Rasputin - Part 6 - Bucky x Reader

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Apologies for my absence. A stay in hospital has kept me from working. But now I am home, I hope to make up for things. Given the current climate, I wasn't sure whether to continue with this story. Whether or not I should change the name. But as this is my universe. As this is fiction. I thought that you were all intelligent enough to not associate the name this story with anything that is going on in the world at the moment. So, please don't hate me. And I hope you enjoy.

"Rasputin!" A voice came. Its gruff tone quite familiar to the sleeping woman.

"Rasputin! Wake up!" The voice came again. This time harsher. More demanding. This was not a request. It was an order, and she knew it. Her eyes slowly opening to see the face of the older man that she had come to know so well. A face that she had come to hate. The white coat clad creature slowly circling her, as she sat, strapped to machines. Now more for his own safety than anything else.

"Good..........Soon you will be back with your friends. Soon they will welcome you back into their arms. Soon the Avengers will be brought to their knees. None of them suspecting that it will be by one of their own. That it will be the lost sheep that has so miraculously been returned to the fold, that will be their downfall. I must admit that I never thought that we would be able to break you. You are as strong as you are beautiful, Rasputin. As deadly as you are intelligent. And despite the love that you have for your fellow heroes, unlike the Winter Soldier, such sentiment will not turn you from the path. Love will not pull you from the reach of Hydra. From my reach. You are my greatest creation. Colder and more emotionless than your predecessor. A true femme fatale. A true agent of Hydra. Your own abilities only enhanced by my genius." The man told her. A thin smile spreading across her lips, as he looked at the seemingly empty, dark eyes of the motionless assassin.

"Now.........tell me what you fear..............?"

"I fear nothing..............." Came the impassive reply from the woman.

"Good. And whom do you care for.............?"

"I care for no one............." The assassin continued. The older man letting out an amused snort at the answer. Remembering back to when she had first been brought to him. The doctor sure that it had been her love for the others on the team that had kept them from breaking her for so long. That despite how many times they had tried to use that weakness against her, not once had she truly been fooled by the images that they had put into her head. By the images of the deaths of her friends. Yet no matter how many times she had spat at them with her usual venom. No matter how many times she had fought against the restraints. Screaming as they had put the latest serum into her bloodstream, telling them that she would rather die on her feet, than live on her knees, as puppet of Hydra. Eventually, even the strongest can be brought down. And even though it had taken them two years to break her, break her they had. And now she was perfect. Now she would do what the Winter Soldier never could. Now she would bring down the only thing that stood between Hydra and power. She would bring down the Avengers.

"Excellent. Now.......... sleep my dear. And when you wake, you will be back with your friends..........." The older man told her, as the machine underneath her, moved her body into a reclined position. The assassin closing her eyes again, as the world once more turned black.


Bucky nearly toppled off his chair, as (Y/n) almost jumped from the bed. The old soldier sure that her gut wrenching yell would have been heard throughout the entire compound. The Winter Soldier staring wide eyed at the sweat drenched, shaking, terrified woman, before quickly moving to the bed, and pulling her into his arms. Doing his best to reassure her that she was okay. That she was now safe. That he would never let anything happen to her again.

When he had left the two idiots in the common room, sick of listening to tweety pie and the roadrunner blame one another for what had happened to (Y/n). He had made his way to the medical bay, determined to make sure that she was alright. He was well aware that he knew better than anyone what horrors Hydra were capable of. What kind of a nightmare (Y/n) had probably had to endure for the last two years. And he wanted to tell her that she wasn't alone. That he would always be there to help her. That together they would be able to help one another cope with what they had endured.

Bucky couldn't help but smile, as he had walked into the room after getting the green light from Bruce. As he had seen (Y/n) smile back at him. The soldier sure that she hadn't aged a day since he last saw her, even though he was sure that she had been through so much. Bucky sitting quietly as he had listened to her talk. As she had told him what she could remember of her ordeal. The sergeant sure that with time, more would come to her mind. That the worst memories would eventually come back to haunt her. The soldier promising to be there for her when they did. So, after they had spoken. When (Y/n) had told him that she felt sleepy. Bucky knew that it would be best to stay with her, just in case now could be one of those times for a memory to hit. And now, as he held her tight. As he felt her violently tremble against him. It seemed obvious that one of those memories had come to call. That he had been right to stay.

"Hey. Its ok. You're safe, I promise. Whatever it was. Whoever it was. I won't let them hurt you again." Bucky reassured. His heart breaking as he listened to her sob. As he felt her fingers grip tightly to his t-shirt. Doing his best to hear what she was trying to tell him, as her face buried itself into his chest. Neither Avenger noticing that Steve had just entered the room. Bucky only realising that his old friend was with them, when he heard a cough.

"I know that this isn't the moment...........But............you need to come and see this Buck." Steve told Bucky, as he made his way over to his friends. Taking a seat next to (Y/n). Doing his best to ignore the unhappy look in Bucky's eyes.

"Yeah, you're right. It ain't the moment. What's so important that it can't wait...........?"

"Nat found something in the intel we got from the computers at the base where we found (Y/n). We need you to come and look at it." Steve explained. The captain taking (Y/n)'s hand, as she finally pulled away from the sergeant's arms.

"Its ok, Bucky. I'll be fine. If it's something that could help against Hydra, then you need to see it." (Y/n) told him, as she brushed the tears from her eyes. Doing her best to smile at the two men.

"Okay, (Y/n). But I'll be back as soon as I can." Bucky assured. He and Steve making their way to the door. The sergeant having no idea what information Nat could have found. But if it was anything to do with the person or people that had taken (Y/n), he wanted to know. And he knew that he wanted to make them pay.   

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