The talking dead - Part 4 - Hank McCoy x Reader

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"Bad news certainly gets around this place quick." Logan huffed, as he came to stand by the professor's side. Hank looking like he was ready for a fight, and the rest of the amassed X-Men not appearing too happy either. The word that the Avengers were coming to the mansion and had need of (Y/n)'s abilities had spread like wildfire through the school, prompting the others to agree with Hank that none of this was a good idea. That the Avengers were perfectly capable of getting themselves out of trouble. And that they hadn't saved (Y/n) from one kind of hell, to have her put back into another. Another that she didn't have to go anywhere near.

Logan had to admit that he wasn't too keen on the idea that (Y/n) was being called upon to use her gifts, either. He had seen the rat infested stinking hole that her last captors had held her in. He had heard her stories. Experienced the terrors that would bring her soul back, kicking and screaming to this world. The woman that existed between the living and the dead, often resting her mortal form in the large feral's room whenever Hank was called away to a conference or meeting that he couldn't avoid. The terrified look on her face, as her soul was dragged back from its own plan, instilling in the usually unflappable Logan, a fear that he had never known before. Logan finding himself hoping that when his time finally did come, that he wouldn't be taken to the same place that so many that (Y/n) spoke to, were taken.

"(Y/n) okay with this?" The large feral enquired. The grunt from Hank letting Logan know that as far as the doctor was concerned, none of this was alright with him.

"If she wasn't, they wouldn't be landing, believe me. But if I had my way, Banner and the others could just continue on back to their compound, and deal with their problems, themselves." Hank grumbled. A low growl emanating from deep inside his chest, as the Quinjet came into view. The doctor knowing that the proximity of the unwelcome visitor, would already be affecting (Y/n). That the heat of the dark infernos would already be licking at her skin. The smell of sulphur filling her nostrils, as the screams of the damned, called out her name.

"Hank. Please. I don't like this any more than the rest of you. But (Y/n) wants to help. She wants to do all she can to assist with the Avengers endeavours against Hydra. (Y/n) knows what she is doing. She knows what she has to face. All we can do is be there for her when she comes back to us. All you can do is be there for her, now." Charles interjected, as he looked up at the doctor. Hank reluctantly nodding in agreement, as the Avengers jet landed on the pad in the grounds. The engines slowly whining to a stop, before the back of the plane opened up and the team made their way out.


"Well, that's one hell of a reception." Tony coughed uncomfortably, as he and Bruce made their way out of the Quinjet first. The rest of the team following closely behind. Bucky and Steve gripping hold of the handles of the body bag and carrying the unwanted passenger out into the light. Not one of them liking the look on the faces of the waiting mutants. None of them needing to be able to read minds, to know that they weren't the most welcome that they had ever been.

"What the hell kind of situation have you brought us into, Bruce? Who is this someone that you know?" Clint asked, as he joined the doctor and Stark. The archer not really in the mood to have to start fighting against people that could manipulate the weather. Emit an optic blast from their eyes. That had a skeleton encased in an adamantium shell. And, if pissed, could eviscerate him with just one swipe, amongst other things. Call him old fashioned, but he liked his internal organ to remain just that. Internal.

"We are here to see someone very special. She and her mutation are unique even amongst all these unique people. And the frosty reception is really nothing personal, Clint. Its just that they know what our request for help is going to mean." Bruce replied with a heavy sigh. The doctor already knowing that Hank was not going to be pleased to see him.

"Bruce. Mister Stark. Captain Rogers." Charles greeted. Shaking the three men's hands and nodding respectfully at the rest of the team.

"Professor. Thank you for letting us come. I know that it was a lot to ask........"

"Yet you still asked it, Bruce." Hank interrupted, as he stepped forward. The others not quite sure what to do, as the big, blue beast growled under his breath. Charles placing his hand on Hank's arm, doing all he could to ease his friend's mind. Only to find that the doctor would not be deterred from having his say.

"You know what all this will do to (Y/n). What just having that body here will mean. How could you............"

"Hank, stop!" A soft voice called out. All eyes turning to see the owner of the said voice, make her way out to join them. Not one of the Avengers able to believe the sight that greeted them. All of them sure that they had never seen anything that looked like the woman that had just taken the doctor's hand.

"Don't blame Bruce. I agreed to help. If you want to be angry with someone, be angry with me." (Y/n) said. Her hand reaching up and delicately stroked Hank's cheek. The Beast knowing that he could never be angry at his beauty.

"Everything is going to be alright, Hank. I promise. I know what I'm doing. I wouldn't have agreed to help if I didn't think that it wasn't important." (Y/n) explained, as she placed a kiss to the doctor's lips, before turning to look at Bruce and the rest of the Avengers.

"It is so nice to see you again, Bruce. It has been far too long. And even nicer to finally meet the others. Hopefully I will be able greet you all a little better once I have spoken to your friend in the bag. For now though, may I suggest that you bring him inside. Oh, and if you could refrain from banging his head any more than it already has been, it would help a great deal. He will be dazed and confused enough as it is. Another knock to the head, and I might not get any sense out of him before they come for him." (Y/n) explained. The amassed Avengers staring at Bruce, as the strangely, and hauntingly beautiful woman turned and headed back into the mansion. Bruce really unable to do anything other than shrug in response, before he followed after (Y/n) and the X-Men.

"Well, you heard her, Rogers. No more banging his head." Tony commented, as he looked over at the captain and sergeant, before realising that there was little point in hanging around on the well-manicured lawns of the school like a bunch of odd garden ornaments. The billionaire deciding that the best, and only thing they could do, was follow after Bruce and the mutants. The once highly dubious Tony, now really wanting to know more about the exquisite mutant that had been dubbed "Necro". And more about what was going on with her and the big, blue, fuzzy guy.   

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