Road trip - Part 1 - Tony Stark x Reader

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This chapter is all Tony, but the coming parts of the imagine will be more Avengers/ Bucky inclined. I hope that you enjoy.

"A road trip? Tomorrow? Really Tony? How old are we all? I mean, is this Spring break? Are we going to Tiuana?" (Y/n) chuckled, shaking her head at her friend's suggestion.

"And if this is just your feeble attempt at getting me drunk off Tequila and talking me into dancing on tables, it would be easier to stay here. It's not like it wouldn't be the first time that you've tried it." She added, remembering back to the celebration for Tony's birthday. Laughing as she Thor, Steve and Bucky had watched the others make complete fools of themselves after consuming two large bottles of the blue agave liquor between them. (Y/n) swearing that she would never forget looking on, as the birthday boy and Clint shook their booties on the dancefloor, before falling asleep on each other on one of the sofas. A fact that neither of them would forget either, given the photo that (Y/n) had taken.

"We, my dear (Y/n), are old enough to know better, but still too young to care. Come on, it will be fun. All of us out in the wilderness..........."

"Wilderness? Oh, hell no! I am not going camping near a lake or for a walk in the woods. I have seen every Friday the 13th movie, and the Blair Witch Project, I'm not dumb enough to tempt fate." (Y/n) interrupted, liking the sound of this little road trip, less and less.

"We aren't camping. I have a little cabin..........."

"Yeah? I've seen Cabin in the Woods too. Though given its you we're talking about. When you say "a little cabin" what you probably actually mean is a thirty bedroom mansion." (Y/n) scoffed. Still waiting for her friend to give her a good reason to go on this little getaway.

"Don't be a stick in the mud, (Y/n)! Everybody else has agreed to go.........."

"Everyone? As in everyone?" (Y/n) interrupted again. Tony smiling, as she moved to the edge of her seat. Waiting expectantly for an answer.

Tony had known that his friend was interested in one of the others, though despite how much he had tried to find out who it was, (Y/n) was exceptionally good at playing her cards close to her chest. She had never been one for letting her guard down. She had been hurt too many times before, too be willing to tell anyone everything that she thought and felt. Even him. But perhaps, this little impromptu getaway may help (Y/n) forget about thing for a while. Maybe it would even be the way that she could tell the certain someone, how she really felt.

"Yep, eeeeeeeveryone." Tony replied, with a broad grin.

"Fine! But only under certain conditions." (Y/n) finally agreed, as she sat back in her chair.

"Okay, shoot."

"Firstly, I am not going in the car with you. I will go in a car with Steve and Buck. Secondly, Sam goes in your car. And thirdly, Clint comes with us too." (Y/n) told him, Tony quirking an eyebrow, as he looked at the now smiling woman.

"What?! Why?! And how come I get stuck with Wilson." The billionaire protested. Not sure that he liked the idea of hours in a car with Wilson. Tony shuddering, as he imagined the Falcon ask him over and over again "Are we there yet?" from the back seat of the car, while wearing a huge smug smile.

"I am not going in a car with you, because last time I did, every time you went to change gear, you "accidentally" found my knee. I swear that you must have three hands, Tony Stark. It doesn't matter what you are doing, there always seems to be that spare hand that wanders. And you get Sam and I get Clint, because I don't want to spend the entire journey umpiring the inevitable argument that will occur between Bucky and the flyboy. I will end up wanting to bang their heads together, and poor Steve will just sit there in an embarrassed silence. Clint will just look out of the window, say that his farm is much better than anything that we are passing, before falling asleep. Soon after which, Bucky will fall asleep too, and then at least I be able to have an intelligent conversation with Steve..........."

"Oooooooo so its Rogers, is it?" Tony chuckled, as (Y/n)'s eyes flew up to meet his.

"What's Rogers? What are you talking about?"

"Oh, come on, sweetheart. I'm not blind, I know that you're interested in one of the others. But I would never have thought old captain star spangled underpants would be the one." Tony continued to chuckle. His mirth growing as he saw a pink hue kiss (Y/n)'s cheeks.

"I will have you know, Anthony, that I am not interested in anyone. But if I were, it wouldn't be Steve. I mean I care about him just like I care about everyone else, and he is one of the people that I can have a real intelligent conversation with. But..........well.......Steve isn't, isn't my type." (Y/n) told him. Moving uncomfortably in her seat, at the thought that Tony had noticed the way that she might sometimes act differently around one of the other members of the team.

"Rogers isn't your type, huh? So, what is your type............."

"None of your business, Stark. I'm sorry I said I'd come now. I didn't know that it would result in an interrogation." (Y/n) huffed, trying to fight back the heat that was growing in her cheeks.

"Oh, come on, (Y/n). Its only little old me. You know you can tell me anything. I promise to keep your secret." Tony said, as he got down on his knees in front of her and gave her his best puppy dog look.

"I hate you; you know that don't you, Tony." (Y/n) began. Grumbling as the billionaire continued to give her a pleading look.

"Fine.........I........I like my men a little darker. A little more brooding. A little more........lost............."

"OMG! Its Barnes!" Tony declared triumphantly. His shout shaking (Y/n) from her daydream.

"What? No. I mean...........just because Bucky is dark, moody and magnificent, it doesn't mean that I was referring to him. Or anyone else for that matter." (Y/n) gasped, knowing that she had let too much slip.

"Oh, please. I have seen that look in a woman's eye before. And you said he was magnificent. I would describe Barnes as many things, but never magnificent. Why don't you just tell him you like him, (Y/n)? I mean, the last time he got lucky, must have been over eighty years ago. And you are intelligent, beautiful, kind..........."

"Will you just stop talking, Tony. And I'm not interested in Bucky just getting lucky. I.............I need more than just........I just need more, that's all. And I don't know if Bucky even likes me that much, never mind anything else. Now, will you just leave this alone, and promise to not pull any of your dumb stunts, in this little trip of yours. Because if you do, I promise that you will regret it. Alright?" (Y/n) continued. Kissing the billionaire on the cheek as he nodded in agreement, before getting to her feet and making for the door.

"Thank you, Tony. Now it looks like I have some packing to do." (Y/n) smiled, before she left the room. Tony knowing that no matter what he might have promised, he was going to do all he could to help his friend get the dark, moody and magnificent man of her dreams.  

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