New family, new love - Twilight - Part 1 - Jasper Hale x Reader

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I never thought that I would do a Twilight imagine, but here I am. I really prefer my vampires to be dark, moody and unable to set foot into the light. Well, unless they are a day walker like Blade. But I got this story in my head, and I thought that it would work best with Jasper. Maybe because he is the least "vegetarian" of the Cullen clan. Obviously in this, Jasper and Alice are not together. I hope that you enjoy.

(Y/n) made her way into the small town. The hood she wore, pulled firmly over her head. Not just to guard her from the rain that had been falling for some time, but also to hide her features from the townsfolk just on the off chance that the sun peaked its head out from behind the heavy clouds. Her old army duffle bag slung over her shoulder. A bag within which she carried what few possessions she had.

The town appeared to be like all the others that she had set foot into over the years. Yet as much as she tried to stay away from civilisation, sometimes even she had to make her way into the towns. And there was something about this town in particular that had called to her.

She was an oddity for her kind. Most other liked to stick together in covens, in families. For safety, for protection. Or just for the fact that they liked to be with fellow vampires. But she, she preferred her own company. She always had. From the moment she had been changed, she had found it hard to trust others. That, and she didn't like the idea of inflicting the curse of vampirism on others. She hated the idea of giving into the thirst that lay inside her. So, she had isolated herself. But, as she had got to the outskirts of Forks, she had been able to smell them in the air. Not just others like her, but also wolves. And she couldn't help but be intrigued. Couldn't help but want to find out more. So, despite her usual caution, she had stepped foot into the town. Sure, that if she knew that they were there, that eventually they would come looking for her. Would come looking for the stranger that had stepped foot into their territory.

Slowly (Y/n) made her way down one of the quiet streets. Her eyes falling on the lights of the small diner that lay across the way. At least there she would be able to ask about a hotel. A hotel where she would be able to get out of the rain for a while. Where she would be able to get clean and rest, even if only for a short while. For even though she had no need to sleep, she still like the idea of being able to lay in a bed. Of being surrounded by crisp clean sheets. Of being able to sink into a deep comfortable mattress as she closed her eyes and pretended that she was actually still human.

Carefully she pushed her way into the small restaurant. An older woman looking up as she made her way over to the counter and took a seat on one of the stools, pulling down her hood as she placed her bag on the seat next to her.

"Well, hi there young lady. What can I get for you?" The cheery woman enquired. (Y/n) unable to stop herself from chuckling under her breath at the question. For if the woman knew how old she really was, the word 'young' would have been the last word to leave her lips.

In this time, (Y/n) knew that she was seen as young. That to all she appeared as if she had only just finished high school. But in truth, she had seen many years pass. She had even watched centuries fly by in the blink of an eye. She had seen the rise and fall of empires. Seen countless wars. Seen the world grow smaller, through the inventions of humankind. Witnessed some of the greatest events of a number of centuries. Yet none of that showed in her face. There was not a line on her skin to indicate her experiences. Not a wrinkle to tell others what she had been though. So, (Y/n) had grown used to being referred to as young. Treated as though she didn't know as much as those around her. As if she had no real experience of the world...........

"I was just hoping that you would be able to tell me if there was a hotel or something in town." (Y/n) finally replied, as she shook the memories from her mind. The vampire smiling softly as the woman behind the counter looked her up and down.

"There sure is. Right down at the end of main street, you can't miss it. But you sure that you don't want anything more? If you don't mind me saying, it looks like ya need a good meal or two." The waitress replied. (Y/n) again chuckling to herself at the idea of a 'good meal'. That, if once again, the lady only knew the truth, the last thing that she would be saying to her, was that she needed a good meal. The vampire aware that a real meal meant taking blood from a living human. Meant draining the life from a victim.

"'m fine......thank you, ma'am. The hotel is fine." (Y/n) replied. Nodding respectfully, as she got up from the stool and grabbed her bag. Making her way back to the door, and out into the inclement weather.


Alice suddenly sat bolt upright in her chair, the rest of the family turning to look at her as she seemed to stare out into the distance.

"Alice..........?" Carlisle began, as he looked over at his adopted daughter.

"She's here........"

"Who's here.........?" Emmett interrupted. Alice suddenly turning her gaze from the world outside the large windows, to the confused family around her.

"She is. The loner. The one with no family. The one that doesn't drink human blood either." Alice sort of explained. The others furrowing their brows in confusion, as she got to her feet and made her way over to the window. As if she was somehow trying to get a better look at the woman she was talking about.

"I wasn't sure whether she had changed her mind. She is harder to see than others. The future is so much harder to predict with her. But she has come. We have to go and find her. We have to bring her here. She's family. New family." Alice continued happily, as she turned and looked at Carlisle.

The others couldn't help but just look at one another. They sort of remember Alice saying something about a lone vampire that would be making their way to Forks. A vampire without a coven. Without a family. A vampire that they would all feel a connection to. But that had been some time ago. The others just presuming that the vampire had changed her mind on the spur of the moment and Alice could no longer see the outcome. Yet now, it seemed as though she was right. That there was another vampire in Forks. And now all that the family were interested in, was whether this lone visitor was a threat or not. Whether she really could be a new member of the family.

"Where is she?" Carlisle asked, as he got to his feet. Esme rising too and placing her hand on her husband's arm. Both of them knowing that they had to find out more about their visitor.

"She is in the hotel on main street. But I don't think that we should all go and find her. She will run if we do. I believe that Jasper should go in by himself. He is the one that needs to talk to her. To try and persuade her to come here." Alice explained, as all eyes turned to look at Jasper. Jasper as shocked as the rest of the family at her suggestion that he should be allowed to go out on his own and speak with the visitor. That he should be allowed near the inhabitants of Forks without anyone watching over him.

"Well, Jasper? What do you think? Do you think that you can do this?" Carlisle asked, as he looked at Jasper. The honey- blonde, lean man nodding his head, as Alice smiled at him.

"Yes. I'll be fine. I'll go and talk to her." Jasper finally replied. Alice racing over and hugging him. Acting as if it was the best thing that he had ever said.

"She will love you, Jasper. Just as much as you will love her." Alice told him quietly, before beginning to push a wide eyed Jasper from the room. 

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