Failure to communicate - Part 5 - Phil Coulson x Reader

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"I, er.........." Phil began with a nervous cough, as he looked the grinning younger agent. She looked wonderful. The hem of her dress just high enough to make his mind race. The flush on her cheeks, a little of which he was sure was due to the champagne on the flight, making her seem to glow. And he couldn't help but admit that the thought of joining her in the bed was highly, highly tempting. The thought of seeing what lay underneath the rest of the short summer dress, bringing a thin sheen of sweat to his brow. The look in her eyes was calling to him. As if she was beginning for him to throw all caution to the wind. As if she were pleading with him to pull the shirt from his back and make his way over to her. To push her dress up over her head, as she wrapped her legs around his waist. But no. He had to be reading too much into this. He had to be seeing things that weren't really there. Imagining things that weren't really true. Especially given how he had been treating her.

"I'll just take the sofa." Phil finally managed to reply, as he picked up his hand luggage and placed it on the large piece of furniture. The agent too concerned with the locks on the small case, to notice the look of disappointment in the younger agent's eyes.

"Fine. Suit yourself. But don't say that I didn't offer." (Y/n) sighed, as she got to her feet and made her way over to the balcony doors. Smiling as she threw them open and saw the view.

"Wow!" She continued softly, as she took in the sights of the ancient city that lay out before her.

"Phil, come and look. Its amazing." (Y/n) called out, smiling at the hum of the city below. At the chaos of the crowd of tourists and traffic.

"What.........? Oh yeah, its great." Phil agreed without even making his way to the balcony. The senior agent too lost in something he had retrieved from his case.

"You know, Coulson. When someone tells you to come and look at something because it's amazing, most normal people actually come and look. But not you. Oh no, not you. I swear that you have no soul. That you really are just the company man. If I didn't know better, I would easily believe that you were a robot." (Y/n) scolded, as she made her way back into the suite. Shaking her head, as Phil finally looked up from the thing in his hand.

"You know what, this room feels pretty claustrophobic. I think I'll go and get a coffee. And if anyone asks why I am downstairs rather than in the honeymoon suite pretending to do things that real honeymooners would be doing. I will be sure to tell them that it's because you are an asshole." She continued, grabbing her bag before making for the door, and slamming it behind her.


(Y/n) smiled, as the rather handsome waiter placed the coffee in front of her. The wink he gave her, bringing a surprising blush to her cheeks. The agent chuckling to herself, as she watched him walk away. The tightness of his trousers showing off his butt perfectly. The agent wishing that she had not come to Rome pretending that she was a married woman. But that was the thing, it was all pretend. And she had to remember that. As much as she wished that there could be something more to this trip than a mission, deep down she knew that there wasn't. Deep down, she knew that the only reason that Phil had asked her to be there, was because Nick had said that she would be the best for the job, and nothing more. She knew that it was wrong for her to talk to Phil as she had. That it was unprofessional. To expect him to act all nicely, nicely around her when they weren't in public was a tall order. To expect him to be as enthralled by their surroundings as she was, when his mind was probably completely focused on the mission. Impossible. He was the archetypal company man. A man that she was sure was born grumpy and middle aged. A man that had never married. Never had kids. (Y/n) having a feeling that when he had become an agent, he had in fact married himself to S.H.I.E.L.D. And despite how annoyed at him she was at that moment, she couldn't help but think that that was a shame. That given how she had seen him interact with other agents; he would have made some lucky woman a wonderful husband. And would have been a great dad.


Phil watched, as the door slammed behind (Y/n). He knew, that despite the fact that the two of them were only really in Rome on a mission, he should try and be a little more attentive. That was after all why he had asked her to partner him. That he shouldn't get so involved in his own thoughts. That pretending to be a married couple was their cover story, and they had to make it look good until Hydra made their move. And maybe, if he could stop being, as (Y/n) had put it, an asshole, for longer than five minutes, there could be something a little more real about this situation. For a moment he had been annoyed. Believing that she wasn't taking all this seriously. But in reality, he knew that she was. That when the moment came, she would become the amazing agent, the agent that the director was talking about moving to become an Avenger along with Barton and Romanoff, he knew that she was. And it was about time that he cut her some slack. That it was about time he showed her that there was another reason that he had wanted her there.

With a sigh, Phil slowly got to his feet and made his way over to the balcony. A small smile pulling at the corner of his lips, as the afternoon sun kissed his cheeks and he looked out over the view. A soft 'wow' leaving his lips as he stared out at the ancient city. At the hustle and bustle that filled the streets. The senior agent now able to see that (Y/n) had been right. That it was amazing.

Quickly, Phil raced back into the room and grabbed the key. The door closing behind him, as he made his way to find (Y/n). Determined to act more like the husband he was supposed to be pretending to be. The husband that he wished he could be.


"Left." A voice came. (Y/n) rolling her eyes, as she looked up to see Phil. A groan leaving her lips, as he took a seat next to her.

"What........? Left, what?" (Y/n) replied with a huff. The agent deciding that her cappuccino was far more interesting than Phil.

"I'll take the left side of the bed." The senior agent continued. Yet another small smile pulling at his lips, as (Y/n) suddenly looked up. The younger agent appearing a little flustered.

", so you've decided that that sofa isn't for you, huh? Well, who said that I am willing to share my bed? I offered, and you turned me down. So, what makes you think I am going to surrender half that bed now that you have changed your mind?" (Y/n) managed to enquire, as she shook the shock from her mind. Turning her gaze back to the coffee in her hands, in hopes that Phil wouldn't see her own smile.

"Well............If you don't want me to." Phil replied, as he got to his feet. His heart pounding quicker, as (Y/n) caught his wrist.

"No. No. It's ok. I prefer the right side of the bed anyway. And it would seem like a shame to waste the other side. So, you might as well take it." (Y/n) quickly retorted. Smiling as Phil offered her his hand.

"Then what say we go back to the room. I don't know about you, but I would really like an early night." Phil added. (Y/n) forgetting all about her coffee, as she accepted his hand, and allowed Phil to take her back to the room. The younger agent hoping that this new, pleasant demeanour that Phil seemed to have suddenly acquired, would stick around for a while.

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