Play with fire - Gotham - Part 12 - Victor x Reader

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Jim suddenly found himself spun around. A pair of soft lips connecting with his. The detective's eyes widening, as he realised that the kiss was coming from (Y/n).

"Morning handsome." (Y/n) said cheerily, as she finally pulled away from him.

"Hey! What's going on? Why are you kissing him......?" Harvey interjected, as Jim did his best goldfish impression. His mouth opening and closing without a sound coming out.

"Its ok, I have one for you too." (Y/n) replied, as she made her way over to Harvey and took his face in her hands. Her lips crashing into his with the same zeal as they had Jim's.

"Not that I am complaining, (Y/n), everything ok?" Jim finally managed to ask, as the female detective finished kissing a very happy Harvey.

"Of course, everything's ok, Jim. Why wouldn't it be? The sun is out for once, the birds are singing and get to work with you two. How could life get any better? Now if you will excuse me, I need to go and see Ed." (Y/n) explained. A huge smile spread across her lips, as she gave the pair a wave and disappeared towards the labs.

"The sun is shining; the birds are singing..........? I don't know what happened to (Y/n) last night, but I for one am quite happy it did. Whatever side of the bed she got out of; she should do it more often." Harvey chuckled. Shaking his head as he watched the door close behind her. Jim finding that he couldn't disagree. That he was certainly not averse to being kissed like that by (Y/n) any time she liked. Neither man sure why she was in such a great mood, but whatever it was, it had just made their day. The pair knowing that it would all be down hill after that kiss.


"Morning Ed." A happy voice called out. The forensic investigator looking up from the microscope in front of him. Ed's smile nearly as broad as (Y/n)'s, as she made her way over to him.

"Morning, (Y/n). everything alright............?"

"Why does everyone keep asking me that? Everything is fine. I'm a good mood that's all. You would think it was a crime.............."

"I'm sorry, (Y/n). I didn't mean............."

"There is nothing to be sorry for Ed. I just feel happy. I know that's a bit weird for Gotham. But occasionally it does happen. And I just thought I would come and see you. Just thought I would say thank you.........."

"Thank me........? For what.........?"

"Oh, you know. For all your help. For letting me bug you while you work. For not getting annoyed by my silly questions. And just...........well, just being you." (Y/n) told him. Ed fighting back the blush that was creeping up onto his cheeks. Pushing his glasses back up his nose.

"For being me.............?"

"Yeah. For being you. The crazy, mixed up, riddling you." (Y/n) clarified, as she reached up and placed her hand on Ed's heated cheek. The forensic investigator finding himself moving forward. Closing his eyes as he felt her lips against his. Ed sure that being himself had never resulted in him getting a kiss before. But he wasn't about to question the moment.

"I should let you get back to work. I only came to see how you were. But maybe, if you're working late, we could have takeout together again tonight." (Y/n) said, giving the stunned Ed the same little wave as she had given Jim and Harvey before she had left them. The female detective making her way out of the lab. Ed's words following her, as the door closed behind her.

"I'd like that.............."


(Y/n) made her way back through the precinct, ignoring the confused stares as she went. Taking a seat at her desk that was piled high with case files. Okay, she knew that she shouldn't be so conspicuously happy. Happy wasn't a normal thing in this city. So, it probably did appear a little strange to everyone. But how could she not be? Bullseye had given her something that she had waited so long for. He had allowed her to punish Victor. Her alter ego making the assassin suffer. Leaving him a bloodied mess on his bedroom floor. Allowed her to take out some of the frustration that had built up over the long years of planning. The gratification of seeing the feared Victor Zsasz snivel as he held himself tight, greater than anything that she had ever experienced. An experience, she was sure would only be toppled by the moment that Victor finally realised who and what she was. Seconds before he realised his mistake, and a bullet lodged itself between his eyes.

Deep down, (Y/n) knew that she was still so much like Victor. Despite all the changes she had made to her appearance and life, she and the assassin would always be two peas in a pod. After all, that was what had made them so good together. That was what had drawn her to him in the first place. A kindred soul. A boy that enjoyed the same mayhem that she had done. A man that enjoyed the death of others, with equal vigour. Yet that continued similarity. The fact that she was as much of a killer as he was, did not alter her plans for what was to come. Didn't mean that she wasn't going to enjoy seeing his carcass dragged back into the precinct. This time in cuffs. The large bag full of his guns that sat in her apartment just waiting for the right crime to be committed. Just waiting to find themselves at a crime scene. But all that could wait. For now, she would continue to enjoy the thrill that punishing Victor had given her. She would continue to make Bullseye the scourge of the assassin's life. She would continue to make him suffer.


Victor grunted, as he did his best to move. Pain pulsating through his body, as he pushed himself from the floor. He hated, really hated to admit that this Bullseye had outsmarted him. That he had been bested in everyway possible. And he had a terrible feeling that the meeting the night before, would not be the last. Thought if he could just get through the rest of the day, he was determined that the next time, he would step up his game. That he wouldn't allow a beautiful face to cloud his mind as it had done. But he still had to make it through today. And given how he currently felt, he wasn't too sure he would.

Admittedly, he had been injured before. In his line of work, and no matter how good he prided himself on being, it was an occupational hazard. But this, what Bullseye had made him endure, was like nothing he had experienced. The new killer on the block, only leaving when Victor had embarrassingly pleaded for him to stop. Bullseye letting out a mocking laugh before one last kick had landed. The world around him fading to black.

Slowly, very slowly, Victor struggled to his feet. His vision blurred. One of his eyes so swollen that it refused to open. He wasn't a doctor, but he didn't need to be to know that more than one bone was broken. That all this would take time to heal. But he had to see the full damage. He had to see the state that he was really in. The assassin wishing that he hadn't bothered, as he managed to get to a mirror. Victor dropping back to the floor, as he saw how bad things actually were. The assassin knowing that he couldn't be seen in public until he was back to normal. And he couldn't have it known that he had had his ass handed to him by Bullseye. Victor not sure that even his reputation could survive that. 

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