Failure to communicate - Part 3 - Phil Coulson x Reader

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Phil pulled up outside a rather nice house, in one of the best parts of Buffalo. Not sure that he should be surprised at the fact that (Y/n) would live in such a place. He knew from her file that her parents had both been scientists that worked for the government. Their work one of the reasons that they had both been killed. Her parents murder at the hands of Hydra, the reason that she had joined S.H.I.E.L.D, once she had graduated. The senior agent sure that the striking abode, had been (Y/n)'s childhood home. Yet it was not just the home that was impressing Phil. It was also the 1967 Mustang Shelby GT500 that sat proudly in the garage. Its grey and black paintwork catching the early morning sun. Phil sure that he had never seen anything like it, as he made his way up the driveway.

"Beautiful, isn't she?" A voice enquired, as Phil ghosted his fingers over the hood of the car. The agent turning on his heels. Watching as (Y/n) grabbed a cloth from one of the shelves in the garage and rubbed it over the roof of the automobile.

"My father bought her for me when she was nothing more than a shell. A rusty hulk that my mother wanted nowhere near the house. But every chance we got, he and I would work on her together. We did everything. Not a single part of her hasn't come with some blood, sweat and tears. Either my father's or my own. Eventually we turned her from a lump of metal, into the beautiful old lady that you see now. She is the most important thing that I have left from my father. And every time I take her for a drive, I remember all the good times that we spent together." (Y/n) explained, turning to place the cloth back on the shelf. Doing her best to discreetly wipe away the tear that was slowly trickling down her cheek. Phil feeling slightly taken aback. Knowing that that was exactly how he felt about Lola. That every time he sat at the wheel of the bright red Chevrolet Corvette, he felt that his father was with him. That he was smiling down on him.

"Is that really what you're wearing for the first day of our honeymoon, Phillip?" (Y/n) asked, as she turned around. Ushering the senior agent out of the garage and lowering the up and over door behind them. The whole thing secured at the base with a rather large padlock.

"Yes. Why?" Phil replied, as he looked down at his attire. Not catching the smirk on (Y/n)'s face, as she went to retrieve her luggage from the porch.

"Nothing. And that's the thing. I'm pleasantly surprised that's all. I had the worst feeling that you were going to turn up in an Hawaiian shirt, white socks and brown sandals. And if you had, I would have seriously had to question why I had married you." (Y/n) chuckled, as she handed him her suitcase. Her amusement growing as Phil grumbled at her comment.

"You do remember that this is a mission, don't you agent (Y/l/n)? What have you packed in this?" Phil grunted, as he heaved the heavy case into the trunk of the car.

"I haven't forgotten for one moment that this is a mission.........Phil. And given that we are supposed to be undercover as a happily newly wed couple, I thought that my new husband would like me to be suitably attired for the entire time. I mean I could walk around Rome in my usual work attire, but it might ruin the subterfuge a little. A pant suit doesn't really lend itself to thoughts of a romantic vacation. Now does it?" (Y/n) explained. As she stood patiently by the passenger side door, waiting for Phil to open it. The senior agent rolling his eyes slightly, as he did just that.

"Thank you, Phil." (Y/n) smiled. Placing a kiss to his cheek, before she got into the car. The agent shaking his head as he closed the door. His hand inadvertently reaching up to touch the place that she had she had just kissed. Sure, that he could still feel her lips linger.


The trip to the airport had been pretty quiet on the whole. Other than the two agents going over a few of the details of the mission, Phil and (Y/n) had been silent. In truth, it wasn't that they didn't want to talk. It was more that given the interactions that they had had recently, neither knew how to best start a normal conversation.

(Y/n) had really been fascinated to find out more about Phil. She knew that normally he didn't open up much. That even though he could be warm and compassionate to others, he was still a private man. And given that, it had been interesting to learn more about what made Phil tick. That there really was more to him than the company man that everyone thought he was. The whole thing resulting in (Y/n) finding the older man more endearing than she normally did. The dream that she had had about him the other night, sticking in her mind. Making it almost impossible to look at Phil without instantly turning beet red. The thoughts of what they had been doing together in her vision, still very vivid in her mind. (Y/n) choosing to turn her attention to the world that whizzed by outside her window. So that the senior agent couldn't see the colour in her cheeks.


Phil looked out of the corner of his eye. Watching as (Y/n) looked out of the car window. He had to admit that he couldn't help but be impressed. She looked quite beautiful. The light, short dress that she wore, in complete contrast to the formal suit that she wore in the office. The hair, that she always had in a high bun, now fell in waves over her shoulders. The fine strands kissing her cheeks, as the air con gently blew past them. The whole thing making his heart beat a little quicker. Phil sure that it was about to burst from his chest, as she had kissed him on the cheek.

The senior agent had been fascinated to find out more about (Y/n). To find out more than just the facts about her parents. More than the knowledge that Fury and they had been friends. More than what he saw in the office. Seeing the car in the garage, just adding to all the wonderful things that he had learnt about her. All the things that he had learned made (Y/n), (Y/n). And he had to admit, that she was truly captivating. That even though there were a number of years different between the pair, they both had more in common than he would ever have thought. Phil hoping that on this mission, he would somehow be able to make up for the way that he had been towards her. That somehow, and at some moment, he would be able to tell her that it had been his terrible attempt at pushing her away because he cared about her. Because he thought that she could do so much better than an old man like him. Yet he was beginning to rethink that. Beginning to think that perhaps they were in fact, made for one another.

He couldn't help but recall the rather vivid dream that he had had about her the night before. The rather........intimate dream that he had had. How he had woke and reached out his arm in hopes that he would still find her naked form in his bed. The agent finding himself wondering whether the reality could be as wonderful as his dreams.

"Are you ready for this?" Phil suddenly asked, as he finally realised that he was making his way into the airport parking lot. The senior agent finding a suitable spot to pull up, before climbing out of the car and making his way around to open the passenger side door. (Y/n), taking the hand that he had offered.

"More than ready. And believe me, by the time that this mission is over, I'll deserve an Oscar." (Y/n) replied. Watching as Phil made his way to the trunk. The agent sure that not all of what happened between them on this mission, would be acting. Well, not on her part, anyway. 

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