crossing his arms and turning his eyes back to the streets outside. But not before catching Happy's concerned look in the rear view mirror. The big man in the front seat, hoping that he wouldn't have to deal with a code green in the heart of Manhattan.

"Try me." Tony insisted. Mirroring the doctors crossed arms. Bruce having a horrible feeling that the billionaire was not going to let this lie. And that he felt like an animal trapped in a speeding cage. Bruce finding himself wondering that if he were to throw himself out of the moving car, could he turn into the Hulk before he did himself any damage.

"Fine.........If you really have to know, I like a sweet woman. A woman with a kind heart and good nature. A woman that would give me a reason to drag myself from out of the labs in an evening. Someone that isn't involved in our crazy life and can calm me down after having to deal with you all day. A girl that doesn't mind my little......... eccentricities. That is a little eccentric herself. And, well, someone that isn't scared of you know who. But after all this time, I guess that I've just begun to believe that there probably isn't anyone out there for me. And to be honest, I'm just afraid that even if I did find someone that fit all my criteria, I would end up hurting her. Or at least the big guy would." Bruce sighed. Wishing that Tony would learn to just keep his nose out of his business.

"Oh, come on, Bruce. There must be lots of...........well, a few..........ok, there must be at least one woman like that out there in this city. The only thing that we have to do, is find her for you." Tony replied. Bruce getting an awful sense of dread, as the billionaire grinned at him.


(Y/n) took one last look around the shop, before turning her eyes to the watch on her wrist. Two minutes to eleven. Her heart beating faster, as she saw a large car pull up outside. A big, rather stern looking man in a nice suit getting out of the driver's seat. His eyes scanning the street, before making his way into the store.

"Mister Hogan?" (Y/n) enquired, as he closed the door behind him.

"Miss (Y/l/n)?" Happy countered. The head of Stark security making his way over to the counter, as (Y/n) nodded her head.

"Yes........I'm (Y/f/n) (Y/l/n). It's a pleasure to meet you at last, Mister Hogan. (Y/n) replied, as she held out her hand for Happy to shake.

"Is everything ready?" Happy enquired, as he gripped (Y/n)'s hand and shook it gently.

"Yes, of course. I have the book ready for Mister Stark in the viewing room. You will understand my precautions, given that the last first edition copy of this book sold at auction for over one million dollars not that long ago." (Y/n) explained, as she showed Happy over to the small room that was surrounded by thick glass. A book laid out on a small table. Happy not surprised that his boss would be prepared to spend such sums of money on a book.

"Yeah, I understand. Well, I'll just go and get Mister Stark. Oh, and I have Doctor Banner with us too. He wanted to speak to you about another kind of book." Happy nodded. Giving the store one last look before he made for the door. Leaving (Y/n) wide eyed at the notion of not only having Iron Man come into her shop, but the man that tuned into the fearsome Hulk, too.


"Everything seems ok, boss. The lady has the book set up in a viewing room for you." Happy told the billionaire, as he opened the door to the back of the car. Tony straightening his suit, and brushing his hand through his hair, as he stood on the sidewalk, leaving Bruce very little room to get out behind him.

"What a great day to spend some money." Tony chuckled, as he made his way over to the store door and pushed his way inside. Bruce and Happy just shrugging their shoulders before the pair followed behind him. 

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