An old adversary - Part 9 - Tony Stark x Reader

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Tony finally made it to (Y/n)'s building. The billionaire sure that even given the lateness of the hour, the journey between his tower and the apartment building within which (Y/n) resided, had taken him much longer than it should. He had tried to call Watson back, as he had made his way through the concrete canyons of the city. He had asked F.R.I.D.A.Y to do the same thing. But all either of them had got was silence. The call never seeming to connect. The AI attempting to contact every other number that she had for the professor. All efforts ending in the same way as the call.

Pulling into the underground garage, Tony bailed out of the car, racing to the elevator. Banging on the door, as the mechanism appeared to be refusing to move after he had jabbed at the button. If he had been thinking straight, he would have gone for one of his suits. Sure, that the journey would have been much quicker than the drive. But given that he couldn't help but blame himself for what could currently be happening in the penthouse suite. For having her tell him about what had transpired between her and the Winter Soldier, the last thing he had been thinking, was logically.

Suddenly, the elevator let out a sharp ping. The light above flashing on, as the doors opened. Tony jumping in and smashing the button for the top floor. Praying that the trip would be quicker than the wait. He had to admit that he wasn't sure what to expect. Though given the words and the sound in Watson's voice, he had a feeling that it wasn't going to be good. He was sure that (Y/n) hadn't told him all the details of her interaction with the Soldier. That she had left out some of the gorier and darker details of that night. The true horror of what had transpired between her and the Hydra Assassin. And he couldn't blame her for that. But now it would seem that those memories had come back full force. The nightmare playing out all over again.

For a moment he had thought about telling Barnes exactly what (Y/n) had told him. About what had happened between the pair. But then he remembered that (Y/n) had asked him not to. That she didn't want the old soldier to feel guilty for things that he had had no control over. For things that he had been forced to do. Yet as he had made his way to the garage, Tony had thought about dragging Barnes from his bed. Thought about taking him along to show the soldier the damage he had done. But deep down he knew that it would achieve nothing, other than give (Y/n) another reason to be angry at him when she was back to her normal self again.

As another shrill ping from the elevator rang out, Tony found himself dropping to the floor, as he heard a gun shot ring out. His heart almost exploding from his chest, as he heard (Y/n) scream loudly. The billionaire not even wanting to imagine what was going on behind the door. But crawling along the floor, as an eerie silence fell over the scene.

Arriving at the door to the suite, he found it ajar. Tony's eyes growing wide he pushed it open a little further, and they fell on the inanimate form of Watson slumped in a corner. The hybrid cyborg staring blankly into the darkness of the apartment. Tony suddenly getting an awful sense that this was going to be much worse than he could have thought. Sure that (Y/n) would never harm Watson unless something bad was going on in her mind.

"(Y/n)?!" Tony finally called out, as he briefly looked Watson over. Moving to hide behind one of the large sofas as yet another shot rang out. The flash from the muzzle momentarily lighting up the room.

"(Y/n). Its me, Tony. You know, the irritating, arrogant, unbearable and idiotic man. That Tony." The billionaire called out again. Doing his best to sound jovial. Hoping that it would somehow diffuse the situation.

"The over privileged, silver spoon sucking, condescending, and bullying ass, Tony.............."

"Stay down, be quiet. He's here somewhere. He wants to kill me. He's already taken out Watson. He might kill you too..........." A weak, and obviously scared voice replied quietly. Tony shocked by how different (Y/n) sounded.

"Whose here, sweetheart...........?"

"Their assassin. The Winter Soldier. They've sent him for me again. Sent him to finish the job."

"No, sweetheart. Don't you remember Barnes? You know, Bucky. The grumpy soldier that you said that you like. He used to be the Winter Soldier. He used to be Hydra's agent. But not anymore. He's one of us. An Avenger, remember. You, Barnes and Rogers like having coffee in the mornings. All three of you sit at the same table, talking about God only knows what, looking like the three witches in Macbeth. Don't you remember that?" Tony replied, cautiously peeking his head around the edge of the sofa. His eyes managing to pick out a huddled dark form in the far corner.

"I...........I..........Barnes? But......but............."

"Yeah, that's right. Barnes. I promise you that no one is here other than you and me. No one is going to hurt you. I wouldn't let them. Now, I am going to move and turn the light on so that I can get a better look at you, ok? And all I ask is that you don't shoot me." Tony told her. Slowly getting to his feet and making his way back to the door. His hand searching the wall for the light switch. The sight before him more than he had expected, as the apartment was lit up.

The room appeared like a war zone. Furniture knocked over. Bullet holes in the wall. Broken glass littering the carpet. And there, sat in the very corner of the large open room, sat the reason for the chaos. A gun held firmly in her hand. A gun that (Y/n) was pointing right at his head.

"Hey! Hey! Its just me, see. I know that you probably want to shoot me, but I would appreciate it if you didn't." Tony told her. Holding up his hands. A sigh of relief leaving his lips, as (Y/n) let the weapon fall to her side.

Tony couldn't help be taken aback by (Y/n)'s appearance. It was obvious that she had been crying. Her face stained with tears. Her eyes swollen and red. Yet she also looked as though she had been sick for weeks. Her cheeks seeming hollow. Her form somehow thinner than it had been only hours before. Her skin appearing to have taken on a deathly shade of grey.

"Sweetheart, I'm coming over to you." Tony explained. His hands still firmly in the air, as he tentatively stepped through the carnage. (Y/n) eyes watching his every step.

"He's here, Tony. I know he's here. I heard him. I heard his breathing. He said my name. I heard the gun shots............"

"No one is here, I swear. Just you and me. The Winter Soldier, nor Hydra will ever hurt you again. I promise. Now, what say we go get you cleaned up, and back to bed." Tony continued, as he crouched down in front of the shaking professor. One hand slowly reaching for the gun. The other brushing some hair from her face.

"I was scared, Tony. I heard him. I know I did...............what have I done?"

"Yeah, I know, honey. And don't worry about any of this. By the time you wake up, all this will be gone." Tony promised, as he placed an arm under her legs. Carefully lifting her into his arms and making his way to find the bathroom.

"Promise me you'll stay..............?" (Y/n) asked, as she placed her arms around his shoulders and nuzzled her head into his neck.

"You have my word." 

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