Lost girl - Part 12 - Bucky x Loki x Reader

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Bucky grumbled slightly, as he turned over. He was sure that he had just felt something move past him. But it was so slight. So quiet, that even he couldn't be sure that it was real. The old soldier suddenly finding himself grinning, as he caught the scent of his lost girl in his nostrils. Bucky grabbing a pillow, and pulling it to his side, wishing that it could be (Y/n).

As much as he had wanted to climb into the bed with her. As much as he had wanted her to snuggle up with him under his blanket on the floor, deep down, he was still that old fashioned gentleman. He didn't want to push. Didn't want to scare her away. After all, it had been a long time since he had been with a girl. It had been a long time since he had even really smiled at a girl, never mind anything else. Yet, he did have a feeling that (Y/n) was what he wanted. That she could help him bring back all of his former self. That she could help him come to terms with the monster that he had been forced to be for so many, many years. And he knew that he wanted to give her that too.

It had been amazing when they had kissed. So comforting and warm when they had sat quietly together, once he had been able to evict the others from his room. The old soldier sure that he had never been happier in his whole life. Hating it when they had parted so that they could sleep.

Slowly, Bucky turned over to look at the bed. The assassin hoping to catch a glimpse of (Y/n)'s slumbering form, that would be lit by the moonlight that sneaked through the blinds. But as he looked, he saw nothing but sheets and blankets. Nothing but an empty bed. The soldier sitting bolt upright. Searching the room for his lost girl. Jumping to his feet as he saw nothing. Not a light. Not a movement. Bucky throwing open the door to his room and making his way into the quiet corridor. Making his way to search for his lost girl.


(Y/n)'s eyes flew open, as she felt a soft breeze kiss her skin. Her breath catching in her throat, as she looked around. The room no longer the shadowy kitchen in Stark Tower. No longer anywhere in the building. This room bright and airy. The breeze coming from a large open balcony. The space filled with softly billowing material, and elegant furnishings. Her clothes now no longer the ones that James had given her, but a long black gown with hints of green and gold. The soft cloth moving effortlessly against her skin, as she made her way out to the balcony. The sight before her like nothing that she had ever seen. Nothing that she could ever have imagined.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" A voice came from behind her. (Y/n) not needing to turn, to know the owner of the voice.

"Asgard. Have you ever seen anything more wonderous? And with just a word, you could be its queen. With just one word, you could sit by my side. With just word, you could have everything that you have ever dreamed of." Loki continued, as he came up behind her. Moving her hair from her shoulder and kissing her neck. The breath again catching in her throat, as his arms wrapped around her waist.

"Yes..........yes it is beautiful. And no, I don't think that I have ever seen anything more wonderous. But it is not yours to give. You are not its king. You will never be its true king. Therefore, you cannot give any of it to me. And I have never dreamed of being a queen. Never dreamed of power. The only thing that I have ever wanted was to be accepted. To be loved. To not be alone. Tell me...........can your dark heart offer me that?" (Y/n) replied, as she turned to look up at the God. The God of Mischief feeling a strange sense of unease as he saw a shimmer of colour change in the gorgon's eyes.

"You see.........I know that none of this is real. It is just one of your tricks. An illusion, intended to appeal to something that you think that you have seen in me. But I am no weak minded fool. As beautiful as this is, I know that we are not in Asgard. I know that if I was idiotic enough to give myself to you, to stand by your side, I would only be there until you grew bored of me. Until you found someone or something new. Until you found another thing to help you get the power you desire. To help you get your revenge against Odin, Thor, the other Avengers, or anyone else that you feel has done you wrong. And the thing is, I don't like to share. I am a one man, woman. And I expect the man I give my heart to, my body to, to feel exactly the same. And I know that with you, that would never be the case. James does not have to offer me worlds, kingdoms, or thrones. For whether he knows it or not, he has already given me more than I could ever have hoped for. He has brought me to a place where I feel like I have been accepted. Where I don't feel like a monster. And if love follows. If one day he turns around and tells me that he wants me to be his girl, I know that it will be real. That he won't just be using me. So, you have nothing to offer me. Nothing that I don't already want with James. Now, I would suggest that you get out of my head. For even in this little illusion, you are in more danger than you think.............." The gorgon continued. Loki stumbling backwards, as the woman in his arms began to grow. Her hair no longer, snow white strands, but a writhing mass of snakes. Each one glaring at him, as they bit at the air. Venom dripping from their fangs. The legs beneath the flowing gown, transformed into long scaled tail. A great pair of wings sprouting from her back. The god quickly closing his eyes, as the fearsome creature made her way over to his prone form.


"(Y/n)!" Bucky exclaimed, as he rushed into the kitchen. The anger inside him growing, as he saw Loki pressed up against her form. The gorgon's eyes flying open, as the soldier pushed his way between the pair. Loki once again finding himself on the floor, as Bucky knocked him over. The Winter Soldier looming over the God of Mischief like some evil black spectre.

"James! Stop! He isn't worth it!" (Y/n) called out, grabbing hold of his wrist. The gorgon turning him around and pulling him into her arms. Her eyes firmly set on the prone god. Loki still refusing to look at her.

"Are you alright? Why did you leave the room?" Bucky asked, as he moved so that he could look her up and down. Doing his best to fight back the desire to beat the God to a pulp.

"I'm fine. I was just hungry, and I hated the idea of disturbing you. So, I came here, and was about to make myself a sandwich............"

"Next time, wake me. You never know what creatures are lurking in the dark. Even here." Bucky growled in reply, as he looked over at Loki.

"I will. I promise. Now, as I seem to have lost my appetite, why don't we go back to the room?" (Y/n) agreed, her hand slipping down into Bucky's so that she could pull him out of the room. The gorgon and soldier failing to hear the word that left the prostrate God's lips, as he finally looked up.


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