Dragon Lover - The Hobbit - Part 4 - Smaug x Reader

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"I.......er........" (Y/n) began. Her eyes searching the great expanse of gold for the missing dragon, before turning her attention back to the tall, elegant looking man with dark strawberry blonde hair. Her heart skipping a beat, as he smiled a little.

"Um.......dragon. Biiiiiiiig dragon. Scaly.......Smoke.....Where? (Y/n) spluttered out. Knowing that she must sound like a complete idiot in front of the handsome stranger. But what else was she to do? When she had closed her eyes, the great fire drake had had his tailed wrapped around her. Smaug himself seeming to settle, as her words had drifted off into the ether. So, to now be faced by a man, and not a dragon, was something that she didn't expect. And given how many times she had read Tolkien's work; she was sure that she would have remembered if he had mentioned anything like this.

"Did not your Tolkien tell you of this?" The man asked, as he offered her his hand. (Y/n) looking between it, and his eyes. Eyes that looked strangely familiar. Eyes that she was sure that she could happily get lost in for the rest of time.

"Er.........I don't............think so." (Y/n) replied, as she took the man's hand and he helped her up. A bright blush coming to her cheeks, as she slid down the pile of shifting gold, and into his arms.

"You told me that you wished to see more of the Lonely Mountain, did you not? That you would like to explore the great halls, and it would be difficult for me to escort you in my true form. So, I thought that I would change." The man informed her, as he reached up and brushed some of her hair back behind her ear. (Y/n) staring in disbelief, as she finally realised what the man meant.

"You mean.........you mean that you're Smaug? But......but......How......?"(Y/n) managed to sort of ask, as the great dragon in his new form, helped her slowly down the slipping mountain of gold. (Y/n) letting out a sigh of relief, as she finally felt a solid surface under her feet.

"It is a little known ability of many dragons. Though most have lost the knowledge of how to undertake the transformation. Some say that Glaurung, the first dragon, was given the ability to change when he was created by Morgoth. That the first dark lord hoped that his creation would be able to walk amongst all those that had been created by Eru. That it would allow the dragon to cause as much havoc as possible. Lulling others into a false sense of security before he would reveal his true form and bring down realms from the inside. Other believe that it is some kind of curse. Though I must admit that I have always found it quite a useful ability. It allowed me to see many kingdoms and realms, before I felt the pull of the gold from his mountain." Smaug explained, as he offered (Y/n) his arm.

"Oh..........I didn't know that. And I am sure that I would have remembered if Tolkien had written about it. I mean, I would think that it was a quite important and interesting aspect of dragons. The fact that they could change. That they could look like................." (Y/n) began. Her reply ending, as she looked the dragon up and down. Not quite sure how she should describe him. It was true that he definitely didn't resemble a dwarf or a hobbit. That he was probably more akin to mortal man or an elf. He was as tall and elegant as she had always imagined the elves to be. But he was definitely more robust. More muscular than she had ever seen an ellon portrayed. Yet there was something remarkably different about him, that set him apart from either of those two races too. Something that if (Y/n) saw him walking down the street, would certainly cause her to notice him. For she was sure that she had never seen a man quiet as beautiful as the one by her side. That not even any of the handsome actors that had played her favourite characters could come close to his exquisite visage. The firedrake even outshining the man that had portrayed him.

"That look quite as lovely as you." (Y/n) managed to add. Another heated blush coming to her cheeks, as she realised what she had said. As she heard the dragon give an amused snort.

"You find this form pleasing?" Smaug enquired, as he continued to slowly lead her through the great halls. (Y/n) knowing that she should be looking at the great kingdom of the dwarves instead of him. But his appearance. The deep and seductive tone of his voice, and his gentlemanly manner, were making it quite impossible to do that.

"I........well........yes........of course; but I like your true form too. My friends always thought I was strange when I was growing up, because I would get lost in Tolkien's books. The book about you. I would tell them all about you. About how great you were. About how fierce and strong you were. And it got to a point that they began to call me the Dragon Lover. I think that thought that I would find it embarrassing. But in truth, I didn't, don't mind it. I don't see anything wrong in having you as my favourite. I mean, what is more wonderful than a dragon?" (Y/n) explained. Her blush growing even deeper, as Smaug turned to look at her. A breathtaking smile gracing his lips. A glow of a gentle flame dancing in his eyes. The dragon pulling her a little closer as they continued to make their way through the Lonely Mountain.

"Well, it would appear that you have excellent taste, (Y/n). I believe that I was right in allowing you to stay. Perhaps while you are here, you will be able to learn more about me, about dragons that you did not know. And in turn, you can continue to tell me about yourself and your world." The dragon replied. His fingers wrapping themselves delicately around her arm. Barely a chink of light between their bodies now, as they made their way further into the mountain.

"I think I would like that a lot." (Y/n) agreed. Sure that she was falling more in love with the dragon than she had been before. 

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