The Ishtar's daughter - The Hobbit - Part 2 - Company x Reader

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The company had been watching as Gandalf and his daughter walked along together. The two conversing quietly with one another as they wound their way through the long expanse of grassland that stretched out before them. It was hard for any of the company to imagine that the wizard could have a child. Especially one so perfect. Yet here she was. In all her glory. The Ishtar's daughter.

"What do ya think they're talkin about?" Dwalin sniffed, as he walked alongside his brother and Thorin. Bilbo doing his best not to get under the large boots of the three dwarves as he rushed in front of the trio.

"I am not sure. Though I do find that I have a few things that I would like to ask her, myself. I know that Gandalf said that he has had her watch over us when he could not be with us. But I don't understand what he meant when he said that she works better in the shadows." Thorin replied to his friend. The prince finding himself more and more intrigued by the unusual, yet beautiful creature.

Suddenly (Y/n) came to a stop, Gandalf turning to look at his child, as the dwarves nearly barrelled into one another, behind them.

"What is it?" Gandalf asked, as he watched his daughter listen to the wind. As she sniffed at the air.

"Wargs and their rides, not far away. They will be on us soon.............." (Y/n) informed her father, before turning her attention to the dwarves.

"I would suggest that you all hide in the tallest grass you can find. The orcs are getting closer, and................"

"I ain't hiding. I don't hide, I fight." Dwalin interrupted, standing to his full height and pulling out one of his axes. Not liking the idea that he was being told what to do by a mere slip of a girl. Even if she was the daughter of a wizard.

"You will hide, master dwarf. . If you leave it to me, the orc won't know what has hit them." (Y/n) ordered, as she came up in front of the large dwarf. Dwalin huffing, as he looked between the indignant young woman, Gandalf and Thorin. Dwalin growling under his breath, reluctantly lowering his axe as Thorin gave him a slow nod. The dwarves racing through the grass to find the tallest clumps that they could.

"Are you sure...............?" Gandalf asked, as (Y/n) turned her eyes to the horizon.

"I'm sure. I just need one shadow............" The Ishtar's daughter replied, smiling as she saw the lone tree that stood proudly in the otherwise flat expanse. The sun high enough in the sky to cast the perfect shade.

"And there it is." (Y/n) chuckled. Giving her father a soft nod, before racing off to make her way to the tree. Gandalf quickly joining the rest of the company. The wizard finding a spot next to Bilbo, as the dwarves and hobbit looked at one another in disbelief. Watching as (Y/n) make it to the tree, and then seemed to disappear.

Bilbo blurted out, as he moved the grass around him to try and see if (Y/n) had just made her way to the other side of the tree. The hobbit not sure how someone, anyone, could just disappear into nothingness.

"Just watch............." Gandalf replied. Bilbo and the Dwarves hunkering down in their positions, as the wargs and their riders came into view. The company steeling themselves for the fight that they were sure was to come, despite the Ishtar and his daughter's confidence.

"Where are they? Where are the dwarven scum?" The group heard, as the orcs came to a halt. The wargs sniffing at the air for the scent of their prey. Thorin doing his best to hold Dwalin back. The would be king under the mountain finding himself wanting to see, just what (Y/n) could possibly be capable of.


"I know where they are." A soft, yet eerie voice suddenly said. The orcs snarling and grabbing their weapons at the sound of the female tone.

"But I don't think I will tell you?" The voice came again. The leader of the small orc group signalling for two of the others to alight their mounts. To search the grass for the owner of the voice, and then torture them until they gave up any and all knowledge that she may have of Oakenshield and his detestable brethren.

"In fact, I think that I will kill you instead." The voice called out for a third time. The orc leader's eyes growing wide, as the two that he had sent out, dropped to the floor. Their pitiful screams filling to air, as their last breaths left their bodies. The rest of the orcs and their mounts turning in confusion, as they looked for their assailant. Not one of the vile creatures noticing the dark form that jumped from shadow to shadow. The dark form that plunged her sword into the hearts of the snarling wargs. That pressed her blade to the throats of the shouting orcs. None knowing their life would end until their black blood flowed from their bodies. The scene only falling silent when the last of the wretched creatures lay dead. The dwarves' mouths agog, as they stared at the view. All of them knowing, that just like the orcs, they had seen nothing. The company just looking at one another, as (Y/n) suddenly appeared in the middle of the carnage. Rising like a dark mist from the shadow of one of the dead wargs.

"Gandalf........? What........? How..........?" Bilbo tried to ask again, as the Ishtar slowly rose to his feet. Gandalf smiling slightly, as he brushed down his robes.

"I told you that she worked better in the shadows, Bilbo." Gandalf replied. Offering a very confused hobbit his hand. The two of them making their way over to where (Y/n) stood wiping her blade clean of black orc blood. The dwarves staring at one another blankly, before deciding to join the wizard and the hobbit. All of them wanting to find out how the Ishtar's daughter could do such things.

"You see, master dwarf. It is as I told you. I can take out wargs and their riders without anyone else getting hurt. Without them even knowing anyone is there." (Y/n) told Dwalin. The big dwarf not sure whether to be impressed by whatever powers the female before him possessed or angered by the fact that he had missed out on a good fight.

"Now, I believe that we still have much of a distance to travel before the sun gets low. So, we better be on our way." (Y/n) continued, as she placed her black bladed sword back into its sheath and walking off as if nothing had happened. Gandalf chuckling and shaking his head, before following after his child. The company once again staring at one another in utter disbelief, before turning and racing after the father and daughter. All of them determined to find out more about what just happened when they made camp for the night.

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