What have you come as? - Part 1 - Loki x Thor x Reader

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Well, it is that time of the year again. The time when all the ghastly ghosties and ghoulies get ready to come out and play. So, I thought I would give you something for All Hallows Eve, and it will be for one of my favourite guys. Admittedly, this part is really all Thor. But the next part will be all the gorgeous God of Mischief.

(Y/n) pulled on her outfit. Sure, that she had never been more excited about one of Tony's parties in her life. Admittedly, she did always love the billionaires often over the top get togethers. She loved his Valentine's Day soirees. She loved his festive Christmas celebrations, and his even his grand and extravagant New Year's Eve bashes. But this, this Halloween fancy dress party, was going to be the best ever. Because this year, (Y/n) had managed to persuade Loki to go. This year, despite all his grumbling and griping. Despite all his protests that he had better things to do, the God of Mischief had finally relinquished. Although in part, (Y/n) believed that that was because she had informed him that he might just be able to use some of his magic, to scare the crap out of people.

Since Loki had been with the Avengers, (Y/n) had seen something special in the frost giant. It was true that she knew what he had done. That she knew about New York, the Chitauri, but there was something about his eyes that spoke of things other than what he had tried to do to the world. Spoke of a little lost boy that had been crying out for attention, and that those unheard cries had sent him down a very dark path. (Y/n) had always been a big believer in the old Shakespearean quote, that the eyes are the windows to the soul. And for so long she had used a person's eyes to help her judge a person's character. (Y/n) knowing that even though lips may lie, eyes never could. And as soon as she had seen Loki's perfect blue orbs, she was sure that she had never seen a more beautiful pair of eyes in her life. And that his soul wasn't as dark as he would like everyone to believe.

(Y/n) wasn't really sure if Loki realised how she felt for him. How, despite his cold exterior, she could see the passionate heart beneath. Though given he could read minds, she was sure that he must. Not as though he had ever said anything about it. And he had had the chance, the God seeming to not mind her company. The troublemaker even known to smile and laugh when he was with her. But as he had never come out and said that he didn't feel anything for her, (Y/n) had clung to that as a good sign. Convincing herself that if he thought that she was just another Midgardian that was beneath him, he would have told her. But tonight, she wasn't going just stay in this strange kind of limbo that she found herself in. That tonight, she would take the opportunity to find out if the God of Mischief had any feelings for her in return. And if he turned around and laughed in her face, then at least she would know.

"(Y/n)! Are you nearly ready? I do not wish to miss out on any of the festivities." A rumbling voice called out from the other room. (Y/n) chuckling and shaking her head. Sure, that the waiting God of Thunder was more excited about Halloween than a kid that had consumed his body weight in candy. And given the size of Thor, that would be one heck of a lot of candy.

"Yeah, nearly. Just give me a minute. I have to make sure that this is perfect." (Y/n) replied, as she looked herself up and down in the full length mirror. Not sure whether Loki would appreciate her outfit but knowing that it was too late now.

Thor had shocked her a little when he had knocked on her door. It wasn't that she hadn't been expecting him. It was he, that had been more than happy to be the one to escort her to the party. Thor being the only one that she had confessed her feeling for the frost giant, to. It was more that (Y/n) was not quite expecting the sigh that would greet her. Not that she was complaining. For even though she had lost her heart to the God of Mischief, the sight of Thor dressed, or should that be mostly undressed, as a Roman gladiator, had made her heart beat violently in her chest. Had made her mind race. (Y/n) quite glad that the God of Thunder didn't have the the same powers as his brother and couldn't see what she was thinking.

"Well?" (Y/n) asked, as she finally made her way back into the room where Thor was waiting. The god suddenly sitting bolt upright in the chair as she appeared.

He had chuckled to himself when (Y/n) had told him what she wanted to dress as to the party. But not for one minute had he ever expected the vision that was now stood before him. For there, looking at him nervously, was a Goddess of Mischief. (Y/n) having taken his brother's usual green, black and gold Asgardian garb, and putting the most beautiful feminine twist on it that she could. The tight fitting gown that she wore, was cut low. The slip up the side, was high and revealed just the right amount of thigh to make a man's eyes linger. And the whole look, even down to the long black hair, and copy of his brother's crown, was making the God of Thunder's heart pound violently in his chest. And despite the fast that he was well aware that (Y/n) had lost her heart to his brother, the sight of her dressed in such a fashion, was making his mind race. Thor quite glad that his friend didn't have the same powers as his brother and couldn't see what he was thinking.

"You.......you look exquisite, (Y/n)." Thor almost gasped, as he got to his feet and made his way over to her. His big hand taking hold of her smaller one and turning her around. The blush that had creeped up onto her skin, making Thor smile broadly.

"I swear that there is not a single woman in the whole of Asgard that could compete with you, (Y/n). If there was ever a Goddess of Mischief, you would be it." Thor complimented, as he brought her hand up, and kissed her gently on the knuckles.

"Thank you, Thor. But.........but do you think that Loki will like it? That he will appreciate it?" (Y/n) enquire. Her cheeks continuing to heat as Thor continued to stare.

She hadn't picked her costume because she was teasing Loki. She had picked it to show him that she appreciated his look. Appreciated the way he dressed and held himself. That she liked him. And even though it may be a little childish, the outfit had sort of seemed right to her.

"You know my brother. He will grumble and growl. Perhaps even tell you that you do not wear his colours as well as he does. But I am sure that he will love it, (Y/n). It will appeal to his ego. And we both know that anything that appeals to his ego, is always popular. And if he does tell you that he has no feelings for you, please do not forget, that you always have me." Thor replied. The God of Thunder's eyes fluttering closed, as (Y/n) placed her free hand on his cheek.

"I am sure that you must be the sweetest man that I have ever met, Thor Odinson. And I couldn't ask for a better friend. And I will never ever forget that you are here for me. But, for now, may I suggest that we get you to this party? Sam thinks that this time he will be able to drink you under the table, and I can't wait to see the result of that. Nor the hangover that he will have in the morning." (Y/n) chuckled, as he offered Thor her arm. The God of Thunder taking it gladly, before that pair left the room and made their way to the party. 

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