A voice on the line - Part 4 - Gotham - Riddler x Reader

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"I.........hello." (Y/n) finally said, as she cautiously made her way further into the space. Her heart fluttering, as The Riddler smiled at her. It was a sort of funny smile. Lopsided even. Yet (Y/n) was sure that it was the most wonderful thing that she had ever seen. The nicest smile that anyone had ever smiled. It was a smile that would make you want to smile yourself. A smile that made you want to laugh. A smile that drew you to a person. And (Y/n) couldn't help but feel drawn. She couldn't help but want to smile back.

"I.......I'm (Y/n)." (Y/n) added. Instantly scolding herself for sounding so stupid. Of course, he knew who she was. Who else in their right mind would make their way through Gotham's dark and dangerous streets, at this time of night, and walk into an abandoned fair, before just popping into a broken down ride where a crime boss would just happen to be waiting? No one but the person that said crime boss had arranged to meet.

"Sorry. Of course you know I'm (Y/n).....I, er. Sorry............." (Y/n) continued. Once again scolding herself, but this time for rambling. Her cheeks suddenly beginning to heat up, as an embarrassed blush creeped up onto her face.


As he had made his way to the fair that night, Riddler really hadn't known what to expect. It was true that (Y/n) had described herself to Ed. That she had described her hair. Her eyes. Her nose. Ed taking in the information, and his mind filled in the blanks. Yet what he was greeted by, was a very different sight. A sight like nothing that even Ed's mind, could ever have come up with.

In the beginning when Ed had first called the number, he hadn't really known what to expect. It was something that he had never done before. And wouldn't have been something that he would have ever thought he would find himself resorting to. Yet, he had needs, just like everyone else. And even thought his fantasies about Kristine, and the stash of porn that he hid under his mattress, had kept his desires and needs sated to some extent. There was always something missing. A warmth. A sweet voice saying his name. A loving tone. Despite his feelings for Kristine, a real girlfriend seemed to have never come along. And one of the many ladies of the night that walked the city streets, was something that had never really appealed. Well, that, and even if he did have the money to pay them for their services, he would probably have just come out with one of his riddles and confused the poor woman no end. So that was why Ed had called the line. And once he had heard (Y/n)'s voice, he knew that he would have to keep calling. That he would always have to ask for Candy.

Riddler had to admit that once Candy had told Ed her real name. Once they had got to know one another. Ed had sort of felt guilty for pleasuring himself after they had either spoke, or even during their conversations. But the way that she said his name so lovingly, had made it impossible for him not to. Ed imagining that his beautiful voice on the line, was in the room with him. That she was underneath him on his old bed. That she was whispering his name into his ear, as she showed him how to love. But now, Riddler wasn't embarrassed that his mind was filled with the same thoughts that Ed had had. Now the short red dress, and black heels that she was wearing, were doing the wonderfully terrible things to his body. And he couldn't help but want (Y/n) now, more than he ever had done before.

"I.........hello." (Y/n) suddenly said, as she cautiously made her way further into the space. Riddler feeling his heart fluttering, as she smiled at him. It was a sort of lopsided smile. Perhaps even slightly crooked. Yet Riddler was sure that it was the most beautiful thing that he had ever seen. The nicest smile that anyone had ever smiled at him. It was a smile that would make you want to smile yourself. A smile that made you want to laugh. A smile that drew you to a person. And the feared criminal, couldn't help but feel drawn. He couldn't help but want to smile back.

"I.......I'm (Y/n)." (Y/n) explained. Riddler unable to stop himself from chuckling slightly at her statement of the obvious. The once forensic scientist, not sure who else but voice on the line, would come to such a strange place, at such a strange hour.

"Sorry. Of course you know I'm (Y/n).....I, er. Sorry............." (Y/n) continued. The butterflies in Riddler's stomach, seeming to flit wildly, as an embarrassed blush creeped up onto her face.

"It's nice to meet you at last Ed......Riddler. Though I must admit that you're not what I quite expecting to see."

"Is that a good or bad thing?" Riddler enquired, as he made his way over to her.

"Well, good, really. I was sort of expecting you to be.......to be in your suit and hat. Which I really hoped that you wouldn't be. Not that I don't mind your suit and hat, it's just more that I wanted to see the man beneath that façade. The real man. The man that wasn't just the criminal. So, it's nice to see you like this. And you do have such a lovely face. You told me all sorts of things on the phone. Part of me was expecting, from the way that you described yourself, that I would find myself confronted with the likes of Joseph Merrick. But, that is most certainly not the case. Personally, I........I think that you are very handsome." (Y/n) explained. Another blush kissing her cheeks, as Riddler moved even closer. The flicker from the multitude of candles dotted around the space, seeming to dance in his eyes.

"I must confess that you are not what I was expecting either. I had imagined that an angel would come around the corner. Yet instead, I find that I have a goddess gracing me with her presence. Perhaps even Aphrodite herself." Riddler replied, as he took her hand and kissed her knuckles gently. (Y/n) gasping slightly at his word. Positive that no one had ever said anything like that to her before.

"Please, will you come and join me?" Riddler enquired, as he gestured over to the table and chairs.

"I know that Ed wanted to take you somewhere a little nicer. That this isn't the first place that I would have chosen to meet you, (Y/n). But I hope that you will allow me to show you that even a place like this, filled with all its horrors, can have a charm of its own." Riddler added, as he escorted, he over to the waiting seat. Pulling out the chair and waiting for her to sit.

(Y/n) could now hear the difference between the two personas of the man that she had got to know. Ed was a little tentative. Always asking for permission. Always apologising for things that he had said. Yet The Riddler sounded far more confident. Eloquent. It more than obvious that he knew what he wanted. And if the look in his eyes was any indication, then (Y/n) knew that he wanted her. And this could turn out to be a very interesting evening.  

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