New family, new love - Twilight - Part 3 - Jasper x Reader

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(Y/n) slowly pulled apart the curtains. A soft, happy sigh leaving her lips, as she saw the bright moon hang heavily in the air. She loved the night. She felt safer in it. She always had. Even before she was changed, she had found that there was something comforting about it. Something reassuring. She knew that no one could find her in the dark. That one of her abilities meant that she could move in the night without being seen. That it meant that she could hunt. That her powers would be at their full extent now. And even if the wolves, the other vampires did want to come after her, they would never be able to find her.

Slowly, she made her way back over to the bed. She had spent all the rest of the afternoon just laying on the mattress. Her eyes closed, pretending to sleep. Not that she could have rested even if she actually needed to. Her ears picking up the sounds of the mice, nibbling at the drywall. Of the comings and goings in the rest of the hotel. The conversations of the mortals that also temporarily called the place, home. But now, most things were quiet. The mice were nesting peacefully. The human's either quietened down for the night, or out, probably at one of the local bars. So now, now she would dress and make her way out into the cold, clear air, and find herself something to eat. Then she would climb to the tops of the tall trees, and watch the stars.

Suddenly (Y/n) turned, as she heard something. The ping of the small bell on the desk in the reception area floors below. The sound of a soft voice. And a smell. The smell of vampire.


Jasper made his way into the hotel. Despite Alice and all the others reassuring him, he didn't feel comfortable. Not just because he could still struggle with the "vegetarian" lifestyle of the family. But also, because he wasn't sure that he was the best one to send to meet their visitor, despite his powers. That even though Alice had told him that this vampire would be important to him, he still believed that Carlisle, Edward or even Alice herself would do a better job at trying to talk to the lone vampire. To tell her all the things that she had told them. But he had agreed. He had said that he would do this. So, do this he would.

Slowly he walked up to the desk. Reaching out his hand and hitting the small bell on the countertop. Jasper smiling slightly, as an old man appeared from the back room. The pale haired hotelier looking over the top of his glasses at him.

"Can I help you?" The man enquired, as Jasper did his best to avoid the man's gaze.

"You had a young woman check in earlier today. I was wondering if you could tell me which room she was in? I'm a friend of hers." Jasper explained. The vampire sensing that the mortal seriously doubted that he was a friend.

"I'm sorry. No one checked in at all today. Perhaps it was one of the other hotels." The man replied. Suspicious that one of the locals would arrive out of the blue, when his new guest had informed him that she knew no one in the town.

"Please, sir. It is very important that I see her. I................."

"There isn't anyone here.............."

"Please sir, calm yourself." Jasper interrupted. The pale haired man's temper easing, as Jasper spoke softly.

"Her name is (Y/n). She is alone and could be in danger. I am simply here to speak with her. To make sure that she is alright. I mean her no harm whatsoever." Jasper assured, as he gave the man the name that Alice had told him.

"Well..........I suppose that it wouldn't hurt any seeing as I know you're one of those Cullen's boys. I know Doctor Cullen from the hospital, he's a good man. But if anything happens, be sure that it will get back to him. The young lady is in room 307, third floor." The old gentleman informed Jasper. The vampire nodding respectfully, before making his way to the stairs.

"Thank you, sir. And please don't worry, there won't be any issues." Jasper replied. Smiling again. The old man slowly making his way back into the small room that sat behind the reception desk.


(Y/n) quickly pulled on her clothes and heaved her bag over her shoulder. She could sense him more now. He was coming for her. The oddity finding it ridiculous that a coven would be so afraid of her presence in their town, that they would already send one of their number to come for her. To scare her off. But if her visitor thought that he could cause her any harm, then he was about to find out that he was very much mistaken. That if they were expecting to be able to run her out of town. Or worse, kill her, then they would quickly discover that she would not go down without a fight. She hadn't survived all these years without having learnt how to protect herself from others of her kind. Even the strongest ones of her kind. So, this one would be no different. No matter what their ability, he would find that she was greater.

Quickly she made her way to the window, opening it and looking outside. A three storey drop. It was nothing to a vampire. And it was definitely nothing to her. After that, the night would hide her. The forests and wilderness beyond would protect her. And despite that little voice in the back of her head that was continuing to tell her that she should stay. That now was telling her to wait and greet her visitor. She felt the need to leave. She would simply take a chance to feed, and then move on. Continue to roam as she always had done. The nomad. The oddity.


Jasper made his way to the stairs. He knew that it would seem more normal to wait for the elevator. But he knew that with just one leap, he could cover the three floors, and he would be able to get to the room quicker. He would be able to get to her quicker. He had found himself wondering why this lone vampire would dislike others of her kind so much. What had happened to her to make her not want to be part of a coven. Part of a family. Though what was he to say? He had become a nomad himself. Only settling once again, when he had met Alice and the Olympic Coven. Met his family. Yet unlike him, who had known the company of others of his kind, this vampire had always been on her own. From the moment she had been changed, she had been alone. She had never changed another. Never taken blood from a human. And given that, Jasper had to admit that he had found himself becoming intrigued. Much to Alice's delight.

With one leap, Jasper was on the third floor. Making his way out into the corridor, his eyes scanning the long hall for the room. He had been trying to feel something from the visiting vampire, hoping that he would be able to sense her emotions. Yet there was nothing. As if she could block his abilities. Though he did hope that in person, his charms would work. That he could persuade her that he meant no harm. That none of them meant her any harm, despite what she might think.

Quickly he made his way to the room, reaching out his hand to knock. Yet as he heard a noise from behind the ingress, Jasper found himself kicking in the door. His eyes falling on a form that was halfway out of the window. The body turning to take a brief look at him before hissing. Jasper's eyes meeting those of the escaping vampire. The ex-major of the Confederate Army finding himself unable to move, as she glared at him then jumped from the opening. Jasper sure that he had never seen anything as beautiful in his whole long life. And sure, that he had found his mate. 

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